30 messages from Minas Gerais to get to know the state of Minas better

The State of Minas Gerais is very popular throughout the country for the cuisine full of delicious food, the wonderful accent of listening and the unique way of speaking. Only those who are miner knows how this train is too good, just. To know better about those who live there, we select citations from miner. Check it out and be enchanted with them, wow!

Minas Gerais citations full of Mineirês and this Jeitin ‘Bão de Living

Mineiro answers everything with ‘wow’ because ‘wow’ is for any occasion, wow.

The best of Minas is everything because there is nothing bad in a state that has cheese bread, dulce de leche, welcoming people and the most beautiful accent in Brazil.

wow, just! I’m really miner and I’m from the best state in Brazil!

Train Bão Being miner and living in the state with beautiful landscape, hot food and a lot of joy!

Mineiro who is miner has two words that always speaks and fits everything: train and wow!

Mineiro is people who speak Mineirês and only another miner can understand.

Mineiro really likes is the quiet life and not being in a hurry to eat a cheese bread and have a coffee of the hour.

If I had to choose to be born in any state of Brazil, I would still choose mines because only here has Jeitin ‘Mineiro to live.

Mineiro is welcoming. We like to receive everyone and always with a coffee in hand.

Talking to Mineiro is Tudibão, but if you don’t know Mineirês, it seems to be talking to a foreigner.

I thought of Minas, I even smelled the cornmeal cake and the coffee past at the time.

Mineiro is the one who knows how to party, the rest only tries.

Here in Minas we don’t say that it disagrees, we talk wow.

Anything in Minas can be called the train.

Mineiro When you are lost try to ask for information by asking: ôncotô? Oncovô?

If you come to Minas and don’t try the food from here, you didn’t come to Minas, train!

Stay, just! Warm cheese bread with coffee passed on the spot will come out.

ô train is a miner. Here we eat well, drink a cachacinha, enjoy life in peace and tranquility.

When a miner says “here O”, you pay attention because the subject is serious.

Jeitin ‘Mineiro de Being is too good, wow! It’s never being a beast, just, and being happy without being passed back.

Mineiro is a little suspicious at first, but when it opens, then never let you leave his life.

The miner accent spoken in the ear of the ear makes me melt whole.

Mineiro speaks meek that it is not to lose patience and talk to Mió!

nodes Num likes to invent fashion, we like the tradition of being miner.

If the world were more miner, it would be more beautiful, tasty and full of good things.

Bão cheese even has in other places, but only from Minas is the myó of all.

Mineiro is people who do not hunt easy confusion, but do not expect to see a miner with the border.

Mineiro likes a “devurate”, because talking is with us.

warm coffee, cheese bread coming out, the table full of people. It’s too good to be a miner, just!

The miner’s accent makes it seem that they are so always good with life. Oh beautiful people, just!

and if there is one thing that miner likes is a coffee. See our coffee quotes and enjoy this drink full of energy!

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