30 encouraging verse messages to never lose faith in God

The Bible always has a right word to cheer us up and strengthen our faith in the Lord! And if you need a message of motivation, then the tip is to take a look at these quotes of mood verses that will help you get back and never lose your faith. Check it out and enjoy to share with friends!

Citations of mood verses that will make your heart safe and confident

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of strength, love and sobriety.

The Lord does not slow your promise, even though some have it late.

But all who honor you are sure that your life, if proven, will be crowned; that after the tribulation there will be liberation and that, if there is punishment, there will also be access to your mercy.

The Lord gives strength to his people; The Lord blesses with peace to his people.

and this is the promise He made us: eternal life.

May the God of hope fill them with all joy and peace, for your trust in Him, that you may overflow with hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Lord is my light and my salvation; Who will I have fear of? The Lord is my strong refuge; Who will I be afraid of?

There is a man exhausted and in a great need for relief, poor energy and rich in needs, which God’s gaze considers benevolently, and he takes away from discouragement to giving him courage; Many, when they see this, are surprised and give glory to God.

As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord worries about me. You are my help and my liberator; My God, don’t take you away!

I referred to these things to have peace in me. In the world you will have afflictions. Courage! I won the world.

The future will be brighter than noon, darkness will turn into dawn. You will have confidence and be full of hope. Looking around you, you will sleep quietly.

And God will clean from your eyes all the tear.

Wait for the Lord, have good courage, and fortify your heart; Wait, therefore, by the Lord.

If your eyes are good, your whole body will be bright.

That’s why I am not the theme, because I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will hold him with my right hand victorious.

Therefore, since we have such hope, we show a lot of confidence.

But Jesus immediately said to them, “Courage! It’s me. Don’t be afraid!”

Give me the joy of your salvation and support me with a spirit ready to obey.

I can do everything that strengthens me.

Then he said to him, “Daughter, his faith healed her! Go in peace.”

Battle clapping, you, all peoples; acclaim God with songs of joy.

The hope that slows leaves the heart sick, but the satisfied longing is a tree of life.

My brothers, consider the fact that they go through various trials, for you know that proof of your faith produces perseverance.

Therefore, go, eat with pleasure your ate chess and drink your wine with a happy heart, for God is already pleased with what you do.

Because I came in through the middle of a troop, with my God I jumped a wall.

For the kingdom of God is neither food nor drink, but justice, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

However, God, who is rich in mercy, for the great love with which he loved us, gave us life with Christ when we were still dead in transgressions – by grace you are saved.

The Lord is close to those who have a broken heart and saves those with a slaughtered spirit.

Put your delights in the Lord, and the desires of your heart he will fulfill. Trust the Lord your luck, wait for him, and he will act.

God is not a man to lie, nor someone to repent. Have you ever promised without fulfilling? Did you happen to speak and didn’t run?

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