Prayer I believe in God the Father

I believe in God the Father Almighty, CRIARADOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, NE IN JESUS ​​CHRIST, YOUR ONLY SON, OUR LORD. Under Pilate Pilate, nfoi crucified, killed and buried, ndsed the mansion of the dead, nressuscou on the third day, nisubed to the heavens, nesta sitting at the right of the almighty father, where he will judge to judge the living and the dead. Religious as a prayer that can be professed at every moment, check out your main curiosities below and strengthen your faith in the face of difficult, stormy and constant trials.

Origin of Writings

Also known as the “symbol of the apostles”, this prayer that declares belief and faithfulness to the Holy Trinity, originated in the New Testament, more specifically in the writings of Paul of Tarsus: Galatian books, 2 Thessalonians, Romans and 1 Corinthians . However, it is important to say that prayer is the construct of the apostle’s teachings, not being completely described in Scripture.

Oldest Roman Catechism

Scholars claim that creed is the oldest confession of faith, used in the early centuries as a form that Christians profess aptitude to be part of the religious corpse. Nowadays, the Catholic Church delivers this prayer in the third year of catechesis to members who are close to making their first communion.

More than one version

The creed “Jesus is the Lord”, recognized as the oldest and possibly taken from Paul’s writings, has been modified for various versions over time:

Similar prayers

Prayer I believe in God the Father is a fixed way to confess the religious belief of the members of Catholicism. It expresses faith and devotion to God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Right precisely why Protestant churches of different denominations make their confession in a similar way. As, for example, Baptist churches, Lutheran churches, Presbyterian churches, Methodist churches, etc. However, some denominations arising from the radical reform that occurred in the sixteenth century choose not to profess this prayer.

Faith in words

As stated earlier, prayer I believe in God the Father is a summary of the manifesto of devotion, obedience, and faithfulness to the Holy Trinity. Confessing it is an act of worship that places faith in words. It is not seen as a symbol of the Roman Church, it is professed in ceremonies such as baptisms and catechisms, demarcating a delivery of body, soul and heart to the heavenly Father. In addition, reaffirms the faith of the hearts of the fear of him. You will not regret it!

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