25 messages from Cristiano Ronaldo that praise his discipline and talent

Elected the best soccer player in the world for countless times, Cristiano Ronaldo is considered today as one of the most expensive players in history. Batching the most varied recovers, he began his career at the age of eight in the base categories of the Sandarinha Football Club of Santo António. So, learn more about your history through the quotes of Cristiano Ronaldo we selected!

Cristiano Ronaldo quotes who recognize his trajectory

Who criticizes me is because there is no mirror at home.

I have virtually no private life. I’m used to it. Yes, it is sometimes difficult, but it is the choice I made.

talent is not everything. You can get it from the crib, but you need to learn the craft to be the best.

Experience makes you understand that playing in teams and being supportive achieve greater goals.

I’m not a perfectionist, but I like to feel that things are well done. More than that, I feel an infinite need to learn, improve, get involved, not only to please the coach and the fans, but also to feel satisfied.

I believe that improving is something that should always be in the thinking of professionals. This is what I should do every year.

I want to be remembered as part of the group of the best players.

I always have to write my own story, regardless of where to play. Of course, the most important thing is to win titles and that’s what I try to do in the teams I played: leaving my brand, contributing my part, winning titles for the club.

I also have my flaws, but I’m a professional who doesn’t like to lose or fail.

The word work is the key to success and obviously having a little luck gives way.

Today there are opportunities that no one knows if they will appear again in the future.

There is nothing wrong with dreaming of being the best player in the world. It’s about trying to be the best. I will continue to work hard to reach it, it is within my possibilities.

I want to win, regardless of wherever it is.

All goals are special to me. Obviously, some have had better flavor than others because they occurred in an important phase or in a final, but I think everyone is important.

You think it’s already perfect, so it will never be.

Without football, my life would be worth nothing.

What I do as an individual player is only important if you help the team win. This is the most important.

In my head I am the best. If we don’t think so, we have no ambition.

I am aware that whatever the circumstances are, there will always be speculation about me.

Each season is a new challenge for me, and I always want to improve in terms of games, goals and assists.

Without discipline, talent is for nothing.

In life nothing is impossible. Just fight day by day for your dreams.

I don’t want to be compared to anyone, I would like to impose my own style of play and do my best for me and the club.

People talk a lot, talk a lot, but they say nothing.

My mental strength is very important to me.

Football is really a claw sport and enchantment! So, know another big name of this practice through this amazing selection of quotes from Pelé.

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