40 first Mother’s Day messages that celebrate the emotion of this date

The first Mother’s Day is unforgettable because it marks the beginning of a celebration that will be given for a lifetime. It is also the time to congratulate yourself on being doing a good job and giving all love to your little one. To celebrate the beginning of this beautiful mission, check out the best Mother’s first day quotes!

Mother’s First Day quotes to congratulate who is at the beginning of this mission

This is the first time I celebrate this date and I am making a dream come true. Happy Mother’s Day for me!

I want to celebrate my first Mother’s Day with the conscience that I do the best I can for my son and will be willing to everything for him.

My love, you are an amazing mother. Never forget about day. Congratulations on your first Mother’s Day!

Holding my baby on my lap and thanking God for the first Mother’s Day. May He bless us!

I have become a mother a short time ago, but it’s already one of my favorite parts of life. What a delight my first Mother’s Day!

Everything is still new to me and, on my first Mother’s Day, I just want to thank you for the blessing of having my baby with me. My greatest gift!

Congratulations on your first Mother’s Day! That every day, you further discover the wonders of motherhood!

Celebrating this date has always been a dream. May God bless me in all the challenges of motherhood. Happy Mother’s Day!

The first Mother’s Day will be unforgettable. Congratulations! May you fill with love for your little one.

I’m not afraid of motherhood, I about it and I hope it is always like this. Happy Mother’s Day for me!

A baby is the eternalization of love. May this be the first Mother’s Day of many happy who will come.

I will never forget my first Mother’s Day and how I feel blessed to receive this divine mission.

Your first Mother’s Day marks the beginning of a love story that has overflowed. Congratulations!

That this emotion of celebrating your first Mother’s Day is by your side every day. Congratulations!

The first day of mothers is a mix of feelings. I want to congratulate myself for being playing this role with so much love and strength.

On your first Mother’s Day, I just want you to be filled with love. Congratulations!

I’m still discovering my motherhood and everything is easier when I see my baby’s smile. Happy Mother’s Day for me.

A first -time mother deserves all support and strength. I am here for whatever you need. Happy Mother’s Day!

Motherhood is made of different moments and the first Mother’s Day is one of the most special. Congratulations to me!

I’m handling, even though it’s so difficult. So, I celebrate my first Mother’s Day, grateful!

My first child was born and I was born as a mother. Today is the day to celebrate for both of us. Happy Mother’s Day!

You are learning while your baby is developing and it has been beautiful to watch you. Happy Mother’s Day!

To this beautiful first -time mother, I just want to want to be congratulated. You can see how much love overflows from your heart.

No word can express the joy I feel today … My first Mother’s Day! May God bless me on this daily journey.

That this emotion of the first Mother’s Day helps you overcome moments of difficulty. Congratulations!

You became a mother and a new part of you was born. It completes you and makes you more beautiful. Happy Mother’s Day!

Your baby is very fortunate to have you as a mother. Congratulations on your day, your first Mother’s Day!

let it be a day of celebration, as you are rocking being a loving and careful mom. Happy Mother’s Day!

I want to enjoy my motherhood a lot because time goes by very fast. Happy First Mother’s Day for me!

I want to enjoy my first Mother’s Day because no other will be like this. I’m very happy today!

Your first Mother’s Day and I just want your baby’s smile to be your daily fuel.

Motherhood made you reborn. May you face all challenges with love and patience. Happy Mother’s Day!

I am now part of this special group. May my first Mother’s Day remind me that love is always greater than challenges.

That every day you discover the strength of love and that mothers are capable of the impossible. Happy Mother’s Day!

To be a mother is to realize a dream and fulfill a more than special mission. Congratulations on your first Mother’s Day!

It’s been a few months since all my thoughts are about maternity. On this Mother’s Day, I want to celebrate the mother I’m becoming.

For this beautiful first -time mom, I wish you a lot of light, love and strength. Happy Mother’s Day!

You are already a heroine for your child, even though it is so small. Congratulations on your first Mother’s Day!

that the purity of this love gives you strength and courage; May you be more and more this person intended for great things, an amazing mother. Happy First Mother’s Day!

I had the honor of generating a life and the blessing of boarding maternity. May my first Mother’s Day be full of joy!

May the emotion of this date renew each year! To say how you are feeling in this new mission of your life, check out quotes from first -time mother and share the findings of this phase!

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