50 girl quotes that show how strong and determined she is | messages, wishes and quotes

Every girl is the combination of experiences, emotions and experiences. It is the path to becoming a strong and independent woman. And every woman has a little bit of the girl she once was inside.

For you to show that you are proud of the girl you are, we made a selection of girly quotes. Check it out and share!

Girl quotes for those who are proud to be who they are

She’s like that, confused from time to time, but determined when she wants to be.

I don’t want a fairy tale, I just want to be happy! Is it too much to ask?

She is something that cannot fit into pre-existing molds, it seems like no one has ever been before her.

That’s how she is: the owner of her world.

Up close, she is beautiful. But when you get to know her, you realize that inside she is unique.

Her beauty touches any heart. She’s sweet on the face, but inside she’s a hurricane.

It is a flower, perhaps one of the rarest, with scents that please many…

Beautiful, crazy and spoiled. Blessed be the man who can win her.

She is beautiful. But your heart is really beautiful.

Little did she know that the light lived inside her.

She has colors, curves, flavors and things that seduce, and I send her flowers, the sound of singers, and she loves to hear them.

Notes about her: every day she is more her own and less what they expect of her.

She’s my girl.

Twelve years in bloom! The beautiful girl still doesn’t think about love.

She was no longer a girl with a book: she was a woman with her lover.

Girl with a sincere smile and a full heart.

Under the makeup and behind my smile, I’m just a girl who wants the world.

I am in charity for the evolution of my being. I want to be a girl, I see myself as a woman… I want to be a woman, I see myself as a girl.

She has always been like this, a beautiful and intense girl who only belongs to herself.

Hey girl, look closely… Listen to some good music, read a good book and move on. It may sound cliché, but it works. Go for me.

She’s a partner, she’s hot. If you guarantee, she is powerful, she is a woman, she is sagacious.

She’s imperfect, but she’s real.

She has a unique beauty that comes from within and radiates outward.

Don’t be afraid, girl. You will find a right way, although there is no right way. But you will find your way, and that’s what matters.

She is an open book, surrounded by illiterates.

Wow, what a crazy girl! She talks to herself and loves too.

But as my mother would say: “When that girl decides something…”

She has a thousand phases and infinite ways of being her.

So hold your head up, girl, you’ll still go far. You are beautiful in your own way, because God makes no mistakes.

Sometimes all a girl wants is to disappear. But really all she needs is someone who understands her.

And she doesn’t even know how jealous she is. She is just her and the others are all the same.

A smart girl is one who doesn’t use her body, but her mind.

She is like that, a mix of everything you can imagine within a great capacity of just not being anything definitive.

Her and her mysteries. Of showing off being a little girl, but deep down being a big woman.

The sincere look and the loose smile of a girl who, despite knowing what the world is like, seeks innocence and dreams big with hope.

When you look at me, you will see a girl who is quiet and afraid of the world, but she has no idea who I am and what I am capable of doing in this world.

Learn, girl, those who don’t look for you don’t miss you.

Come on girl, close your eyes. Let your hair down. Play life. As anyone who has nothing to lose. Like someone who doesn’t bet. Like someone just playing.

She is sweet when she wants to be, she has that way of a rough girl who faces life.

She is a warrior, she is a goddess, she is a real woman!

She’s like that: hard-headed, soft-hearted, a bit of a dreamer, very down to earth. A misfit and perfect confusion!

I am at least a girl who dreams of a happy future and at most a woman who seeks that future!

Live, girl. Live. Because time heals.

Without thinking about anything else, I close my eyes to forget. Sleep, girl, I repeat in the dark, sleep also saves. Or postpone.

The most beautiful girl I know simply smiles, and when she smiles, she is the most beautiful girl in the world!

Yesterday she was hurt by some, today she pushes everyone away.

But, after so much beating that life dealt her, that dreamy girl, who smiled in the wind and believed in everything and everyone, slowly died.

Only He knows what’s going on in that messed up heart of hers.

Any worldly love doesn’t come close to the love she has for God!

She is the apple of God’s eye.

Every strong woman has a dreamy girl inside her. Check out our list of independent woman quotes and show all your feminine power.

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