50 death farewell messages to comfort your heart in pain

Unfortunately, people are not eternal and end up leaving and leaving a great emptiness. At these times, it is important to say goodbye so that you can rebuild your life and adapt to absence. To do this, check out the most touching death quarrels and say the last words to whom it is gone.

Death Farewell Quotes that say the last goodbye

It’s so hard to tell you this last goodbye and having to live with the lack you are already doing. Rest in peace!

Life does not prepare us for this kind of situation. We can’t imagine having to say goodbye to those we love anytime soon. ETERNAL HEALTHS.

You went unexpectedly and did not take my last hug. Goodbye. I will love you forever.

For the last time, I tell you goodbye. Rest in peace and know that I will never forget you and what you went to me.

Wait wherever you are and make sure we will meet again. I believe that.

It hurts to know that your hug is no longer waiting for me and it hurts even more to know that I lost you forever. Go in peace! Your memories live in me.

I will preserve you in my heart and preserve everything you went to me. Rest in peace!

I know that longing will hurt forever. I promise not to forget you and love you forever and ever.

I’m still assimilating that I will no longer see your smile except in my memories. What a deep sadness is to lose you.

Good thing I took advantage of when I was here. I wouldn’t forgive myself if it had been different. I miss eternal!

I’ll meet you again because I know you are by God. See you soon!

It’s selfish on my part to want you here, even knowing that you needed to rest. Mourning!

should not have been so, you should not have left. Eternal longing is what will be left!

You were the owner of my smiles and now you own my tears. Rest in peace!

If I could, I would bring you back and never let you go because I don’t want to live this pain never again!

It is against my will, but I tell you goodbye. I hope to find you again on other plans or other lives. Mourning!

God called you close to Him and as you were always obedient, you decided it was time. Rest in peace!

It was a void in my life that only you would be able to fill. What a sadness to say goodbye!

I can’t control the tears because they express the pain of saying goodbye. I will love you forever!

My heart will always have its reserved space. You’ll be sorely missed here, but I know you’ll send signs to tell us it’s fine!

I keep the last hug and our last conversation in a special place to ever forget how it went!

I feel that you are taking care of me and helping me to overcome your departure. Thank you for being present until after death.

Death does not separate us because we will still meet again. I know we’ll find the way back to each other.

I’m afraid of what life will be like without you, but it is precisely for you that I will try to continue to live. Rest in peace!

It seems that my smile can no longer be so sincere because it hides the pain from losing you. Mourning!

I know you can hear me and know how much I miss you. You are stored in my heart!

You are in my thoughts and in my heart. So, I feel it is still close to me. Mourning!

God is happy to have someone so special next to Him. I’m sure about that. See you soon!

I won’t tell you goodbye because I know this is not the end. It’s just the beginning of eternity and I will soon be with you!

I can’t believe you won’t be here anymore to make me smile. It’s all so gray and bland without you!

I don’t want to accept that you left, I don’t want to have to go back to the routine and you don’t be here.

You are with our God and he will take care of you as a beloved son. Rest in peace!

You were a warrior from start to finish, fought bravely and had to rest. The longing will be eternal!

What a bitter I like this goodbye, a taste of the last one, it could have been different. Rest in peace!

Life taught me how to tell goodbye to the people I love without taking them out of my heart.

longing… I don’t know if it’s the right word to use.

We will not see each other tomorrow. You broke your promise to be by my side forever. Mourning!

I don’t even know why you are gone, how many miss I felt. And, in sadness, I will live, and that goodbye could not give.

Enough of longing. The reality is that without it there is no peace, there is no beauty, it is just sadness and melancholy.

Every time I look at the sky, I will see the star you have become and say how much I love you. Rest in peace!

We miss certain moments of our lives and certain people who have passed it.

I remember a look, I remember a place, your beloved figure. I remember a smile and the paradise I had by your side. I remember the longing that today invades my days.

In a matter of seconds, life has become completely gray. You were the one who would put my days. I miss eternal!

Only while I breathe, I will remember you.

longing eternalizes the presence of who is gone. Over time this pain is paid, it becomes silence that it expects, by the arms of life a day to meet again.

I’ll make you proud and you will smile from the sky, I know. Rest in peace!

I miss you, I miss your smile. And I still pour tears from time to time. And even if you are different now you are still here somehow, my heart won’t let you go.

Ah, my greatest friend, never in the burial landscape of this life I will find such a dear soul. To the things that in my being are the real.

I can’t imagine what the routine will be like without you by my side. I still see you in everything and it will be difficult to accept that it left forever.

We still had so many plans to live. I will try to realize them to honor your memory!

That at this time so delicate, you find support and strength to start over. When the heart squeezes one more time, check out quotes of eternal longing and express the lack that left it is doing.

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