40 messages from the countryside that exalt simple life in the countryside

Simple life in the garden is perfect in each of its characteristics! In this sense, proud of its origins is nothing more than wise and justified admiration. After all, the field is beautiful! Given this, we select quotes from the fields, certain that the one that best suits your lifestyle is among them. Check it out and share!

Perfect Garden Quotes for those who are proud of their origins

da Roça I came and I find my true self.

of garden, I understand very well. From the garden, I came. From the fields, I am!

the garden taught me to live and that’s where I want to stay until the day I die!

The garden is not for anyone, you need to have a country heart, a heart open to the simple but true.

Just talk about Roça we engage in a good prose!

I look at the moments that I already lived and fall in love even more with the fields.

In the field I grew up and it is in it that I will live for all my life!

I want to know is a garden and good weather! The rest leave it!

The best version of the human being is in the fields.

Nothing against those who grow up and leave the fields, but I don’t go out at all! In each dawn, reality is in the palm of the hand.

In the field fits the hearts of the big ones, the little ones we leave to town.

If the whole world were done with a garden, think of a world!

I am proud of the fields because every corner of her is also a corner of mine!

Even animals in the fields are happier!

I already thought about getting out of the fields, but it turns out that here I feel that much more people!

The garden is the most beautiful place in the world, cumpade, I have no doubt.

If who is born in the fields is rocieiro, know that I am one of the best rocks in this country, just!

Among all the housing possibilities in the world, I would still choose the fields.

We talk, sing and live in our way. The garden is about it.

Great Roça of the account that God put me!

I am proud of where I came from the garden I lived and who she became.

I do not give up my life in the fields because life in the fields never gave up me.

The city does not understand any thing of peace, real peace is only in the fields.

The good things in life are simple, those of the countryside, those that no city can produce the same.

To live in the fields is to live a different life, in a rhythm that, with great pride, I call my!

My heart chose the fields and she gave match! It’s about it!

It’s in the fields that I find Peace, that the smile comes light, that I am happy and nobody hurts me.

Live in the fields who have spirit for this!

I am too proud of being the fields, nothing more in this world is so proud of me!

In the field, the rooster sings to wake you up in a way that no alarm clock can.

Even faith in the fields is lived more intensely!

ô my dear saint, take care of your people here from the garden!

I like the simplicity of life, to live quietly and away from the rush.

I believe in the supremacy of the fields! That everything that goes out here is a little better!

The garden is too beautiful, no way, I’m the silly of lovers.

I’m going to meet happiness. I’m already going towards the fields!

The life of the garden is simple because we are too.

There is nothing more beautiful than a starry sky in the woods. Hey, good life this garden!

Me and animals have a good relationship. We grew up together in the fields where my heart was.

Do not confuse the simplicity of the garden with ignorance. Never!

Life, if lived in the fields, is more bunite, just! To match the perfect soundtrack, also check out forró quotes!

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