40 messages of protection from God that free us from all evil

daily, we face things that can hit us and hurt us. There are even evils that we do not see, but we can win thanks to the Lord who is by our side. With that in mind, we have selected God’s best protection quotes that cry out for your help for both us and those we love. Check it out and get stronger when walking with the father!

God’s protection quotes for family

Our family is our most precious good, so we look good when we know they are protected. Check out our quotes below and cry for divine protection!

Family is a project of God and he blesses them, preserves and protects them to get strengthened!

I give my family into God’s hands because I know that he will take care of us and protect us from all evil.

Our faith is what protects us, family. Let’s believe in God, in His power and in your plans for our life.

Father, that your protective and powerful hand rests on us. We need your care, Lord!

That in my home never lacks the protection of God; May He take care of us and bless us with the most important: Love!

sir, protect my family and guide us closer to you that is the best to be.

May the Lord fill our home with His peace and protection every day.

But the Lord is faithful, and He will give you strength and preserve you from evil.

May no family start at any suddenly. May no family end for lack of love.

A united family is a family protected by God and blessed with your love.

God’s protection quotes for friends

Our friends are an important part of our lives. Stay well to learn that they are kept by God. Check out our quotes below and intercede for their lives!

friend, know that you are in my prayers and God is taking care of you and getting rid of all evil.

There are evils that we do not see and that God does not even let us come close to us because it protects us, friend!

I pray for protection for me and me, my friend. I know God is taking care of us and guiding our steps.

friend, know that you are protected because God loves you and are by your side blessing each of your footsteps.

Our friendship is divine blessing. I know God has united us so we could support and protect ourselves.

All your steps will be blessed because God walks by your side, my friend. Trust it because it protects you!

I pray for you and I know that God listens to me. No need to be afraid, friend, he is protecting you and taking care of your dreams.

Lord, bless my friends and protect them. They are like a family to me and I pray for your care.

love is unprotected yourself to protect someone.

How I can’t protect you alone, friend. I ask God to take care of you at all times.

God’s protection quotes for son

When we become parents, the happiness and well-being of our children is what matters most. God is able to take care of our children always. See our quotations and give their lives into the hands of the Lord!

Children are God’s blessings and he protects them all the time because he also loves them as a father!

Our children are also children of God, so he watches over them and protects them daily.

Lord, take care of my children. Guide the steps of them and protect them so that they are not attracted to the world and move away from you!

My children are under God’s protection. Nothing bad will happen to them because the Lord will not allow.

sir, protect my boys. Take care of them more than take care of me because they need you more!

God provides care to our children because He loves them and has beautiful plans for their lives.

God is loving and meets the requests of worried parents who cry out for protecting their children.

May God protect our children and free them from all evil. Keep them with your love and your power.

Throw your care about the Lord, and He will sustain you; will never allow the righteous to be shaken.

Do not fear evil because I know that God looks at my children and protects them in every step.

God’s protection quotes against envy

Envy is one of those ills that we do not see, but it causes a lot of damage. May God protect you from this feeling always. Shield your life with our quotes below!

Envy is a feeling that does not affect us because God is stronger than her and does not let her come to us.

The God who protects me is stronger than the people who want to have what is already mine.

God will never let anyone steal what is yours because He protects you against the envy of petty people.

There will always be envy, but it is also eternal and will always be powerful to protect us from all evil.

evil does not reach us because God is good and delivers us with all envy.

Lord, move away from my life envy and greed. May what is mine remain in my life if it is your will.

Let your heart open to God to enter and get rid of the envy of people who do not yet know your power.

Having God by my side, I know that envy will not hit me, so I’m not afraid of her.

May God protect me from bad, cruel, envious people. But mainly, of boring people, without salt, without poison, without beauty and without madness.

I don’t need to cry anymore or be afraid. God is by my side protecting me and getting rid of all envy and misleading.

May the Lord always take care of your life and all you love. To follow the path he chose for you, check out our quotes from God in charge!

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