50 quotes about work and dedication that motivate you not to give up | messages, wishes and quotes

We know that, to achieve our dreams, we need to fight for them. There’s no point sitting around and waiting for nothing to happen. No matter how difficult the journey is, we cannot lose motivation. That’s why we selected quotes about work and dedication that will inspire you to keep fighting. Check it out and get closer to your goals!

quotes of work and dedication to take you straight to your goals

Those who work hard are remembered for their dedication when they achieve success!

Luck also helps, but it’s work and dedication that takes you to your goals!

When we discover the importance of our work, we dedicate ourselves even more to it!

What counts most in a job is the dedication of the worker.

I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unceasing devotion to the things you want to see happen.

No quality work can be done without concentration and self-sacrifice, effort and doubt.

Work as if it were the only thing that can change the world!

What we do during working hours determines what we have; What we do in our leisure time determines who we are.

Work because it dignifies you, because it’s good for you and because it takes you where you want to go!

Professional success is having a job worth dedicating yourself to!

Work is the food of noble souls.

There is no cake recipe for professional success, but the journey requires everyone: discipline, hard work and dedication!

Persist and dedicate yourself and your professional challenges will be overcome!

Those who put in hard work are rewarded for it!

Everything we do with more dedication gets better and brings more results!

The greater the effort, the greater the future reward!

Success comes from wanting, determination and persistence in reaching a goal. Even if the target is not reached, those who seek and overcome obstacles will, at the very least, do admirable things.

It’s not just about trying hard, but also dedicating yourself and doing your job well!

Success is not easy, but hard work and dedication make things a little easier!

Set your goals and work hard until they are in your hands!

They are determined and dedicated people who achieve their dream job!

The harder I work, the more people say I’m lucky!

It is not by playing that we become successful, but by working with all our strength and heart!

What values ​​your work is the enthusiasm and attention you use to carry it out.

The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.

You will only be able to dedicate yourself to your work if your heart is in it with you!

By far the greatest reward life offers is the chance to work hard and dedicate yourself to something worthwhile.

The sweat of work is rewarded with fulfillment and achievements!

Focus on what you can achieve by dedicating a little more time each day!

Your task is to discover your work and then, wholeheartedly, dedicate yourself to it.

Focus on your tasks and you will be able to dedicate yourself to them!

If there was a recipe for success, everyone would be rich, but it is through work and dedication that we can get there!

Prosperous days do not come by chance; They are born from a lot of work and persistence.

Working is a rational act, but dedication requires emotion and heart!

For prosperous results: sweat, dedication, focus and hard work!

If you want victories, you need to go through the path of hard work and dedication!

Work only tires us if we don’t dedicate ourselves to it with joy.

I have no idols. I admire their work, dedication and competence.

Working hard is the only perspective we have to get closer to success!

Working may not be a guarantee of success, but neither is not dedicating yourself!

Don’t give up! A little more work and dedication might be what you’re missing!

True success has only one road, that of work!

Every obstacle can be overcome when work is hard and dedicated!

The essential condition for happiness is to be human and dedicated to work.

When you have to choose, choose to work hard because nothing that comes easy lasts long!

Every working man always has an opportunity.

There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.

The hand of professional success has five fingers: character, vocation, talent, effort and discipline.

Those who only see you winning can’t imagine how much effort you put into getting where you are!

Luck is the sum of sweat and a lot of dedication!

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