40 countdown messages to wait for the next moments

When something we want to happen very close to happening, our hearts fill with expectation and anxiety. To soften this whirlwind of feelings, we count the days and wait until it happens. It can be birthday, wedding, vacation or a long -awaited trip. Therefore, we have selected the best countdown quotes to live the days of waiting with joy. Check it out!

Counting Counting for Birthday

Those who love to have a birthday, always expect this day to arrive and receive a lot of love and affection. Start your countdown with the quotes we selected below, check out:

It will start counting countdown to the best day of the year. I can’t wait to have a birthday and celebrate my life!

There is little to celebrate my birthday and I want everyone telling me the seconds until this wonderful day!

I count countdown to my birthday to see if I am excited to get older! Let us be like the wine improving over time!

When you turn your clock and 30 days left for my birthday, I start counting the days and hope that they pass very fast!

3, 2, 1! There are a few hours left for your birthday. The celebrations have started here. I hope you feel very loved all day!

It’s time to celebrate a lot. My birthday is coming. Only new phase comes, new age and new cycle!

The closer it gets on my birthday, the more anxious I get to celebrate and thank you for my life. May the countdown start!

In the next 30 days I don’t want to know of sadness. Now it’s just joy because my birthday is coming.

I look forward to everything life reserves me at this new age. 3, 2, 1 … only my birthday comes!

Let the countdown start and my birthday animation increases as the days pass!

Counting Counting for Wedding

Marriage is a very special day and much dreamed by the couple. No wonder anxiety increases when it is closer to the chosen date. Count the days with the following quotes and hold the emotion!

There are a few days to the beginning of eternity, marry the love of my life. The heart hits faster and the emotion is a thousand. May the day arrive soon!

Let the countdown to the first day of our lives be a family, my love!

Less than 30 days for the realization of our dream and the beginning of a new and love -filled new phase. Only come the day of our wedding!

Time, go very fast because anxiety is too high. There are a few days left for our wedding!

I’m already counting down and I can’t believe how time flying so far. There is little left for my wedding!

Tell me the missing days for the big day, the most anticipated moment of my life, my marriage!

Soon, we will be one, living in unity and sharing love. We are counting down for our wedding!

Keep Calm and … Hold on the heart with this countdown to the wedding day!

I can’t contain the joy of knowing that our marriage is closer each day. May the countdown start!

It was easy here, but it will be hard to hold on to anxiety knowing that a few days left until marriage. Harness Heart!

Countded Counting for Holidays

When our body enters the countdown mode of vacation, what we have left is to wait for the rest days and count the days as they pass. See our quotes below and prepare for this moment!

My body has already entered the countdown to my vacation. May the rest days come!

I hope the next 30 days will fly because I just want my vacation. Arrive soon, please!

Vacation, countdown says you are coming. Come fast, please!

The countdown has arrived. Holidays are on my way in less than 30 days!

I can’t even work anymore, I can only think that I’m counting down for my vacation.

My well -deserved vacation is coming. May the countdown start!

Status: Telling the days until I get to my holidays and rest everything I need.

My countdown is what motivates me these days. Vacation, arrive soon!

I hardly see the time to enjoy a shadow and fresh water. I’m counting down for my vacation!

Vacation, I’m seeing you right after my countdown. Book a lot of good things for me, please!

Countded quotes to travel

Traveling is a delight and a very well planned dream. After so much commitment, when the date is coming close, anxiety increases. Count the days so far with our quotes below and enjoy!

telling the seconds to relax the mind and tire the body a lot. There is little left for my trip!

I’m counting down to realize my dream: travel alone for the first time!

Many places await me at the end of this countdown. I already have my bags ready to travel.

telling the seconds for my trip, to see the people I love and to live unforgettable moments.

Status: Making the bags and counting the seconds to travel soon!

Focus, strength and faith that a few days left to board the trip of my dreams!

traveling, I feel complete and full of life. I’m counting down for the next trip!

I can’t wait to put your foot on the road and go to happiness. May the day to travel soon!

my friends and I are telling the days to live an adventure on the road!

telling the days to live the best and most striking moments of my life. Arrive soon, trip!

May the days go very quickly for you to realize your dreams. And the heart is becoming increasingly excited to the expected date, so see our emotion quotes and learn to deal with it!

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