50 love poem messages to surprise your soulmate

Over the centuries, a generation of poets has faced the challenge of translating such a noble and pure feeling into words as love. It is such an infinite subject that there is always a new definition that can embrace it and delight the hearts of lovers. So check out this amazing list of quotes from love poems and enjoy declaring yourself!

Quotes of love poems that reveal the purest one in this feeling

I love you because I love you.

Love is a state of grace

and with love is not paid.

Love is given for free,

is sown in the wind,

in the waterfall, in the eclipse.

Love runs away from dictionaries

and to various regulations.

I want an endless kiss,

That lasts lifelong and applaud my desire!

boils my blood: calm it down with your kiss!

Kiss me like this!

The ear closes to rumor

from the world, and kiss me, dear!

lives just for me, just for my life,

Just for my love!

I love you a lot, my love, and both

That, when you have, I love you more, and even more

After having you, my love. No end

With your own love the love of your charm.

And every verse of mine will be

To tell you

that I know I will love you

For all my life.

I know I will cry

With every absence of yours I will cry

But every return of yours will erase

What this absence of yours caused me.

I know I will suffer

The eternal misfortune of living

Waiting to live alongside yours throughout my life

Who spoke of spring without seeing your smile, said without knowing what it was.

Your name is almost indifferent and neither your face is restless. The art of loving is exactly to be a poet. NFor to think of you, it is enough for my own love that I feel for you: you are the idea, serene and caste, nourished from the riddle of instinct.

love an evil, which kills me and is not seen; P>

Love is fire that burns without seeing, it is wounded that hurts, and does not feel; It is a disgruntled contentment, it is pain that disats without hurting. It is a lone floor between us; It is never content to be content; It’s a care that gets to get lost.

From everything, to my love I will be attentive before, and with such zeal, and always, so much so that even in the face of his greatest charm, my thoughts are more enchanted nquero. to spread my corner.

I can tell myself of love (which I had): that is not immortal, since it is called but is infinite while it lasts.

The other that is in me is you and you NASSIM as I am in you I am in us in us and only when we are in us we are at peace, even if we are alone.

I love you to start loving you, to start the infinity, and to stop loving you, so I don’t love you yet. […] My love has two lives to love you. So I love you when I don’t love you and so I love you when I love you.

Your body be embers and my house that consumes the fire a fire just to consummate this game a fire comes to me to play again

Die of love at the foot of your mouth ndesfales to the skin of the smile nsufocar with pleasure with your body ntrocate everything for you if necessary.

Love is an eternal, dominant milestone that faces the storm with bravery; It is a star who guides the wandering candle, whose value is ignored at the time. Love does not turn from time to time, before asserting itself for eternity.

by your side and even the useless discussions were totally splendid things and the words nduras I always feared can now be said: I te boy.

I love how love loves. I don’t know reason to love you more than loving you. May you want to tell you more that I love you, if what I mean is what I love you? Don’t look in my heart …

Because those who love never know what they love or know because it loves, nor what it is to love … namar is eternal innocence, and the only innocence is not to think …

When I saw you, I loved you long before. I found you again when I found you. I was born for you before there was the world.

Maybe you can understand my love. But if this does not happen, it does not matter. It is already declared and stamped on the lines and lines of this little poem, the verse; The so famous and unexpected verse that will make you amazed, surprised, perplexed … I love you, forgive me, I love you …

Needless to be the word. “I think of you” – tell me and stop the feretters, so great is my passion

But, after all, only the creatures that never wrote love letters are ridiculous.

To love is not to look at each other, it is to look together in the same direction.

Valentine’s Day for me, it’s every day. I don’t have days marked to love you night and day.

love, this is the only thing that can occupy and fill eternity.

To love is to taste in the arms of a loved one the portion of heaven that God has deposed in the flesh.

Love and desire are the wings of the spirit of the great exploits.

True love never wears out. The more it happens, the more you have.

A single moment of love reopens the closed Eden.

Love is the emblem of eternity: it confuses the notion of time, erases all the memory of a beginning, all the fear of an end …

Love ate my peace and my war. My day and my night. My winter and my summer. Ate my silence, my headache, my fear of death.

It seems easy to live without hatred, something I never felt, but living without love I find impossible.

Loving others is the only individual salvation I know: no one will be lost if you give love and sometimes receive love in return.

Love is always new … Love can lead us to hell or paradise, but it always leads us somewhere. It is necessary to accept it, because it is the food of our existence.

I never lived until you know it, until you love it-entirely and just love it.

It was love at first sight, at last view, always and always in sight.

Love is great, but it fits in the brief space to kiss.

Happy I am because I love and I am loved. Without having to change or change.

my soul, to dream, go lost, my eyes are blinded to see you. You are not even reason for my living, for you are already all my life!

What memory loves becomes eternal. I love you with the memory, imperishable.

If love does not learn the language of the beloved being, this love is crazy dying to the mild of what it is, or what it is… I swear to you that the verb love only God combines with you.

My best memory is this moment when for the first time it entered the retina your provocative and thin silhouette as a dagger. […] I am jealous of those who do not know you yet and, sooner or later, will see you, pale and beautiful for the first time.

What memory loves becomes eternal. I love you with the imperishable memory. I align you with things that say one thing: God is love.

Uses my heart, if yours already has spent, made the millstone that the knife straightens, dug and seems to extend as wheat mass on the wet table. Uses my heart ncome the rag that cleans the dirt of the boards and blackens with dust, and pies, and stares, if with it are reverse this adverse day and this wicked night.

go to my love despite this distance there is no lost or fired rigor: before it is so superior that you want to exceed, and if you do not faint in so many adversities, I miss my love to my love to help. P>

At all times I see him … Your body … The only island in the ocean of my desire … nteu body is all that shines, your body is all that smells … pink, flower Orange …

Extreme, touch your face. From you comes to the tip of my fingers, the gold of lust and the glabrous charm of the Avencies of you comes to me. From myths and waters: Unusual extreme, touch your mouth as one who needs to sustain fire to life is moist from Cio, of innocence is the longing for me that condemns me extreme, unglued, I touch me before, so memory and so young now.

What is that what you express in your eyes? It seems to me more than all the printed ones I read in my life.

Reason speaks, but love sings.

You are the life I find again, the lost joy, the dead hope, you are everything to me.

There is something as poetic as love. It is he who changes hearts, inspires the poets and the great admirable heroic deeds. And why not say the history of humanity?

Poetry and love have always been united throughout history, spreading beauty and a new look at life. Such is your greatness that written may even translate it, but never exhausted it.

Much more than words, this greater virtue turns acts into a language that only the enamored can speak. To learn to live it without reservation, check out the most passionate quotes of unconditional love and reflect on this human capacity-not to say poetic-to donate entirely by someone!

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