57 future messages for you to dream, plan and achieve

Thinking about what our life will look like in a few years can scare us a little, because it is something that seems very distant, but in reality it is closer than we imagine.

When we realize, our childhood and adolescence are already behind us and we are in adulthood full of responsibilities, performing plans in our personal and professional life.

So we have made a selection with several future quotes to show you that yours will depend on the attitudes you have today. This is the time for you to think if you’re happy with the path you’re tracing. Check it out and reflect!

Future Citations Happy

All the time we dream and plan a happy future. But to conquer it, we must act wisely in our present attitudes. Check out our selection with happy future quotes and reflect on how you have led life.

Don’t wait for the future to be happy, make the present your joy.

Happiness is to prepare the future, thinking about the present and detaching itself from the past.

Truth is the only way to a happy and eternal future.

Be happy today, tomorrow and in the future!

Sometimes, to have a happy future, we have to water the past with tears.

Happiness is not something you advance for the future, it is something you project for the present.

A happy future is the people who create!

Choose someone who will make your future happy and not someone who will make you happy only today.

Sometimes we live seeking a future of happiness and we lose joys that happen today.

Live a future of success, joy and peace.

Future Quotes Best

Are you satisfied with your current life? No matter what your answer has been, we can always fight to make our future even better than what we are living today. We have selected quotations from the better future to inspire you to run after yours now!

Everything we have been in our lives to be a better person in the future.

I see life better in the future. I see this over the wall.

Want a better future? Plant the good and always reap the good.

Education is the first step to a better future.

Wanting a better future does not prevent you from loving the life you have now.

Don’t expect a better future, make a better future.

Every day do something that makes you closer to a better future.

No one has the ability to change the past, but everyone can create a better future. It’s never too late to change.

It is no use having expectations of a better future if we continue with the same attitudes of that past that displeased us.

Quiet Quiet Citations

A bright future can have different meanings for each of us, because our plans and goals are not the same. We have separated quotes from the bright future for you to think about what you want for yours. Send to your friends so they can reflect on this!

Your future will be as bright as your faith!

To have a bright future, you need to have a bright past, but to have a bright past you need to make your gift shine.

A bright future is based on an intensely lived past. You will only succeed in life when you forgive the mistakes and disappointments of the past.

Prayer is the best way to plan a bright future.

Don’t give up! You will have a beautiful, bright and magical future, but it will be complicated. After all, life is complicated.

When I grow up I intend to have a bright future. I want to work in a glitter factory!

Even if you have reached a bright future, never forget your past.

You will have a bright future if you cultivate your gift with the same patience you had in the past.

No one is perfect, everyone with a bright future has a dark past.

Future Quotes Love

When we are experiencing a healthy and happy relationship, we begin to plan our future with that person and to share our dreams with them. Thinking about it, we selected the best quotations of future love to play the hearts in love!

Never judge a future love for a suffering of the past.

May you have a love to embrace, that he does not care about your past, but rather crave a future on your side.

In love, the future makes the past forget.

My past is mine. My gift is yours. And the future is ours.

When I think about what I want for the future, you are there, always first. A life is just close to everything I want to live with you.

warns you to your past that your future is with me!

Love does not erase the past, but changes the future.

boyfriends dream of a future for two, until the future makes them one.

Semeai love in the present so that in the future can reap the fruit of happiness planted in the past.

Delivering our love for God to take care, is to be sure that we will have a blessed future.

Citations on Future Professional

Everything you sought to learn all your life, will contribute to the professional you will be in the future and with focus and persistence you will stand out among others. We select citations about future professional to motivate you to strive more and more for your goals!

There is no future in any profession. The future is in the professional.

If tomorrow you want to be a great professional, start today being a great apprentice.

dreamer, planner, salesman, entrepreneur, winner. If you want to succeed in the future, you have to learn to deal with pain.

Every professional one day was an amateur. Dream big and start now!

The best way to prepare for the future is to concentrate all imagination and concentration in the perfect execution of today’s work.

hard work, I think in the future. But the gift I will unwrap.

He who does not fight for the future he wants must accept the future that comes.

Work hard, love your work, keep focus, live intensely, think positive, be optimistic. Realize the dream and know the future!

Let the future say the truth and evaluate each one according to your work and achievements. The present belongs to them, but the future I always worked for belongs to me.

Putting your whole heart in your work is the most beautiful way to project the future.

Uncertain Future Quotes

It would be great if we could see what our life will be in ten, twenty years, agree? So we would know exactly what to worry about and everything that worked. But since we do not have this option, it is up to us to live the now in the best way possible. See below quotations of the uncertain future and start your plans for a few years.

The past is in your head, the future in your hands.

The future is uncertain, we can project what we want from it, but we do not know what it really will be.

I may ignore the future, but I will fight to be happy every day!

The future to God belongs.

Be strong, because it takes courage to risk the uncertain future.

Tomorrow is uncertain and living is a wonderful adventure.

The future is uncertain and the end is always close!

The past does not come back, the present is short and the future is uncertain. Take an attitude now!

It is preferable to an uncertain future than a past full of doubt.

It is important for you to think about your future and act according to your plans to get where you want. So we selected our list with destination quotes to keep you motivated in what you believe!

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