70 graduation messages to celebrate this unique moment

Conclusion of a step, graduations have such a great meaning as to lack words of thanks to express themselves, as the path taken so far is full of learning and great personal growth. If you are going through this phase, how about checking out the best graduation quotes to celebrate this victory? Share on your social networks so that everyone can celebrate with you!

Funny graduation quotes

From now on if the doors don’t open … we break.

8 years of torture, until finally the graduation.

I just know I know nothing. I don’t even know how I passed!

Status: Looking for employment.

The world needs more humble geniuses! Nowadays we are few …

But deliver us from the evil of accumulated materials. Amen!

Thanks, Wikipedia!

won’t I have more allowance?

I’m graduated! Do not believe? I don’t!

The rain stopped, the sun opened and finally the graduation came out!

If I cried or smiled, the important thing is that I graduated!

Graduation Quotes of Graduation

For this victory and countless other ones to come, I thank the Lord!

We thank those who shared with us their knowledge that – besides masters – were friends, companions, encouraging our professional growth.

To you, parents, thanks for teaching us to desire, to seek and always hope that we can realize our dreams.

My dear parents, I owe everything I am to you, and if I am proud of me and where I arrived, it is because I know you have come holding my hand.

My dear parents, today is one of the most important days of my life. Today, I do one more mission, and I have a lot or everything to thank you.

At this very special moment of our lives, I want to dedicate a word of tribute and thanks to all who have been by my side during those years.

On this special day for me, I want to leave a word of thanks to those who were always by my side and gave me support when I needed it.

To you, masters, who taught us the importance of knowledge, only the thanks for becoming human beings endowed with knowledge.

On this special day, I would like to thank everyone who was with me at all times, who encouraged me and never let me give up. Thanks!

I thank my teachers who inspired me and guided all these years. Your company was essential on this journey. Thank you very much!

I thank my parents who supported me, my teachers who guided me and the colleagues who accompanied me. Thank you very much!

High School Graduation Quotes

We are leaving school, but we will feel… a great relief.

Make your last requests, as geniuses are leaving.

Now only the university, mother.

We are eternal apprentices and this is just our first step.

It was hard to get here, but it will be even harder to forget this amazing class.

Thanks, Google! Without you, I wouldn’t have gotten it.

No more among many, but among many, being someone.

Half of the path taken … Now, the other half!

Life is full of obstacles. This is just one of several that we will have to face.

we studied, play, fight and succeed … now towards college!

We are leaving the beach … to face the high seas. We are leaving town … to deal with jungle life.

the good ones will come, and the best came out!

Faculty’s formal citations

I hope this victory is the beginning of many other feats.

The years passed and, even if many people didn’t believe we could, today we are here and we can proudly say that we are trainees.

A dream is for one thing only: to be achieved. And we are here today to prove that every dream is possible, just want.

After so many challenges, that’s the result of our victory.

Where’s my diploma?

Who has never dreamed of one day to get there does not know the value that has a victory. We dreamed, believed and arrived here. Long live the trainees!

More than a diploma, today we receive all the recognition of years of struggle and attempts to reach our dream.

We have the sense of duty fulfilled and the full awareness that our future is just beginning.

One more step accomplished!

Paradise is not a place, it is a brief moment we won.

graduation is not the end, it is a beginning.

Go with confidence in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined.


The party will start, we just form!

Again, on the walk! The road is not over yet. Just another expired step.

The biggest victory is when we can share the biggest achievement. The most important achievements are those we sow and reap together.

The desire to win is important, but the desire to prepare is vital.

The true achievements, the only ones we never regret, are the ones we do against ignorance

We started this important stage of our lives with high expectations and questions.

We are not the same, we grow up, we matured and today we make the certainty that we made the right choice.

The world is in the hands of those who have the courage to dream and risk living their dreams.

The great deeds are achieved not by strength, but by perseverance.

Persistence is a secret to achieving our biggest dreams.

In a moment there were two paths to go. I chose the least traveled, and it made all the difference.

The secret of success is the constancy of purpose.

Congratulations quotations for graduation

How many obstacles were. Today we prove its strength capable of overcoming everything. Congratulations on the graduation!

A small achievement that will open doors for bigger dreams. You did it. Congratulations on the graduation!

The diploma only attests to what we already knew: you are intended for victory. Congratulations on the graduation!

The years have passed to attest that the best is to come. Congratulations!

“Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to lead: easy to rule but impossible to enslave.” Congratulations on the graduation!

This diploma is not just a ticket to a better life, but to change yourself, change the world. Congratulations on the graduation!

The days of struggle have become glory days. From now on, just success in your way!

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can get it out of you. Congratulations on the graduation!

You got it! I am very proud of you!

After all your effort, the great day of celebrating has come! A lot of happiness today, and a lot of light on what is coming!

Today we celebrate another stage fully fulfilled! Congratulations on the graduation!

“Education is our passport for the future, as tomorrow belongs to people who prepare for it today.” Congratulations, forming!

The graduation marks the end of a phase full of challenges and the beginning of a new story full of possibilities. Nothing better than registered with graduation quotes what you are at the moment.

Each stage lived represents learning conquered and deserves to be celebrated with all the praise! After all, for each choice, there were many renunciations and only you know what happened to become who you are, to achieve the knowledge you now have.

Be proud of yourself for completing another stage of your life and formed! Now, enjoy the celebration mood to check out our list with winner quotes and celebrate all your next achievements!

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