50 feminine messages that express delicacy and power at the same time

In a world still so macho and with backward ideas, being a woman, by itself, is already a revolutionary act. There is no standard when it comes to feminine: all are and should be those who want! If you like the theme, then check out these female quotes and show your beliefs and all your power.

Female Quotes for Status

I adjust to me, not to the world.

I paint myself because I am the one who knows me best.

No one can make us feel inferior without our consent.

Loving your body is a revolution.

People will talk anyway, so be yourself.

“No” does not mean “convince me”.

I am the author of my own story. From my life, I only know!

Life taught me to be calm in the midst of the storm and hurricane in the midst of calm.

I am proud of everything I was, what I am and what I will be!

I found that the greatest strength in the world comes from within me. I’m unstoppable!

Female Quotes for Photos

I learned from spring to let me cut and come back always.

Murary your own suffering is to risk being devoured inside.

So that you do to shine your star you don’t have to erase mine.

I am in a constant search for the best version of me.

alone we shine, but if we come together, our brightness can overshadow the world.

She traveled inside and met the amazing woman she is.

Today I am the best version of me. I overflow all the love that cultivates here!

I am flower and flowers really in the face of so many adversities.

The beauty of another woman does not nullify mine or yours. We are unique in every detail!

A woman who loves another woman is a true revolution! Together we are invincible.

Smart female quotes

What is a woman? I assure you, I don’t know. I can’t believe you know.

We are ourselves we end up excluded by others. However, doing what others want to exile us from ourselves.

Nothing in life must be feared, only understood. Now it’s time to understand more, fear less.

No one is born a woman: becoming a woman.

Feminism is the radical idea that women are human beings.

Woman’s place is where she wants.

Behind a well -resolved woman, there is herself.

No woman can be called free if she has no control of her own body.

confused your hair with the hair hair, it is happy to be so its own and so dense in full freedom.

The idea that a woman can be strong and independent scares society. And that says a lot about the world we live!

Strong female quotes

What is the biggest lesson a woman can learn? That from the first day she has always had everything she needs within herself. It was the world that convinced her she didn’t have.

It’s time to stop hiding. It’s time to know your power, claim your voice and include the balance to a female future. To restore balance.

Every time a woman defends herself, without even realizing that this is possible, without any pretense, she defends all women.

I am and will be what I want to be.

When I ask for equal rights, why do they assume that I want to be treated as a man?

Never sorry for being a powerful woman.

There is a force within every woman who is able to change the whole world forever.

Mourning for my rights and grief for the right of all women, because only then will we actually be free.

There is nothing more powerful than a woman who has seen the worst in the world and yet decided to continue!

I am proud to be a strong and independent woman in a society that tells me that the opposite is ideal!

Female Empowerment Quotes

You have to act as if you can radically transform the world. And you have to do this all the time.

A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a flowing river. She goes where she goes without pretense and comes to her destination to be herself and only herself.

We are created to be like this, but we have to change. We need to be created for freedom. The world is too big not to be who we are.

Dress yourself and shine!

I am not, nor should I be the Wonder Woman, just a vulnerable and strong, incapable and glorious person, frightened and bold … a woman.

Less standard, more freedom to be who you want to be.

Are you looking for the love of your life? Look in the mirror and you will find the answer!

There is no beauty standard that defines me. I am my own beauty standard!

Girl, you are capable of everything! Never listen to what society says. You are your own fortress.

I may look like a flower, but I am made of steel and all that life has already made me feel: pain and loves!

A woman should never forget all the power she carries within herself! To continue exploring the subject, read these feminist quotes that will empower you and strengthen you in daily struggles.

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