85 beautiful status messages that will touch your friends’ hearts

It is amazing to share with friends when we are feeling good with life, because we spread all the good energy within us and spread them with our happiness.

But, as we are not always close to these special people, a great way to show them that we are happy is by the status of social networks, sharing a message that expresses this feeling.

Therefore, we made a list of several beautiful citations for status that demonstrate inner peace, tranquility, happiness, among other good feelings that radiate in your heart. Choose the one that best fits you and update your status right now!

Beautiful citations for status to show everyone what you are thinking and feeling

If your interior is at peace, the rest does so much!

Here only the good comes in, only good is!

Life is not colorful. Life is for coloring!

Each day is a chance to be better than yesterday!

In the soul no one sends… she just stays where she is enchanted.

I transmit to the world what I would like to receive from it.

To be light is having the soul charged with good feelings.

Who invests in faith does not need to count on luck!

Some purposes are just beginnings.

Fill in your body with (c) soul!

Everything has its time. Nothing is by chance!

Let things flow in your time…

Nothing is as ours as our dreams.

Stop a moment and realize how blessed you are.

I have a soul that is made of dreams!

feel good, do good, be good.

If you can’t be yourself, go away.

Dreams preced the achievements.

It’s time to live new things!

Do not lose your peace for someone who is at peace without you…

We cannot predict the future, but we can create it!

Accept what cannot change, change what you can’t accept!

No matter what people think. If you believe it is worth it, fight for it.

Life is yours, so do everything thinking about pleasing you!

Do not make happiness a goal, but a way of life.

Giving up is for the weak, but knowing how to stop is for the wise.

When thought is right and the heart is strong, the path becomes indifferent!

For a long time I was all I could; Now I’m all I want.

Sometimes we may not know which side move, but we can never stop.

It is impossible to progress without change, and those who do not change their minds can not change anything.

When we believe it is possible, everything becomes easier.

First rain, then the rainbow. If you get used, the order is this.

Most important than finding happiness is learning to be happy without depending on something or someone.

make up with your past, so it won’t hinder your gift.

Don’t despair, for at the right time God puts everything back in place.

Exchange words for attitudes and their plans will become victories.

I have a thousand dreams on my head and a heart full of hope to reach them!

Action does not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.

Follow ahead, without fear of what left behind, because what really matters will go with you.

In a world made of appearances, happy is the one that is made of truths.

Obstacles are motivations when the mind is full of will!

To have faith is not to count on luck. It is knowing that when the seed is good, the harvest is abundant.

That we never unlearns to start over.

It takes courage to be different and a lot of competence to make a difference.

and when we believe, even fear is transformed into faith!

Always believe in that inner voice that says it will be all right.

What is done for love is always beyond good and evil.

Winners never give up and who gives up never wins.

Love is the only madness of a wise and the only wisdom of a fool.

and when everyone is promises, dare to be attitude…

victory may be closer to what you think.

In a heart where gratitude lives, it will always dwell happiness.

I do not seek to be better than others. I just seek to be better than I was yesterday!

Fear attributes to little things great shadows.

In our thoughts we make our world.

The weak never forgives: forgiveness is one of the qualities of the fort.

Within us are all the answers we need to make life a path of light, peace and achievements.

The secret is one: believing that everything will work out, because it goes.

never confuse knowledge with wisdom. One helps him earn his life; the other to build a life.

No matter what you decided. What matters is that it makes you happy.

I have no time for anything else, being happy consumes me a lot.

If it is to give up, give up being weak.

Joy is contagious. Pass ahead.

The energy you spread is the same as you get!

Honesty never goes out of style!

The right is right, in war or in peace.

Some people complain about the wind, others prefer to release kite.

I’m happy, I’m at peace with me and life, and I do not allow others to destroy my well-being.

Happy or not, the law of life is always moving on with a head held high.

What is yours comes with time. And what is not going with him.

Men make mistakes, the great men confess that they have made a mistake.

Courage is not the absence of fear; It is persistence despite fear.

tune your vibration. There is no time to live in vain.

It is in peace that the largest storm loses strength!

Create dreams without limits and be happy without barriers.

Deliver me from everything that prevents me from being happy.

Who has always had faith, never needed luck.

May there be peace for the world and never miss inside me.

Listen to what your soul says and take life with a little more calm.

Smile attracts all the positive energies of the planet.

I don’t fight for luxury or wealth, but to look good with life and thus be able to have peace!

Harmony is the highest point of peace.

Follow God’s orientations at all times and He will give the peace you need for your heart.

Life taught me that calm clarifies any question and transforms any problem into solution.

In the kindness of your gestures, the peace that lives in your heart shows.

As you checked, status is a great place to share our thoughts and feelings, whatever they may be. Therefore, we have separated another list with citations for status with the most varied themes. You will identify yourself!

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