66 messages of passion for you to express this intense feeling

Passion is a feeling that takes us by surprise and, when we realize, we are already completely involved with the other person. It is the moment when the relationship is undergoing a transformation and you realize that it has aroused a greater desire than a friendship for that friend of yours, foster, known.

For you who are going through this and does not know how to demonstrate what you are feeling, we select the best quotations of passion that express the whirlwind of things that are in your head and in your heart right now. You will identify yourself!

Passion Quotes for Status

The quotes you will find here are perfect to spread your passion to every corner, including the status of your social networks, and show everyone how much this feeling completes you and renews you. Check it out:

Being in love is being closer to insanity than reason.

The unforeseen event happens and someone finds you. And you find you again. Reinvents you. Reenchant you. You start you.

I didn’t want to, I couldn’t. But I fell in love with you.

Nothing greatly realized in the world without passion.

No man truly has joy unless he lives in love.

When the passion goes, the boredom remains and it all ends, even if it continues.

Love is the perfect harmony between two passionate hearts.

How can such a frightening thing be so good? Falling in love is opening to each other without any guarantee.

Being in love is living the fire of love intensely!

When you are not in love, you are not alive.

The absence decreases the small passions and increases the large, because the wind erases candles and ventilates a fire.

Passion is the fuel of love, it is fire that never burns and gives life to the best dreams in the world.

Nothing like a true passion to fill the emptiness of a heart!

A person becomes perfect when we fall in love with him!

Fall in love with someone who makes you laugh at your own mistakes, who accepts you the way you are.

Passion quotes for girlfriend

How about to say to your girlfriend that the passion for her increases every day and let her know how important it is to you? These statements are essential in the couple’s life, so we select the best quotes for you to demonstrate all your love for her!

I fell in love with the way you touched me without using your hands.

I fall in love with you every time we talk.

No madness in the world will be enough to demonstrate the crazy passion I feel for you!

Our love fills my life with happiness.

I’m crazy, madly in love with you!

When did I fall in love? In the first hug? In the first kiss? In the first look? In the first touch? I don’t know. I just know I fell in love.

And your smile just makes me more in love with you!

Each day on your side I know you better and get more in love!

My heart is totally yours and sometimes it looks too small for all the love I feel for you.

On your side Happiness is my destiny. I love you, honey!

The more I know you, the more I’m sure I will never find someone like you!

Your love brought meaning to my existence, and making you happy is now my main mission in life! I love you!

I love you from the moment our eyes crossed.

Passion quotes for boyfriend

A phrase of affection can make your love even more beautiful, so we select quotes that express how much you are in love with it. And to express our feelings, all the time is the ideal moment, so send it right now!

You are the reason for my silly smile and my passionate look!

I went to I know where, search I don’t know what, I came back I don’t know how, in love with you!

The mark of your kiss marked my heart, leaving in my life a great passion.

May this be our destiny: love, live and start every day together!

It is for you, with or without add -on, that I am in love. You are all that I love.

Perfect chance is the one who makes a first look become a great passion.

We both were made a lot for both of us.

I never thought someone could make me feel so in love the way you do me!

I found out it was love when the word “a lot” became small to define the intensity of my liking for you.

I’ve lived a lot, but never a love as beautiful as ours!

I’m in love with our relationship, because in us something sublime is complete.

With I Write Love, I Write Passion, with V I write you, in the back of my heart.

I loved you in the past, I love you in the present, and if God allows, I will love you forever.

I’m in love with the simple idea of ​​”us”.

I like your perfume, you smell to the love of my life.

Burning Passion Quotes

Being in love is feeling dominated by your emotions and wanting to completely surrender the loved one. The following quotes are for people who are living this burning passion. Share with your partner and show him that you are completely in love.

Only those who burn with passion can burden the world.

It is passion the feeling I feel for you and that consumes me the soul. It is passion the feeling that accompanies the desire to have you by my side.

Do not arouse in me a passion that will only be illusion. Awaken me a burning passion so that we can be happy forever.

A happy heart is an inevitable result of an burning heart of love.

I love the way you break every barrier of my heart and make me love you every day a little more.

True Love is not composed of the most ardent passion, but that formed by an intimate bond between souls.

Who has never lived the pain of longing, never lived a burning passion.

I live a burning passion, a smiling love. I love without complications, without fear of disappointment.

The burning fire of a passion does not survive the coals on a great love!

I want much more than the burning fire of a passion, I want to live intensely a true love.

Secret Passion Quotes

To live a secret passion is to go through many challenges. The first one is to hide the feelings by someone else, and the frustrating of all is when the beloved is already in another relationship, so you cannot declare yourself. Are you going through this? Then you will identify with the following quotes. Check it out:

There is a love disguised as friendship between us.

Do you know what is worse in life? You love in secret! You spend hours thinking that person who may be thinking about another.

I dream of the day I can tell you how much I love you. That day, I hope you reveal that I also loved me in secret, so that I can finally have you in my arms.

I love you silent, as one who listens to a symphony of silences and light.

It happened without warning and there is not much explanation. The fact is that I fell in love with you a long time ago and never had the courage to tell you.

You told me that I was a great friend and that friends don’t lie. So, not to be accused of falsehood, I decided to declare myself: I’m completely in love with you!

My heart loves you in secret, but I am attached to an alliance on my fingers.

One of the greatest difficulties I have ever experienced in this life was to love you in secret. I don’t know how long I can handle.

My secret passion is also my best friend. He’s the most amazing person I’ve ever met and has one of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever seen.

I love you, but I love it in secret, so neither do you hurt each other.

Carrying a gigantic love in your chest, but having to hide from the world is too difficult.

The suffering of love in secret is great, but it is better than the suffering of fickle love.

You will be my secret love, until everything is straightened.

Taking advantage of the mood of love that is in the air, we have selected another list of romantic girlfriend quotes who show how happy she makes you. You need to check and send to your love!

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