40 messages for a grandson that brings immense joy to the hearts of grandparents

A grandson is the best gift a son or daughter can give to his parents! From this being of light, life gains a new meaning and the heart discovers different feelings, never before so pure. If you, grandfather or grandmother, identify with this experience, check out quotes for Neto and express your affections for this child of the heart!

Citations for grandson loaded with affection that only grandparents can give

Being your grandmother fills me with happiness, because you, my grandson, are a true treasure.

Since my grandson came to my life, everything has gained a new meaning and makes much more sense.

Being your grandparents, we learn more about love than in all the years of our lives. Maturity makes us see things with more admiration. We love you so much!

My grandchildren are everything to me. I love to take care, tighten and hug each one! There is a little piece of mine in these small ones.

Each grandson has its importance and its place within the heart of its grandparents. Each, in its own way, is the most important person in the world.

The time we spent together, my grandson, is always so precious to me. You can call me a big owl Grandma, but I don’t get a hand from you!

I feel extremely lucky for calling you my dear grandson. I love you more than anything!

My little grandson, your hug can improve my day. I love to see you running and playing around the house. Being your grandmother is too good!

Since you arrived in the world, a new person has blossomed to me too. I love you, my grandson! You have made our lives a piece of heaven.

I never thought I would carry a love as pure as I carry for my grandson. It’s unbelievable!

I really like my life story after, being more mature, I won my grandson.

My grandchildren, you are the dessert of my life!

My heart had to get bigger when you were born, my grandson, so much love that was born in me.

Since their eyes were just two burquinhas, they already reflected a lot of light in my life. What a pride to see my grandson already a man!

such a little creature, but it aroused a part so pure of mine that I didn’t even know it existed … I think this is being a grandmother.

I see in my grandson all the kindness I have always sought in the world … How happy it is your grandmother!

It is wonderful to follow the growth of a little being from which we are parents twice … The experience of being grandparents is unique!

I am blessed by God for having such a good and sincere relationship with my grandson. I am proud to say that he is my best friend!

Netinho, you haven’t arrived in the world yet, but I already love you with all my heart. Being the best grandma in the world will be my mission!

rejoicing my days from birth, my grandson could not be a more special boy!

I grew up and aged with you and that was the most beautiful process I have ever lived. I love you, grandson!

Having you around always rejoices my day and cherishes my heart, grandson dear. Never get away!

I feel that God has prepared me all my life to be his grandfather today, and I am forever grateful to Him for that.

They say grandparents give folded love to their grandchildren … And aren’t they right? You, my grandson, are like a second child to me and I can’t contain the happiness that hits my chest for having you in my life!

The greatest honor of my life is to carry the title of grandfather of the most beautiful boy in the world!

Playing with my grandson, I discovered grandmother’s life and was delighted for her and him.

grandmother’s heart is fairy godmother, every desire of the grandson comes true.

Being your grandfather is just affection, love and double care. It is being a little father with all the fun of a friend.

After you were born, it was as if my life had been renewed! Today, I am happier, because I have a purpose: to see you grow. I love you so much, my grandson.

How good it is to have as a pure boy with such a pure and with such a beautiful soul! You make me believe, child.

Thanks to God for my grandson! He is a true blessing in my life. I love you, dear.

I’m a tacky grandma and I have the most beautiful breguinha in the world, my grandson!

A smile from my grandson and I know that even the hardest cake to make is easy.

Grandma is like this: It has a tough face, tough way, but it’s completely in love with you!

Being a grandmother or grandfather requires only the willingness to take care of someone’s heart … And for you, I would do everything, my grandson.

The best part of having a grandson is to be able to share sweets and laughs with him. Sundays will always be my favorite days, because it is the days when I get your visit and it seems that God smiles at me through your smile.

Dear grandson, you are an angel that God sent to brighten our family. I love you!

Since I won my grandson, I realized that nothing else would import both in the world and your happiness.

You are the best blessing in our lives! God was feeling very generous when he gave us a boy as wonderful as you as a grandson.

Thanks to my grandson, I became a better man to become a grandfather. Thank you, dear, so!

Ah, how much joy brings a grandson! If you are attached to yours and fall in love with everything he does, also check out grandma owl quotes and share to expose all this love.

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