30 Palm Sunday messages that celebrate the beginning of Holy Week

Ramos Sunday marks the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem and the beginning of Holy Week. Mounted on a donkey, Jesus returned to the city where he was exalted by the population and, a few days later, crucified by the same people who proclaimed him king of kings. Read these quotations from Sunday from branches and understand the symbolism of the date for Christians!

Baby Sunday quotes that precede Easter and celebrate the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem

Holy Week starts today with Ramos Sunday. May it be blessed with plenty of recollection and conversion, so that we reach true communion with Jesus!

We pass the joy of welcoming Jesus, who enters Jerusalem, to the sadness of seeing Him condemned to death and crucified. It is an inner attitude that will accompany us throughout the Holy Week.

Never forget the true meaning of Ramos Sunday: Jesus’ return to Jerusalem and the beginning of Holy Week. A week meditating on the death of our Lord, but also of resurrection!

We celebrate once again the arrival of Jesus to Jerusalem! May this Sunday of Ramos be marked by love and obedience to our Savior.

Jesus begins to surprise us. His people solemnly welcomes him, but he enters Jerusalem into a donkey … What is the aspect of the Lord and his Easter that surprises us most? The fact that he reaches glory through the path of humiliation.

What has passed with those people who, in a few days, passed from the ‘hossanas’ to Jesus to the cry ‘crucify him’? These people followed a picture of Messiah than the Messiah. They admired Jesus, but they were not ready to be surprised by Him.

God, that I can celebrate this Sunday of branches the right way: renouncing the world and accepting Jesus!

When Jesus entered Jerusalem the whole city stirred, and they said, “Who is this man?” The crowds responded, “This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee.”

Ramos Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. A period that begins with hosanas shouts and ends lament with the Passion of Christ. May we embrace the cross to reach the resurrection in Christ.

Hosanna in the highest, king of all kings and our only Savior! So we greeted Jesus, today on Sunday of branches and forever and ever!

say to the daughter of Zion: Behold, your king comes to you, meek, and sitting on a donkey, and on a donkey, son of a cargo animal.

hosanna! Blessed be the one who comes in the name of the Lord, king of Israel. A great Sunday of Ramos!

Ramos Sunday is a moment of reflection to silence our mind and listen to what Jesus has to tell us all week. May there be conversion to us!

Ramos Sunday solemnly opens Holy Week with the memory of Palmas and Passion, of the entry of Jesus in Jerusalem and the Liturgy of the Word that evokes the Passion of the Lord in the Gospel of St. Luke.

This Sunday of branches, I want to die to the world, to the sins and reborn in Jesus, my Lord and Savior.

May this Sunday of Ramos have many moments of welcome and love between you and your loved ones!

Much more than decorating the doors of the houses with Palmeiras branches, the Sunday of Ramos is the day to celebrate Jesus’ love and humility towards all peoples!

Sunday of Ramos makes us reflect on the love of Christ for us. Jesus loved us to the last consequences. May your example enlighten us to love their neighbor as he loved us.

In his time, Jesus returned to Jerusalem on Ramos Sunday. Today, I pray that he will return to my heart, which longs for his forgiveness and love.

May this Sunday of Ramos be a blessed day of peace. May it be a Sunday that renews our faith and hope in Christ, in the certainty that better days will come.

Holy Week is an intense week for all Catholics, from Ramos Sunday to the Passion of Christ we come into contact with the purest love of this world: the one who died for us and our sins.

Jesus arrived in Jerusalem being greeted and exalted and died in the same city, being humiliated. Let us never be like this! That we can always exalt and proclaim Jesus as the king of kings.

May this Sunday of Ramos remind us of our pilgrimage on earth and how only the love of Jesus can support us and save us on this journey.

Ramos Sunday is one day to reflect: would we be exhorting Jesus and at the same time stinging him? May we always be faithful to our Lord!

May this Sunday of branches remind us that the Kingdom of Jesus is not here, in this world, but in eternity with God!

The king of all kings entered Jerusalem mounted on a donkey and acclaimed by those who would turn their backs on him. Jesus, teach us humility and loyalty, which is never price!

The Sunday of Ramos is a reminder of the eternal life that God promises us, the remission of our sins and the only way to Him: Jesus!

Jesus was humble until the last moment. May we all be so, for true happiness is not in this earth, in the promises of men and gold that shines, but in eternal life. Happy Sunday of Ramos!

Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem mounted on a donkey invites us to the reflection that the true Lord is humble and welcomes everyone anyway! Happy Sunday of Ramos.

Hosanna to all men, all peoples, and all those who have faith, for it is for her that we are saved and live the eternal life free of sins. Happy Sunday of Ramos!

Jesus always shows that the way to heaven is humility and goodness! To continue celebrating Holy Week, also read these quotes from Easter to family full of happiness and beautiful messages, and experience with their the reality of the resurrection.

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