50 evangelical messages for friends that show how blessings they are

Friends are true gifts sent by God to make your life lighter. They can teach you about the love of the Lord and your care and support you in difficult times. Declare how much you love and values ​​this relationship with evangelical quotes to friends. Check it out and share words of faith and gratitude!

Evangelical quotes for friends who thank their presence in your life

friend, your faith makes me grow up and bring me closer to God!

Walking alongside people who trust God makes life more beautiful. You are awesome!

My friends, we are brothers in faith and we will always be here, one another in prayer and strength.

I feel a lot of confidence in our friendship, because I know she is a gift from God and will last forever.

I found you in the best place, in the house of God, and that’s where we started a friendship that will last life.

It’s so good to count on your prayers and know that I will always have you by my side.

friend, I always pray that God listens to his cry and transform his pain into joy, his struggle into Vitória.

walking together, we grow together in faith and see the blessings of the Lord happen in our life!

The most lasting friendships are those that begin in the heart of God.

God made us friends and brothers to always hold the other’s hand in prayer when needed.

When you are tired, let me help your burden. God gave us friendship to support each other.

my friend, rest your heart on the Lord because he will do what is best for you!

Our meeting was the realization of God’s plans and he never misses.

We do not believe in luck or destination, we believe that God is the one who writes our way.

I am grateful to God for having made us friends and for teaching us to remain in each other.

To give us strength, God gave us friends. He knew we would need help to walk.

The most lasting friendships are those united by the same goal: faith in the love of Jesus!

I would do everything for you, my friend, especially pray and seek strength in the Lord to help you.

A friendship like ours is God’s gift. He united us because he knew the good that we would do each other.

You don’t even have to ask, I will always be by your side, I will pray for you and give you all the strength you need.

Faith friendships are the ones that will last a lifetime.

God blesses us with friends who lead us closer to Him and who approach us to His love.

A true friend always speaks of Jesus to others because he feels the desire to see them happy consumed by the love of God.

my friend, things will straighten because God is the one who is ahead of everything and will give you the victory.

In the victories, I will be by your side. In battles, I will fight with you with my knees bent in prayer.

God made us friends and chose to be brothers. We are family in the Lord and we walk in the same direction.

Thank God for our friendship. He showed me that it is possible to trust friends like family.

You are a prayer answer in my life. A friendship built by faith and love in the Lord.

The more friends we become, the closer I get to God. Our friendship takes me close to Him.

Through our friendship, I understood God’s love and care. He chose you your finger to make me so well.

In addition to cheering me and love me, you exhort me and advise me. Your friendship teaches me a lot about faith in God.

In adversity, I discovered the power of our friendship. You have become a brother who teaches me about God’s dependence.

Our friendship brings me peace because it is a gift from God!

Focus on God’s plans in your life, my friend. They are the best, you just need patience.

God showed me his care when he presented me with his friendship. You are too special for me!

The recipe for our friendship being so good is partnership and faith in the same God!

When the burden is too heavy, I know you help me carry it, my friend. You are blessing in my life.

Don’t be afraid, friend, I’ll be here to help you, be by your side, pray for you and give you strength.

It is better to rebuild openly than hidden love. Who hurts for love shows loyalty, but the enemy multiplies kisses.

In adversities, our friendship was closer, fulfilling the promises of the Lord.

The friend loves at all times; is a brother in adversity.

Friend’s gaze rejoices to the heart; Good News strengthen even the bones.

I asked God a friend and he gave me you. The brother I always expected to arrive.

You are a friend, give up dreams to dream of me … I can’t forget to pray, thank God for making things so simple most beautiful and proof of all this is you.

no one has greater love than the one who gives his life for his friends.

I will hear you when the world cannot understand you. It was God, who chose you to be the best friend I could have.

Believe that he is in control of everything … that nothing is in vain, if not blessing, is lesson.

God knows what is good for you.

Faithful friend, I bring you in my chest. For you, I go to the fight, I win all the fear. Father’s comfort, much more than a shelter, for God chose you, my friend.

Believe in promises, believe in Christ, he is with you!

May this friendship be always cultivated by the faith and love of the Lord. To bring words of optimism to your friends, check out evangelical citations and help them when they are feeling unmotivated!

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