60 funny love messages to amuse hearts in love

If you are the type who does not miss the opportunity to make a joke, you need to be prepared to talk about love! Also, on the wheel of friends, there are always lovers, right? So, see these fun funny love quotes to use with your colleagues and make them fall into laugh. Who says love only makes suffer, you know nothing!

Funny quotes of love to tear smiles out of your metad

Heart is not street pamphlet, to deliver to the first one passes.

– Give me the chance to make you happy? – And I’m sad, by chance?

Do you use money and be unhappy in love? Advance!

It was not love at first sight because I am a freshman.

Love is blind, but the neighbors do not!

Fall in love with someone who kisses you slowly, but answer you fast.

My love for you is just like your hunger, never end!

I will love you from March to January, because February is Carnival.

If I won 1 real each time I think of you, I would be thinking of you in Paris.

Love is a mixture of beauty and patience: if it works, beauty … if not, patience!

April 1st is a great day to declare yourself to those who like … If she gives you one, just say it’s a lie!

I don’t even think the tip of Durex, imagine the love of my life.

Love is not what you spend a lifetime trying to define … The name of this is abdomen!

I will date a calculator, at least she knows how to value me.

I’m dating you, but you still don’t know that …

Just don’t dating you because I don’t know if you would endure so much happiness!

The four most important words in a relationship: I wash the dishes!

Love is made grass: you plant, it grows, here comes a cow and ends everything!

How horrible it is to have feelings … I would rather be a piece of wood!

is sought a funny relationship. Because seriously I’m giving up!

In love, I’m always repeating the year …

Do you know what your evil is? Not wanting to be my good!

If I sent you a drunk message, it’s because I love you yes!

Valentine’s Day coming … Someone has little time to fall in love with me!

When someone is running after me … It will be a robbery, because love is difficult!

true love is to eat only half the snack and give the rest to the loved one …

In land of whatsapp, connection is proof of love!

Dating with someone who makes you break the bed, not the face.

I think the bakery is open, because the dream I want is online.

I owe so much to the bank that if I call someone of my good, it comes and takes.

Don’t marry for money, you get a cheaper loan!

Do you believe in love at first sight? No? So I hope I’ll pass again.

If you are not willing to look like an idiot, it does not deserve to fall in love.

Don’t let anything discourage you, even a foot in the ass throws you forward.

For love and cachaça we always say again, but only while the hangover lasts.

Love is really blind … because it doesn’t see me at all!

I miss my ex … wonderful experience of kissing your mouth!

I love you all my belly! I would say all my heart, but my belly is bigger.

I’m not a Rexona, but I would never leave you.

dates with me, I buy snacks for you!

real love is being together at the time of PT.

Let’s kiss until Brazil gets better!

wanted to be the love of your life … a pity you don’t want the same!

I love you because you are almost equal to me and I am perfect.

If love is fantasy, I find myself in the middle of carnival!

My bed is asking if you want to spend a night with me …

Proof of love is to divide your chocolate.

You are the missing nail in my Hawaiian.

It’s not wanting to brag, but I have a love face of your life.

With the price of gasoline … Search you at home is being a proof of love!

I wanted so much that you wouldn’t run away from me, but if it were me, I ran away!

Everything I like visualizes and does not respond!

My love for you can be eternal, but I am not.

I wish you all the best, including me.

I don’t promise you any fairy tale, but … that’s all, I don’t want to compromise.

So what do you date? At least I have taken it on the side of the bed …

Love does not charge you all the time … The name of this is Bank!

Our love ended up so fast that it seemed like an advertisement from Jequiti.

More needy than health insurance for elderly over 90 years …

Love is something wonderful … For others, because for me … it’s just disaster!

I bet it had a lot of fun with the selected quotes! It’s amazing how good mood can transform days, life as a whole, isn’t it?

And if you still have no luck in love, you may also like these funny single quotes that will bring lightness to this situation!

Because, being alone is no sin. Enjoy laughing at your status while the soul mate does not appear!

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