40 birthday thank you messages to God to celebrate the date

Celebrating a birthday is a true privilege, isn’t it? After all, this is a date to celebrate life and all the best that has happened in another year. To thank the Lord for another cycle that ends and another that begins, the tip is to take a look at these quotes of birthday thanks to God!

Quotations of anniversary thanks to God full of gratitude and devotion

To the God of life, I give thanks and praises for experiencing another birthday.

Every day I thank God for my life, but today I want to thank you for another lap in the sun with health, prosperity and a lot of love in the heart.

My greatest gift is the unconditional love of God I have every day and not just on my birthday.

Thank you, my God, for another birthday and for turning my life in all these years.

God, thanks for another birthday and for all that the Lord has done for me. I am your eternal servant and son!

Health, a beautiful family and wonderful friends: these are the biggest birthday gifts God could give me.

God, I thank you for another years of life. I declare that I am nothing without your presence in my days.

Happiness for me is being able to celebrate another birthday about the blessing and protection of my Lord.

God saved me and saves me every day. The proof is that today I can celebrate another birthday with the grace of Him.

Today I just want to say: gratitude, God. For everything!

My life is already my greatest and most precious gift. Thank you, God for everything!

I just got here because of my good God. Without him, I’m nothing. Thanks for the opportunity to celebrate in your presence another birthday.

and suddenly everything works out, everything happens. It is no luck or chance. And God! Thank you, sir, for another birthday!

Anniversary is God’s blessing. After all, he is the owner of life!

On this special day, I want to thank God for the gift of life and all that He does constantly to me.

I thank God for giving me conditions to fight and achieve the intended goals. I was not born rich, but it did not stop me from seeing riches in the ability to transform life into gifts and achievements.

God shapes each one since the day of birth. Being able to celebrate this date every year is a huge blessing!

Lord, thanks for the grace that is a birthday. If it weren’t for your presence, I could be nothing!

I want to start my birthday thanking God for this gift so precious that it is life.

Life in abundance is only possible with God. And each new birthday is proof of that.

Celebrating another year of life in God is the greatest gift anyone could receive.

Dear God, on my birthday, there is nothing to ask, just to thank, recognize your action in my life.

Another year of my life that goes on and a new cycle begins. And always with God ahead!

I’m so flawed, but God is the greatest proof of love. Therefore, he granted me with another beautiful year of life.

Thank you, my father, for making sense to my life and for another birthday!

The gift of life is celebrated every day, but the birthday is a special date to thank God for all that He does for us.

sir, on my birthday, once again, I put all my life in your feet. For only you are able to guide my steps.

God has been standing me every day of my life and this is the biggest reason for my gratitude.

I am the son of the god of abundance, so I celebrate with joy another year of life.

aging is not bad. It is proof that God gives us health and blessings every day!

My greatest birthday gift comes from God: life in abundance.

Celebrating the birthday in the presence of the Lord is the guarantee of another spectacular year!

My God is so wonderful that he gives me reason to celebrate life every day and not just on my birthday.

God guided all my steps so far and I can only express all this in one word: gratitude.

On this birthday, I want to thank God for this opportunity to celebrate life in his grace and mercy.

Life is a precious gift from God and a birthday is the greatest proof of that.

After I put my life on the feet of the Lord all my birthdays became happier happy and more reason to celebrate.

God, guide my steps in this new cycle of my life. May I reach the next birthday with peace, health and faithful to your love.

Thank you, God, for this special day that is my birthday. Thank you above all for the people in my life, they are the best gift you could give me.

Being able to celebrate a birthday is proof that God is present in my life and acts for me to have health, happiness and many blessings!

Celebrating the birthday in God’s presence is the greatest gift we can have! Take the opportunity to check out these anniversary spiritist quotes.

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