70 welcome messages to warmly welcome special people

At some point in your life you had to be welcomed somewhere. How did you feel? The first impression is always the one that remains, as well as the way we are treated. What’s more, it is the way we are received that make us comfortable and confident in being there or not.

Therefore, receiving someone is a task that requires care and attention. The guest, or anyone else and situation, needs to feel dear where he is. Simple attitudes can make person feel good and comfortable and one of them is wishing the welcome!

Do you need to receive someone but don’t know what to say? We can help you! This selection of welcome quotes will inspire you to receive anyone with love and motivation. Check it out!

Welcome quotes to work

Starting a new job in a new work environment, full of unknown people, is very difficult. Along with the insecurities of the profession itself, there is also the fear of not being accepted by colleagues or concern for judgments. The best way to deal with this is to show the person that they are welcome! A simple phrase can help right now, so we selected a list of welcome quotes at work. Check it out!

Thanks for choosing to wear the company’s shirt and be part of this family! We wish you welcome.

Welcome to our workplace! We hope it will become in your home for many years and find a second family in all of us.

Be very welcome to our workplace! May your professional experiences be as productive as the quality of life you will have here with us.

Here, while we built our career, we also build a family. Welcome to the company!

We wish you feel good among us, while finding opportunities and conditions to learn and grow. Welcome to the team!

You made a great choice by choosing us, and we made a wonderful decision accepting you on our team! Welcome.

Be very welcome to our work environment. We want you to feel comfortable and welcomed, thanks for choosing us!

Welcome! Feel free to grow, develop and most importantly: create roots and friendships here. We are looking forward to having you on our team!

We sincerely hope that your experience with us will be excellent and lasting. Feel well welcomed. We wish the welcome, many achievements and success in this new endeavor. Good luck and good work!

We want to wish you welcome and make you feel good about your new work environment. We are very happy to have you here with us!

Citations of welcome religious

To those who are religious, nothing better than receiving someone special in your home, or anywhere else, with all the love that God taught us to have. Wishing the welcome with the heart and humility, it is certainly the best way! Check out this list of religious welcome quotes and know what to say to your guests:

This home is blessed and we wish you welcome!

Welcome, brother! May the blessings of this place fall upon you too.

that God can bless you as He blesses this place. Welcome!

God brought you here, so be welcome!

Upon entering, leave out all bad feelings and only bring peace. Welcome to this corner blessed by the Lord.

Welcome here, just as we welcome Jesus Christ in our hearts.

Glad you came! May the grace of the Lord invade your soul and reassure you, be very welcome.

Welcome! Feel and enjoy the peace and tranquility given by the Holy Spirit in this place.

Welcome! It’s great to have you here with us and with the graces of Jesus.

Welcome, brother! May the peace of the Lord be with you.

Welcome quotes for students

After vacation, a new school year begins. For children and adolescents, it is certainly difficult to leave life of rest to return to studies. Therefore, it is more than important to motivate them to face another year, showing how they are getting closer to achieving their goals. If you don’t know how to receive your students, here’s a list of the best welcome quotes for students. Check it out:

school is your second home, respect it! We are with open arms to receive them!

The school offers you the opportunity to become everything you can be. Welcome to another step!

You will experience a sense of accomplishment by completing this school year. So have energy and determination to get there. Welcome to another school year!

School is just the first step of a long staircase that will lead you to success. Welcome!

Student, welcome to a new stage of your training, here we are to assist you on a journey towards learning and knowledge.

Here you will make friends and gain wisdom for life, enjoy! Welcome to another year, dear student.

Welcome to a journey towards knowledge, welcome to the school.

With each school year that begins and ends, you are closer to success … Enjoy all the knowledge you can acquire inside the school! Welcome!

courage and determination are our companions, use them in this academic year that is about to start. Welcome, students!

Today begins another step in your life, students. Welcome and enjoy everything the school has to offer.

Funny welcome quotes

Getting someone requires attention and care, but you don’t have to miss good humor! We can want a lot of things to be welcome in life, and for them there is no shortage of opportunities to make a joke. Check out this list of funny welcome quotes and have fun:

Welcome to the real world, where there are only adults who pretend to know what they are doing for life.

If you want to help, welcome. If you want to disturb, you will have to get the line.

Welcome, the Wi-Fi password is: the output is around.

Whatever it is, if it brings me beer is welcome.

In the land of funkeiro, bad words are welcome.

Welcome, but bring beer!

Welcome, just don’t notice the mess.

brought food? So come in, welcome! Didn’t bring? Take a half turn and get out of here.

Welcome plate from Brazil to foreigners: enter, but do not notice the mess!

Welcome, you can sit on the couch and stir on your phone.


Just like students and the community, teachers are essential in the formation of the school. They are the ones who view the numerous challenges of teaching without losing motivation! So with the beginning of another school year, nothing better than receiving them with energy and encouragement. For this, we made this selection of welcome quotes for teachers, check out:

Welcome, teacher. That this school year allows you to play and change lives for education.

Once the child learns to learn, nothing can strengthen your mind. The essence of teaching is to make contagious learning so that it contagies others. Welcome, teacher!

teachers, be very welcome. Another year begins and along with him the gift of changing lives through your teachings!

teachers, another year begins, welcome to your school.

We welcome all teachers and wish a school year of commitment and resignification of social and educational values!

Behind every adult who has achieved success, there is a dedicated teacher who taught her in childhood. Welcome to another school year, teachers!

It is with this spirit and love for education, that we welcome you teachers!

Who does the school are the students and the teachers. We count on you, teacher, for another successful school year. Welcome!

That in this beginning year we can promote necessary achievements and changes in the lives of our children. Welcome, teachers!

Educating is a gift conceived to those who have learned to donate. We wish all teachers welcome to another school year that begins.

Welcome quotes for friends

friends can go, but if friendship is true, they always come back! Receiving a friend requires attention and affection, whether at home, at work or at a party. We have selected a welcome quotes list for friends who will inspire you when receiving special people in your life, see below:

Welcome, friend! Feel free.

Welcome to our home, we expect to welcome you very well.

My house is also your home, my dear friend. Feel comfortable here!

Welcome, my dear friend. This home is also yours!

I wish welcome, I am very looking forward to your arrival and very happy for your presence! Be very welcome, friend!

Feel free to come to my house whenever you want, friend. Here you will always be welcome and received in the best way.

Welcome, friend! My house and my heart will always be open to receive it.

Welcome, friend! It is with great affection in the heart that I receive you.

What a wonderful day, just because you are here! We wish you the welcome, dear friend.

It is always a huge joy to have you around! Be very welcome, friend.

Welcome Quotes for Freshmen

Entry into higher education is a milestone in the lives of many young people. Faculty means more than continuing studies and is also the introduction to adulthood, freedom, new friendships and many experiences. With a new year that begins, how about receiving the freshmen of your institution in the best way possible? This selection of welcome quotes for freshmen will help you, check out:

Welcome to the best years of their lives, freshmen!

Everyone thinks that the best moments of our lives are going on while we are in school. But actually, when we enter college. Welcome, freshmen!

Welcome to the beginning of your first university school year, freshmen. Enjoy everything the university can offer during the years of graduation and go out to success!

freshmen, we welcome you. Congratulations on getting here, you are deserving!

All effort and dedication were not in vain. Willpower and the desire to study have brought them here. Welcome to college, freshmen!

The best years of their lives will also come with challenges. Are you ready for this new stage of life? Welcome, freshmen!

The years of most fun, also the years of greatest learning and growth. Welcome to the university, freshmen!

freshmen, we welcome you all. The university is available to accompany them on the way to success, enjoy!

Without study, success is not obtained. Take the most of the academic life and its wonders! Welcome, freshmen!

Welcome, dear freshmen. May the determination that brought them here today, continue with you throughout the undergraduate journey.

Welcoming with tenderness and love can make all the difference when receiving people, including motivating them. Now that you have a selection of welcome quotes to help you with this, it’s also important to keep the mood of positivity! So we made this list of positive quotes, check it out!

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