50 motivational messages for strong women as we all are

Women are unique creatures and capable of accomplishing everything! Sometimes a motivation is all we need to engage in realizing a dream and, through their realization, to make us who or whatever we want! Thus, to provide that encouragement that is always good, we select motivational quotes for women. Check it out and share with your fighting companions!

Motivational quotes for women who arouse the warrior who lives in us

Every woman carries a goddess within her, you and I are no exception.

The question is not the one who will allow me, is who will stop me.

We women are born independent, made to be limited only why great we can make our dreams reality.

Lucky for ours that we were born women and consequently we are strong and powerful.

I took a deep breath and listened to the proud old sound of my heart. I am, I am, I am.

The bravest act is to think for yourself aloud!

We are able to face everything, after all, we have already faced the world simply because we are women.

I’m like that, I want everything and I want it now. Some call me spoiled, but I prefer to determine!

They want to limit us because they know the power they have a woman. Let’s not allow!

Think like a queen. Queens is not afraid to fail, because failure is another step for greatness.

Our feminist premise is: I have value.

We are not born with labels, there are no terms or concepts that can hold us.

Women are those beings who fight a battle per day in view of victory and never get tired.

We cannot all be successful when half of us are restricted.

Not even being a woman is a label, being a woman is a living. We live it and go beyond every day.

woman … considered fragile as a flower, but strong as a giant.

I adjust to me, not to the world.

making dreams come true, we are able to become who we want … that we realize them, then!

Woman, there is nothing in this world that you cannot do. Never allow them to convince you otherwise!

feet, why would I love them, if I have wings to fly?

You have already won so many battles, why do you think you wouldn’t win this one anymore?

A woman is like a tea bag; You never know how strong it is until it is in hot water.

and if one day I will be dust, gray and nothing, let my night be a dawn, that I know how to lose myself to find me…

Every woman is a wonder woman, after all, we are all loaded with power.

In the day as possible for women to love in their strength and not in their weakness, not to escape themselves, but to find oneself, not to renounce, but to assert itself, on that day love becomes to her, as for man, a source of life and not mortal danger.

I want you to remember who you are, despite all the bad things that are happening to you because these bad things are not you, are just bad things that happened to you.

Woman, I see you so much potential! You need to see too!

We all move on when we realize how strong and admirable the women around us.

Every time a woman defends herself, without even realizing that this is possible, without any pretense, she defends all women.

We women learn so much from life daily, there is nothing we cannot do.

Your dreams are at a distance motivation. I encourage you and you encourage me. Let’s go friend!

You can find many defeats, but you can’t be defeated.

Look back and see how much you have already won! Do you still think something can knock it down?

Never women are so strong than when they arrange their weaknesses.

With each passing day, I feel stronger, able to fulfill my dreams.

Give a very loud roar and wake up the lioness that lives inside you!

Of course it takes a lot of effort to make a dream come true, but you carry the strength of the whole world, woman!

After the fight, happiness will come to have won by my own merit.

Put your expectations on yourself and ignore what others expect or stop waiting.

So that you do to shine your star you don’t have to erase mine.

The determination of being who I really am and the courage to fight for what I believe were the things that guided me here.

Don’t let them turn out the beautiful light that lights up when you pave up!

Women are the most beautiful and life -prepared beings that the earth has already received.

Even with sweat and tears, my greatest pride is to look back and see that I was responsible for writing my own story.

Of course we should admire the flowers around, but without forgetting to bloom ours.

I want to be everything I can become.

I would like you to know that there is a force within you capable of changing your life, just fight and wait for a new dawn.

friend, never forget that it is an honor for me to be able to admire a grand woman like you.

Your goals were only idealized because deep down you knew you could make them reality.

alone we have done so much, imagine together. We are for you and you for me.

No one can stop a motivated woman! In this same vibration, also check out quotes of female self -esteem, because when we know of our value, we are even more powerful!

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