60 messages from mother to baby in the womb that show complicity and love

managing a child marks the beginning of a connection that will last for a lifetime. At this moment, mother and baby connect, know each other and develop together. Take advantage of this phase to talk a lot with the small one that grows in your womb. Check out quotes of mother to baby in the belly and say how you already love!

Baby mother quotes in the belly that celebrate the beauty of pregnancy

The family is growing and my belly too. I feel a mother from the first second of both of us!

I don’t mind waiting for you, because I know you need your time to be born healthy, my baby! I just want you to know how loved and expected, my son.

You have already changed so much here. It has taught me such a beautiful love. I know it will be difficult when you are born, but I can’t wait for it to happen.

I’m sure you are as anxious as I can know. My baby, you are already the most amazing thing that happened to me.

Here is born my love, my dream, my fulfillment: my baby!

My baby, know that I always want to respect your time, your wishes and who you are. We will be more than mother and daughter, we will be friends!

I am a mother from the first day I knew you grew up in me. I love you so much, my baby!

A little angel grows in me and I love talking to him on my belly, because I know he understands me!

Time is flying and you don’t stop reminding me, with each kick, that time is passing and soon I will see you. It’s so good to feel you on my belly!

I’m preparing everything for your arrival here and I want you to know the beautiful side of life!

What a beautiful thing the connection we are forming. Imagine how it will be when you are born!

In the first 9 months of your life, I will be your partner and, when you are born, I will be supported to realize your dreams until eternity.

a little seed grows on me and I never loved so much so small!

Dream hold you in my arms and make you feel all the love I already have for you!

I know you feel how much I love you and gives you kicks of joy to say you love me too!

I look forward to knowing your face and to have you in my arms, but it’s beautiful to grow you inside me.

My belly is your home for the time you need. I love you, my baby!

We have so much to live, but I want to focus on what we are living now. Grow in health inside my oven!

The miracle of life is forming in me. I already feel mother and mother of the most special being in the world.

The roll that is growing in me will take 9 months to get ready. It’s the time for it to come out perfect!

There’s a baby in my belly, my baby. Being your mother is everything I always dreamed!

I have so many dreams for us for when you are born. You have no idea everything we are going to live, my baby!

For those who always dreamed of being a mother, waiting for another 9 months will be quiet. I love you, my baby!

I didn’t even know there was a void in my heart of its size, my baby. I’m already very lucky to have you in my belly.

Each day more eager to see you arrive. I want you to know your second home, because the first is my belly.

In my thinking, I only love you, in my heart too. In my belly, you have every room to grow and develop. You complete me in an indescribable way!

What a beautiful thing is the pregnancy that prepares you for life, my baby. How good it is to create this bond inside me.

I know we already know each other and talk always, but I look forward to seeing your face and find out how beautiful you are!

I am looking forward to your arrival and to say, looking at your little eyes, which I say every day: I love you!

You are the most important thing in my life and have not even been born. I already do everything just to see you well, I even stopped eating things I like, but that do you bad.

You already own my life and all my plans. I love you, my baby!

Being a mother has always been my destiny and being your mother has always been my dream!

I don’t have you in my arms yet, but I have you in my belly and I feel that we will be very happy together!

I already feel a big connection between us, my baby. You and I will be great friends!

Love is multiplying in me and growing up with my belly. It’s so good to be your mother!

I want to show you the world I know and I love. I want you to be very happy when you are born!

In my heart, it only gives you. How I want you to be born soon for me to have you in my arms.

my baby, I promise to enjoy all your phases and let you discover the world with your own hands.

I will protect you, but I will also let you live. Know that you will always be free, my baby!

It’s been beautiful to be your mother and you were not even born. Imagine how it will be when we are together!

I talk to my belly because I know you hear me and answer me with a kick, saying you’re happy to hear my voice.

We are two that we live in this body and I am so happy with everything he was able to do to receive you!

The most important part of my life is growing in my belly. You are my everything, my baby!

It is such a great power to generate you in my belly. Our connection is strong from that moment, my baby!

All the changes I’m going through will be nothing compared to when you are born. I’m looking forward to all this, my baby!

I am the mother of a small being who does not stop growing and is already so agitated. It will cause many adventures here outside!

I’m crazy to see you coming, I’m crazy to have you in your hands.

But I just want to remember that, from 10 lives, 11 I would give you.

Every time you move, I get emotional. Something so perfect is growing in me and still cost me to believe it is true.

I look in the mirror, I know it’s still early, but I want to see you grow. I dream about us and I adore you all the way without meeting you.

If I’m someone better, it’s to deserve you, God made me a mother to teach you grow.

God is good all the time and, at the right time, you will come, my baby. Keep growing strong and healthy in Mom’s belly.

has brought out an instinct of love and protection, you don’t even see yourself and you love yourself.

To be pregnant is to feel the belly moving, as if the baby is already communicating with the mother.

I’m sure you will be spotted just like Mom because you love to move my belly. I love you, daughter!

There is a love that grows more and more within me: my baby.

The love of my life comes in nine months!

I will be by your side and guide you to happiness. This is my promise, my baby!

Nothing that I write can express the happiness I feel in my soul for having a life growing in my belly!

I look at the future and see how beautiful it will be because I will have you with me. Come in health and in your time!

In addition to enjoying this phase a lot, record the evolution of the belly with great joy. Check out pregnant photo subtitles and make these records even more touching and beautiful!

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