40 messages from God’s warriors to strengthen your faith in the Lord

The world is proof of atonement and, in the midst of so much chaos, God always elects His best soldiers to go to victory. If you are passed on a difficult time and find yourself in a constant battle, then you can’t help but check out these quotes of God warriors who will give you the necessary strength!

Citations of God’s warriors who show all the strength of who is faithful to him

Great battles are given to great warriors. Make the Lord your strength and no evil can destroy you.

My armor is faith and my shield is God.

Support with me my sufferings, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.

These are days of war today, tomorrow will be days of glory. Trust the Lord.

Don’t be afraid of them. The Lord, your God, will fight for you.

loved, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we shared, I felt that it was necessary to write by insisting that they battle faith once and for all entrusted to the saints.

A warrior only lowers his head to pray and gets up to win.

For though we live as men, we do not fight according to human standards. The weapons we fight with are not human with; on the contrary, they are powerful in God to destroy fortresses.

During the battle, they cried to God, who helped them, handing over the Hagarens and all their allies in their hands. God answered them, because they trusted him.

God gives the most difficult battles to your best soldiers.

He keeps me unharmed in battle, being many who are against me.

But the Lord, our God, handed it to us, and we defeat Him, to Him, to His Sons, and His Army.

God never said that the journey and battle would be easy. He said the arrival would be worth it.

Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands to war and my fingers to battle.

see all the armor of God, so that they can be firm against the devil’s pitfalls because our struggle is not against human beings, but against the powers and authorities, against the dominators of this world of darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly regions.

The world offers battles, but God offers comfort and victory.

I am not a warrior who fought with terrestrial weapons, but with the sword of the Spirit that is the Word of God.

There is a daily war within me and Jesus is peace for that.

The Bible is my sword and God, my armor.

I am a warrior of God, the Lord Jesus is my commander. The Bible is my code of conduct!

God enables your best warriors for the most difficult battles, but remember: He always promises victory!

I learned to fight in silence when I understood that only God could help me win.

Life is a great battle and God is our greatest general to lead us this way towards victory, eternal life.

The world knows exactly who the warriors of God are and tries to overthrow them at all costs, but the victory has already been given in God!

I am a warrior of Jesus! The world may try to destroy me, but God protects me and guides me.

As hard as it is a battle, I know that God is by my side, because I am his faithful warrior and he never leaves me.

the devil and the world may even try to knock me down, but I am a soldier of the Lord and nothing can shake me.

Just a true war from God can go through various battles and never lose your strength.

God gave me a battle, but he promised me a victory that will compensate for all this: being in his presence forever and ever.

We do not always understand the wars that God puts in our ways. All we need is to keep us firm and faithful to it!

A good warrior of the Lord bends only before Him without even questioning.

God has put his best soldiers to end the evil of this world. If you are one of them, then never lose your faith! He believes in you!

The word of the Lord is my shield. God is my master and the world is my battlefield.

When God allows you to go through a battle, it is because He has already prepared a great victory!

St. Michael the Archangel, protect us in combat. Cover us with your shield and free from the scams and cilades of the evil one.

The sacred cross be my light, don’t be the dragon my guide. Take Satan withdraw! Never advise me vain. It is bad what you offer me. Drink yourself from your poison!

God prepares your warriors for the greatest struggles in this world. Only then does good be present.

A warrior of God never trembles in the face of adversities, for he knows that the Lord will always guide him along the way of victory.

Always have God as the general, Jesus as his shield and the Holy Spirit as his guide.

I won all the battles that were imposed on me thanks to my good God. To him, I must everything!

Passing through spiritual battles is not easy and to strengthen your faith in the Lord, the tip is to read and meditate on those quotes of God’s strength!

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