40 messages from childhood friends to celebrate a beautiful friendship

Childhood is over, people follow different paths and miss you in memory. However, there are friends who grow by our side and remain in our lives. They are rare, deep friendships that must be cultivated. We have selected the most loving citations of childhood friends for you to remember the old days and demonstrate all your affection. Check it out and share!

Quotes of childhood friends who express affection and brotherhood

No matter the time and distance, a childhood friend is always present in our hearts.

Seeing the joke of those kids, the longing hits hard, I remember a great friend gives my childhood, allied at school, on the street and the ball game.

childhood friendship is that safe place to which our heart always comes back and finds peace. Friend, I miss you.

We grew up on the same street, playing the whole afternoon, my childhood friend, you are the sweetest memory of my days as a child. Forever partners!

We are flour of the same bag, we drink from the same glass and eat from the same dish. Childhood friendship is always a warmth that warms the heart.

Friend, you know every little piece of my heart, you know how to make me smile and is always by my side. I love you like a sister. May our childhood friendship never end.

childhood friendship is a medicine for the heart. When I’m by your side, all sadness crumbles into a smile. You awaken the best of me.

friend, always count on me. For you, if necessary, I am capable of everything. May our childhood friendship be always a safe haven.

time went by, I’m still a child. In the head, people in a lot that I bring with me, my childhood friends kept in my heart.

friend, appear whenever possible. Please send me news, tell me of your life. I miss our childhood friendship.

Being by your side is so natural, I feel at home as if I was with a sister. Friend, our childhood friendship is one of the most beautiful things in my life.

I never walk just because I know I have the best childhood friend next to me. Brother, you can always count on me! Together we will beat this world.

Friend, I only have one request: May our childhood friendship turn into senior friendship.

When I think of joy, I always think of you, friend. Share childhood with you made me the person I am. I love you!

childhood friendship is soul marriage that never ends. That every day our union is renewed and fortified.

My affection for you has no limit, comes from childhood and spreads for a lifetime. For us, I wish the most beautiful friendship.

Friend, we are like a guitar and guitar: when we are together, everything goes into tuning and becomes a party. Long live our childhood friendship!

To face this world of struggles, I have the best shield by my side: our childhood friendship that fills me with strength and hope. Thanks for the partnership, friend.

Me and I, my friend, are a perfect duo. From childhood our friendship has been made of brotherhood.

Who never had that childhood friend who always stuck together when you were a child? That friend who called you to play, who had a video game and called you to play.

My childhood flourished alongside the best friend in the world. If life is a garden, our friendship is like the sunflower that fills me with light. Always count on me.

Friend, come to visit your old companion who is missing your company. I always think of our childhood friendship with great affection.

Whatever happens, I’m sure, friend, we will remain united to the end. Our childhood friendship is written in my heart.

I have a special corner in my heart for every childhood friend who has gone through my life. May the longing be brief and that there are always reunions.

Playing until night falls, it was our joy. Friend, I miss you! Know that my heart will always be home to our childhood friendship.

In childhood, you saw me cry because of the physical injuries. In adulthood, you saw me cry because of the hearts of the heart. Your friendship is always my best ointment.

How time goes fast, my friend! Yesterday we lived a childhood friendship and today we struggle in everyday life. Having you by my side is always special, my brother.

Let’s sit down and talk about life, my friend. Don’t let the rush ruin our childhood friendship. I always want you by my side.

Our friendship is so beautiful and is doing a damn good to the heart. What a magic childhood went to live by your side!

and we sing, and we dance, and we don’t get tired of being a child. We play in our old childhood.

I may have many people by my side, but you, friend, are always first. Our friendship is childhood and our partnership is from heart.

The years have passed and here we continue: grown children, always smiling and well with life. Our childhood friendship arouses the best of me.

God blessed me with the best friend in the world. Since childhood, our friendship is a divine gift that fills me with joy. Always together, brother.

Walking alongside a childhood friend is one of the most beautiful things in life. I am so proud of the person you have become.

friend, you are much more than someone special, it is a rare jewel that I will forever keep in the heart.

friend, when I’m with you, I feel stronger. May our childhood friendship be always a special treasure in our lives. Thank you for making me happy.

If you need a friend, know that I’m here for you. Our childhood friendship is forever. Together until the end.

Childhood friendship teaches about patience, love and forgiveness. Between errors, hits, joys and sorrows, we remain firm, united by the heart.

I came back to review childhood friends who encouraged me with strength and hope.

Just as we grow, a childhood friendship also grows over time and, when cultivated, becomes stronger with each passing day.

A childhood friend is a precious thing that must be cared for with great affection. So also check out the ancient friendship quotes that will make this relationship even stronger.

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