40 I’m not perfect messages for those who love their imperfections

No one is perfect! But even so society charges each of us daily a totally impossible perfection. This charge can destroy our self -esteem and start a very bad process of self -acceptance. Therefore, we choose quotes of I am not perfect that will help you give your freedom of freedom of the standards imposed on us!

Quotes of I am not perfect for those who are not subject to standards

I’m not perfect, but I’m sure I’m good enough to be respected.

I am not a perfect person, flawed and also make mistakes, because I am human. So I value those who stay with me after they know how I am.

I’m not perfect, I never made a point of being. I want to be happy, this is enough, I don’t need to show off, because I know my ability.

I know I’m not perfect, but you make me feel that way. I like it.

I’m not perfect, but I always try to reach my best version.

I know I’m not perfect at all. I have my traumas, my dramas, my confusion, my chaos.

My goal is to be happy, not perfect.

I’m not perfect and I don’t need fake compliments to survive.

I’m not perfect. I have secrets. I’m a mess. Not only my room, but myself.

I’m not perfect, I am limited edition.

I error. I love. I cry. I play. I smile. I have defects. I have qualities. I lie. I’m not perfect.

I’m not perfect, but I’m sure I can make you very happy, because I’m really!

But don’t look at me like that! I’m not perfect and never went.

I have a world of indecisions, various complications and thousands of phases… I am neither perfect nor complete.

But it happens that I am not perfect, honey, I will never be! I hope you forgive me, because I have forgiven myself.

I know I’m not perfect and I have a lot of defects. But what would us be if we were all perfect? ​​

I am not a programmed robot to not have flaws and be perfect. I’m not perfect! I’m human, I feel, I cry, I love it.

I want not to see me as someone ideal, because I am not perfect. I also fail, but I like my imperfection.

I swear I try, I have been trying this since I was born, but I am not perfect.

This is the right way to be myself. I love myself, with all my crazy, even though I know I’m not perfect.

I’m not perfect and you don’t, but it’s our imperfections that make us unique.

I’m not perfect and to tell the truth I don’t even want to be.

I am not perfect and my life is not either, but for everything I am and I have a deep gratitude.

I know I’m not perfect and I won’t find anyone perfect, but I want someone to be more than a boyfriend, more than carnal desire.

See that I am not perfect, no better or worse than you, but I am unique.

Just like the pens, I fail. Just like the rain, I fall. And just like many other things, I’m not perfect.

I am not perfect and I do not want perfection, because unrealistic goals only generate disappointments.

So what’s not perfect? If I were, life would not be funny.

I’m sorry if when you need me the most lack words to comfort you. I am not perfect and it is difficult to admit this.

I’m not a perfect person. There are many things I would like not to have done, but I still learn.

If I’m not perfect, imagine if my feelings would be.

I know that sometimes I’m not perfect, I know you’re not perfect, but even when it’s wrong, it looks right. Because we are perfect together.

I’m not a perfect person, but I have a beautiful heart that seeks a warmth.

I’m not perfect, I have my flaws, but I thank God for what I am.

I’m not perfect, never went, but with you I feel complete, I feel whole again, you are and always will be the part that I miss.

I’m not a concept, I’m just a screwed girl looking for peace of mind… I’m not perfect.

I’m not perfect and knowing that motivates me to seek to be better always.

I’m not perfect. I rarely have the right word at the right time. I speak bullshit and also hurt for real. Floor on the ball, ugly error. I apologize.

I’m not perfect, so I have the full notion that I can’t charge anyone’s perfection.

I’m not perfect, but everything I do and say always comes from the heart.

Don’t let society discredit you from your abilities, realize how amazing you are with our empowerment quotes and never lower your head to anyone!

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