99 cool messages to impress on social media

If it doesn’t work out, we try again, again and again. And if it doesn’t work out we get together wrong indeed.

Smile, just laughed. Calms the soul. If you spill, you love. Reread, get up. Breathe, and not pira.

For today: silly smiles, a quiet mind and a heart full of peace.

While some choose perfect people, I choose the ones that do me good.

I miss when my only fear was the dark. My only concern was my broken toy. And my only pain was the grated knee.

Happiness Diet: A portion of gratitude in the morning and another of prayer at dinner.

Being yourself is the most authentic thing that exists, look so much of people like the world!

I admire simple heart people … strong but not arrogant. Sincere but not offensive. Courageous but not inconsequential. That captivate a person purely. Who smile with heart and look at you with love.

There is no way to force love and no friendship, understand that!

The universe will always help those who dare dream!

Give a “Play” in life, a “pause” in good times, a stop in bad times and a “repeat” in the joys of life.

One of the best sensations of life is to make sure you can trust someone.

Trust who gives you confidence, love who gives you love, take care of who cares for you.

Value yourself. It’s free!

If a look is worth a thousand words, a smile is worth a thousand paragraphs.

Never spoil your gift for a past that has no future.

without haste. Without comma. No end point. No fight. No hurt. Painless. Only love, please.

collect moments, not things.

Forget the worst moments of your life and make the best become unforgettable.

Yesterday I was smart, I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, I’m changing myself.

Offer a flower for those who only have pain.

Do not accumulate what darkens the soul and yellow the smile. Accumulate what to perfume life!

The best gift you can give is a hug: it is unique size and no one will care if you want to return it.

less mi mi mi, plus ha ha.

When luck is missing, make attitude left. Bad luck is afraid of certain people.

Give those you love: wings to fly, roots to go back, and reasons to stay.

Love is the only madness of a wise and the only wisdom of a fool.

Smile is the best answer for a look.

It’s good to be someone’s good.

Learn: Some things don’t need an explanation, just thank you for having happened.

It’s chic to be good.

Who wants to see the rainbow, need to learn to like the rain.

I like people who hug. Embrace, strong, tight, tasty, willingly, almost crushing.

Forgive what can be forgiven. Forget what has no forgiveness.

and may our life be full of what makes us good.

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my candles to always reach my destination.

Regardless of the circumstances, don’t stop smiling!

Do not make older as before.

If it is to have a crisis, that is laughing.

May the good things multiply!

To live is not to wait for the storm to pass. Is learning to dance in the rain.

If you go wrong, we find a way. Break, we fix it. If it messes up, we fix it. And if all is over, we start over.

Happy the dogs, who for the Faro discover friends.

Honestly, I don’t have time to hate the people who hate me. I am very busy loving the people who love me.

Leave love and inspiration for the way you can go, someone may need.

Life is too short so we don’t say what you really feel.

May the wind move away from me everything that does not belong to me!

Blessed be our every day smile!

Ignore the imperfect past, ignore the gift full of defects, think, create a tomorrow your way.

Joy avoids a thousand evils and prolongs life.

They are born knowing how to love in a way that we take our entire lives to learn.

May happiness make us cat and shoe.

I believe that the meaning of life is making sense to other lives.

Life, before she laughed at you.

fell? Raise. It ended? Restart. And for all other things … Smile.

Happiness is finding the exit and wanting to stay.

I like what gives butterflies in my stomach, cold in the belly and a shine in the look!

The hug is the blanket that warms the heart when it is cold.

Smile … Because crying the nose!

Save anyone who wants, get lost who can.

When wrong people come out of your life, the right things happen.

If one day your reasons to smile are over, let me know that I give you mine.

Chocolate does not ask silly questions. Chocolate understands.

Preserve. Good people are being extinct.

It’s no use paying for Zen on the internet, but not even good morning to the porter.

people who have essence know what is essential!

Time cannot come back, just the desire to revive past moments that it never leaves.

Cultivate all people and the right will sprout!

Respecting animals is a duty of all. Love them is a privilege for the few.

cool people attract cool people.

Taking life seriously is not the slightest grace.

got lost, look. If it’s yours, hold. If it is bad, it is curated. If it’s true, jure.

Sometimes, the best we can do is to offer a candy for those who dare to bitter our day.

No more offspring, small details, fighting with point and comma. Write a new paragraph and will be happy.

May the past always be an experience and the future a dream that will be fulfilled.

When nothing is funny, smile that passes.

lovely words cost nothing, but are worth a lot.

No matter the question, love is the answer!

Solidarity is love in motion.

To perform great achievements, we must not only act, but also to dream; not only plan, but also believe.

All people in the world smile in the same language.

I like those who dream, but I love who does.

Discover the true meaning of things!

May your eyes always see the beautiful that exists in your neighbor.

Do not keep a grudge, save money to travel!

The memories we keep, the smiles the wind takes and the sadness we surpass.

The universe is the way you draw it.

I like the simple people who speak little and end up saying everything.

There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.

All winners have already had to hear from others that they could not achieve their goals. Always remember that!

harmless words can assault violently.

Start the day with a goal in mind and end it by doing what you planned!

A statement of truth comes when we least expect it: during a fervent difficulty.

Life defeats lead to the greatest victories.

has already noticed how beautiful is a friendship that comes from the heart? Not even the distance erases its shine.

Choose happiness every day and life will give you all that you merge.

I’m not afraid of anything, because I know that Jesus is by my side guiding me along the dark way.

Enter, every day, your desire to be happy.

One of the great disadvantages of hurry is the time it makes us lose.

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