50 marriage messages in crisis to overcome obstacles

To marry someone is to choose to live by your side in joy and sadness. After all, we are human and we face moments of mistakes, failures and disagreements. Therefore, we need to learn to recognize where to see the challenge and if it is worth overcoming it in the name of love. Check out our marriage quotes in crisis and evaluate the future of your relationship!

Marriage quotes in crisis to reflect on what causes this in your relationship

The marriage crisis does not mean the end, but a chance to fix mistakes and relive the love that united them at the beginning.

Don’t throw the wedding away, send it away everything that drives you away and prevents you from living this love.

Marriage needs to be good as long as it lasts and has exhausted all the resources to save it. If the time comes to end, don’t extend what it would have to end.

Relationships do not always last forever. Sometimes the end is the best destination for their happiness.

We still love each other, I know. I will fight with everything I can to overcome this crisis and reconstruct our relationship.

We are no exception, my love. Our marriage would also have ups and downs, but I know we will overcome them in the name of our love.

Every wedding will find a crisis. The strongest, come out of it more united and ready for years of happiness.

I know we will cross this moment and rescue the love that has always been among us.

I love you and we are able to overcome this difficulty, my love. Our wedding will not end, I know that.

There are cases where separation is the best way out to preserve the respect and friendship that still exists between the couple.

It has been so many years and so many challenges. I trust us and our ability to overcome this one, my love. We will come out stronger and more united!

What makes a wedding long is respect and companionship. When this is over, the relationship does not go far.

It is necessary that a couple is also a friend, welcomes the other with their defects and qualities so that the marriage is long and happy.

We choose to love ourselves in good and bad times. Let’s overcome this crisis in the name of this love and we will leave this daily reaffirming the yes we said at the altar.

A happy marriage is one who both have the freedom to be who they are and speak what they think.

It is not because there is no love that crises happen, but because the relationship is wears out and needs to be renewed.

The routine destroys marriages because it takes the emotion of being with the love of our life. Don’t let this happen to you.

Don’t let anger guide your decisions. Leave this place for the love you feel for your partner.

A happy marriage is the one the couple decides to respect and support the other in their choices.

Life is not constant, so there are crises. The important thing is to reinvent love and overcome them.

It is love that hesides the hearts and helps couples overcome moments of crisis.

The great challenge of couples is not letting crises destroy everything that has been built over the years.

couples argue, this is normal, but it is not normal to offend and reduce the person we get married. Respect is fundamental in relationships.

A fight is not a source of separation, but it is a way to evaluate what we can change to make the other happier.

There is no perfect couple, there is a couple who overcome difficulties with love and much respect.

To overcome conflict, you need to rescue the reasons that united them and made the passion sprout in the hearts.

We all know that marriage is difficult, but our role is to fight so that difficulties do not disturb relationship and love.

We may not live a movie novel, but I know we are strong to overcome crises and rescue our passion.

I chose to marry you and love you forever. I knew the difficulties and I will be ready to fight for our marriage and overcome obstacles.

The worst crisis that may exist in a marriage is when one still loves, but the other stopped loving.

Marriage is the union of imperfect people who, with the grace of God, overcome adversities and make love prevail.

Marriage is not an easy straight line to find the output. It is full of crooked paths and it takes a lot of love to overcome the crises.

Sometimes separation seems the easiest solution, but it is not always the best. Especially when love still exists.

As long as there is a little love, it is still worth fighting for the rescue and reconciliation of marriage.

During crises, you meet the past, the love of the beginning, the feelings of the early years and try to solve the problems with it in mind.

Seek to preserve your essence during adversity. So you will not be lost and find love.

Marriage requires dedication. When it does not exist, it is doomed to the end.

Friendship and partnership help couples overcome all crises that appear on the way.

Walking hand in hand is never to release even when the crises appear and try to separate them.

It is the dialogue and respect that set up couples against any crisis.

It’s not a lack of love, but lack of friendship that makes unfortunate marriages.

Every marriage goes through crises. The big challenge is to overcome them for the sake of the family and the love that united them.

For a wedding that is in a troubled period, the best thing to do is to give the other’s space.

A little secret of longevity in marriage: date every day. Dating is the source of energy for eternal marriage.

The hardest part of a separation is when one of the couples still loves the other! And you are obliged to kill the purest feeling we can feel: love!

One of the strongest causes for couple separation is routine.

In a marriage, it is necessary to tolerance with the other who also misses, who also feels, and is also in this process of understanding what is a relationship to two.

The first sign of an imminent separation is when one jokes and another does not laugh, dull. Happy couples laugh even boring things.

Who decides to live a marriage knows that not everything will be flowers and positivities. After all, the fairy tale also passes and then reality sometimes appears in difficult or painful periods.

Every couple goes through crises, every wedding has their moment of mourning, but you have to remember the feelings that made you choose to be together.

That you find the best way out for both in this situation. To move on, together or separated, see our quotes of loving overcoming!

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