30 mourning messages for mother-in-law that honor your second mother

Sleepy Heart is like Mother’s Heart: there is always room for one more. With her maternal nature, she receives the son -in -law or daughter -in -law in the family and welcomes everyone with love. So when the day comes to say goodbye, sadness is deep. Check out the mourning quotes for mother -in -law and express your pain of loss.

Mourning Quotes for Mother -in -Law that will help you say goodbye and thank you for everything

My mother -in -law, the pain is great and the longing will be eternal. May God receive you with open arms.

Today my heart is in mourning, for one of the great women of my life fell asleep the sleep of eternity. Rest in peace, my mother -in -law.

More than a mother -in -law, you were a mother to me. I will keep all your teachings fondly. May God receive you with open arms.

The heart is never prepared to say goodbye. My mother -in -law, you will remain in my memories. ETERNAL HEALTHS.

My mother -in -law was a woman of light and today left the land plane to shine on the heavenly plane. May the angels receive you. Pray for us, dear!

After so much suffering and struggle, my mother -in -law found eternal rest. The longing is huge and sadness invades my heart, but I know she’s in a better place.

Your mother’s heart welcomed me and loved me. There are so many beautiful stories that I will keep with love. Mother -in -law, you will be sorely missed.

mother -in -law, you were an angel who marked my life with your light and your joy. Now that you have left, the memories and the longing will be. Rest in peace.

It is with regret and sadness that I communicate the death of my mother -in -law. My heart overflows gratitude for having the pleasure of living with this amazing woman.

It’s so hard to say goodbye! I still hear your laugh echoing and I feel your hug wrapping me. Mother -in -law, from heaven, keep taking care of us.

In this moment of great sadness, God comforts my heart. My beloved mother -in -law is no longer among us, but your memories will always be present.

You made life a party and your joy was contagious. Mother -in -law, I would like to give you a last hug and say that you were a mother to me. Rest in peace!

If today the pain is so great is because love was immense. Mother -in -law, you marked my life and will continue in my heart.

I will never forget your smile, your hug and your advice. My mother -in -law, my friend, my little mother of the heart, rest in the peace of God.

I will not say goodbye, because I am sure that one day we will meet again in eternity. Mother -in -law, next to angels, keep taking care of me.

I was not prepared to lose you, my mother -in -law. My heart of grief hurts so much. I always promise to honor your memory.

Your passage on Earth was beautiful. A huge and generous woman, an example for my life. I miss you, dear mother -in -law! How do you hurt to lose you.

The day is sad and full of pain. My mother -in -law will always miss your smile between us. Your start departs my heart.

Today God collected my mother -in -law to be starring in his heavenly garden. Mourning heart.

After I met you, I could never imagine my life without you. Mother -in -law, I’m sure you left knowing my unconditional love. Rest in peace.

I had the mother -in -law that every daughter -in -law I would like to have and today I can’t say goodbye. So, see you soon, mother of my heart. May your soul find peace.

Living without you is a fatality, my mother -in -law. May the pain pass and good memories remain in the heart.

mother -in -law, you are part of the family I chose to call mine. Your departure leaves a huge emptiness in our life. That memories always prevail.

You made me the happiest of the sons -in -law. Always patient, careful and loving. I will miss you so much, dear mother -in -law. I will do everything so that, from heaven, you feel proud of me.

Your departure opens a wound in my heart, dear mother -in -law. From the sky, send comfort and wisdom so that our family can go through the mourning.

mourning hurts so much. I wanted you to be here to comfort me and say that everything will look good. Mother -in -law, you will always live in my heart.

I will always remember you with love, affection and admiration. ETERNAL HEALTH, BEAN PERFORM.

mother -in -law, my affection for you go from here even in the sky. Receive my hug and send me comfort. My soul is in mourning.

By your side, I lived beautiful and unforgettable moments. May the pain be fleeting and that our family finds comfort in good memories. Rest in peace, mother -in -law.

It’s hard to contain the tears and my heart will always host full of longing. May God receive my mother -in -law and send comfort to our family.

saying goodbye is never easy! Also check out the mourning images that will help you express your pain.

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