30 happiness poem messages that will bring more smiles to your day

A few days are gray and seem to be lost, aren’t they? To brighten these complicated periods of life, the tip is to take a look at these quotes of poems of happiness! Be sure to choose your favorites and share with friends. After all, a beautiful poem is like a medicine for the soul!

Quotes of Poems of Happiness to make life more colorful

recreate your life, always, always. Remove stones and rosemakes and make sweets. Restart. Make your petty life a poem.

How many times do we, in search of the venture, proceed as the unfortunate avozinho: in vain, everywhere, the glasses seek, having them at the tip of the nose!

In case of pain put ice. Change the haircut. Change as a model. Go to the movies give a smile, albeit yellow.

Happiness is like the dew drop in a flower petal. It shines quietly, after lightly oscillates and falls like a tear of love.

If bitter was already being, change this dress now, change the pattern of the fabric. Get out of serious leave the criteria. Follow all the senses. Make sense. Every thousand tears a miracle comes out.

My happiness is dreaming in my girlfriend’s eyes. It’s like tonight, passing, looking for dawn. Talk low, please so that she wakes up happy with the day.

To those that happiness is sun will come the night. But what nothing expects everything that comes is grateful.

Happiness is a good and so delicate thing as well. It has flowers and loves of all colors. All the best she has and it’s because she is so delicate that I deal with her always very well.

Of course life is good and joy, the only unspeakable emotion. Of course I find you beautiful, in ti blessing the love of simple things. Of course I love you and I have everything to be happy.

Leave me in your mouth and in the sand be happy. Be happy because yes, because I breathe and because you breathe. Be happy because I touch your knee and it is as if you touch the blue skin of the sky and its freshness.

Being happy and sad, getting lost to think, wish and fear suspended in pranking, jumping with pleasure, of distress to die-happy will only be the soul that loves.

happiness, you are strange and painful: You have done life forever to be sad: because one day you see that the time all pass, and a deponent and deep time, persists.

Life is for me, it is seeing itself, a happiness without rest; I don’t even know if I enjoy, because the joy can only be measured in suffering.

This time let me be happy, nothing happened to anyone, I’m not anywhere, it is only happy on the four sides of my heart, walking, sleeping or writing. What I’m going to do, I’m happy.

If you want to feel the happiness of loving, forget your soul. The soul is that spoils love. Only in God can it find satisfaction. Not in another soul. Only in God – or outside the world

slowly dies who does not travel, who does not read, who does not hear music, who does not find grace in himself.

We are waiting for joy to arrive after graduation, marriage, birth, trip. And it is not enough because joy does not live in the future, but only in the now.

When I speak of these small happiness, which are before each window, some say that these things do not exist, others that only exist before my windows, and others, finally, that we must learn to look, so that they can see like that.

There are two times in life, childhood and old age, where happiness is in a box of chocolates.

This happiness we suppose, miraculous tree, that we dream of all the guidelines of gilded as there is, yes: but we do not reach it because it is always where the poma and never the pomos we are.

What is needed is to be natural and calm in happiness or unhappiness, feel like those who look, think like the walk, and when they are going to die, remember that the day dies, and that the west is Beautiful and it’s beautiful the night that is … so is it and so …

For every minute you get bored you lose sixty seconds of happiness.

There are evils that save. There are joys that infect. There are lives that inspire. And that’s why I live!

Half of beauty depends on the landscape; And the other half of the person who looks at her … Beauty doesn’t make happy who has her; But who can love it and worship it.

Happy day for those who are the same of the day, and in the blue exterior who sees simple trust!

Happiness is like health: if you don’t miss it, it means it exists.

Deleted Serenity Leda, which represents on land a paradise; Between rubies and ways, sweet laughter, under gold and snow, pink … rest in the eaten joy.

Each one has the smile and the pain that suits him. Everything that will make room for everything that comes. Happy in life is who is, happy with the life you have.

There is no more perfect herald of joy than silence. I would feel very little happy if it was possible to say to what extent I am.

, therefore, to see such a clear light fertilize my songs, my heart-notice how hones grow between human rubble …

poetry always make the day more beautiful and cheerful! Keep venturing into the world of verses with these quotes from Cecilia Meireles.

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