70 messages about time to value what really matters

Complex and deep, the reflections over time open numerous ways and possibilities. So if you also have your questions, know that they are all extremely valid! Check out the best quotations about the time that transform your abstracting into a more palpable and particular idea.

Quotations about time is life

Life is too short not to take advantage of the time we still have.

Time is the Mail of Life, it will bring everything you are destined for you.

Life is not about being strong all the time, but about supporting all difficulties, making sure that the bad phases are over.

Time goes forward or goes backwards? Tomorrow, for example, is a day of life less or one day of life?

Life is a moment, it is a breath. A TIME FINISHED!

Of all the lessons life is teaching me, the main one is this: it is always time to start over!

Time can be the great friend or the great enemy of life. The choice is for those who live!

Under any circumstances, choose the time. Without him, life has no chance of triumphing.

Time can fly and take the hours, days and until the years. But the good times of life we ​​keep, these nobody will be able to take …

There is nothing better than the teachings of life and time.

Citations about short time

good things take time.

Time passes and not everything is …

Sometimes it’s just a matter of silence … and time.

Each person has their time, do not compare.

Nothing is eternal … Time passes, we change.

Time unmasks appearances.

Everything will happen at the right time …

Love is a matter of connection, not time.

Good thing time shows who is who!

Time sees, listens and reveals everything.

Quotes on philosophical time

Don’t worry, time always takes care of showing the truth.

is that: in a year, you will want to have started today.

Don’t want to hurry things. Everything happens exactly when it should happen.

calm, time specializes in twists.

Time dissolves unnecessary and preserves the essentials.

Do not be passive over time, nor try to control it. Be with him.

Good times are eternalized in memory drawers.

Time is the best teacher, even if you don’t ask good questions, he will give the best answers.

Some things take time, some time takes.

Time is the wisest of the counselors.

Quotations on time for instagram

How long will you stay? I prepare a coffee or my life?

Time has a wonderful way to show us what really matters.

Time does not age love! He renews himself with every dawn, with each meeting.

Not everything depends on time, sometimes things just depend on an attitude.

We have our own time!

There are things that we only understand after time puts everything in place.

And that time is in charge of taking everything that is not true.

What is true, time does not erase. What is true, time eternalizes.

They said: time flies! I wanted to fly too.

Who am I to question the processes of time?

Quotes on God’s Time

God marked the right time for everything. Be patient!

and suddenly, everything works out, everything happens. It is not luck or chance, it is God. It’s God’s time!

God is good all the time!

In God’s time everything will be fulfilled. Trust!

God does everything at the right time, at the exact time, even if we are outraged by the delay.

Time is of Him. The promise is of Him. The plans are of Him.

At the right time, God will give you what is yours by right.

God has a perfect time. Never early on, never late. The wait is worth it!

If God promised to open a door, don’t try your way. Don’t try to jump the window! Wait the right time.

There is a time for every purpose and for every work.

Quotations about time passes fast

the bad news is that time flies, the good news is that you are the pilot.

Time crawl, the way I always wanted. Distant is slow, nearby it goes well like this.

The day goes too fast to waste time on bad feelings. Love the people who treat you well, pray for those who do not.

A second for those who have little time is worth a lot.

Time is sometimes oblivious to our will, but only what is good lasts enough to become unforgettable.

weather forecast: he’s going through (and fast!)

Time passes so fast that sometimes we don’t even notice the present.

Feel the passage of time and let her feel. Nothing is out of this relationship!

Time goes by fast. Make up, love today! Tomorrow may not come.

Don’t wait for time to fly to wake up and realize that you let life pass.

Quotes on Lost Time

Never spoil your present time for a past that has no future.

Every day when I wake up, I no longer have the time you have passed …

It is never a waste of time if you managed to learn something.

Time passes and opportunities too …

I asked in time, what would be the solution. He just said: Let me pass …

I may have wasted my time, but you lost someone who really cared about you.

Just don’t allow everything to be summed up to a great waste of time.

Process time is not a lost time, it should be seen as a possibility of maturity.

People who wanted to go back in time and do everything different …

It was not lost time, it was learning time.

That these quotations about time have aroused good reflections on their passage and what to value in the face of each event!

Unable to go back in your choices, see also these late quotes from past that recall the striking moments that were worth it.

The important thing is to be happy and know how to circumvent the difficulties that permeate the rest! Rescuing good memories can be a good support to move on.

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