30 messages about living today to help you focus on the present moment

Not knowing how to focus on the present moment and always obsessed with the past or the future is one of the great triggers to trigger stress, anxiety and depression. If you want to change your thoughts, then be sure to read these quotes about living today! Enjoy and share with your friends who also need these reflections.

Quotes about living today that helps you stay here and now

We need to live today with all the strength, because tomorrow is an interrogation.

Living the moment is not as simple as it seems, but it is the only way out of the chaos we spent on a daily basis.

Stop, breathe, look inside, look at now. Live every second of the present moment, because in reality it is all we have.

Maybe today is the tomorrow you are looking for.

Life is too short to break the past or be anxious thinking about the future. Long live here, the now, today.

The secret of every source of peace is to focus on the present moment, because it is the only one you have a mere control.

Let’s live the best of our lives today! Because we have so little time.

Live Today, tomorrow is gone, this is me.

If you have to love, love today. If you have to smile, smile today. If you have to cry, cry today. Because the important thing is to live today. Yesterday has gone and tomorrow may not come.

If they knew how fleeting life would run less and would understand why “now” is called “gift”.

dream, plan, have faith in tomorrow. But, above all, live today!

Love the life you live. Live the life you love.

That today is today without the weight of yesterday or anxiety for tomorrow. Just today.

We stop in question what the future reserves us and receive as a gift whatever that we bring us today.

Why hurry? If you don’t know where to go, run in vain if the path is long.

I do what I want in the present, because I don’t want to get to the future thinking what I could have done in the past.

People wait every week for Friday, every year for summer, all life for happiness. Forget that it happens in today.

Focus on the present moment, for it is all that exists. The past is behind and the future is just an uncertain promise.

Tomorrow is uncertain, do not miss the opportunity to live today.

Everything has its time. Do not martyrize for what has been and do not worry about what you have not yet blinded. All we have is now.

Life is so short to worry about what it could have been and it won’t be. What we have to do is live the moment we are given with wisdom.

Live today intensely, for he is what his future is looking with the eyes of the past.

Today is all we have, and if we want to revoke the past so as not to make the same mistakes in the future, then we need to work in the now.

Be your best now, because there is no better time to live all this intensely than today.

Long live today. Tomorrow is a doubtful time.

The universe gives us the gift of focusing on the present, meditating and looking inside with care and affection. So focus on now that you are living, even if it is bad.

Anxiety is the result of excessive concern with the past and the future. The way is to look at the now and what can be done with him.

Live Today, because you never know tomorrow and yesterday is a chapter that has been behind us.

Do not despair. Take it easy. You are not the mistake of your past, the less the uncertainty of your future. You are now, this unique and eternal moment.

When you learn to focus on the here and now, you will see your life overflow to good and serene things.

Living the now is the only way to enjoy life in its abundance and completeness! To help you stop suffering in advance, the tip is to read these quotes of anxiety.

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