65 messages of strength to overcome any problem in life

At certain times, all we need is to read a phrase that gives us strength to overcome any obstacle that appears in our life.

Thinking about it, we have selected the best strength quotes to help you feel stronger or to be sent to that friend who is going through a difficult time and needs to read such words. >

While smaller, these quotations can bring out the greatest strength of every human being: to live life overcoming all the adversities that arise!

Strength and Overcoming Citations

May my courage be greater than my fear and may my strength be as great as my faith.

Strength does not come from physical capacity. Comes from an indomitable will.

Failure is simply the opportunity to start over, this time more intelligently.

Love is the most subtle force in the world.

You gain strength, courage and confidence through every experience you really stop and face fear front.

Keep focus on the goal, centralize the strength to fight and use faith to win.

Leave your hopes, not your pain, shape your future.

You cannot control all events that happen to you, but you can decide not be affected by them.

The more I know my strength, the less the obstacles of life I have!

The true man measures his strength when he faces the obstacle.

Perseverance and willpower have magical effects on overcoming the difficulties of life. Who overcomes, wins.

The force from within is larger than all the opposite winds.

The secret of force is at will.

When I think I got to my limit, I find out that I have the strength to go further.

No force is powerful if it is not accompanied by unbeatable courage.

If it is to give up, give up being weak.

Difficult situations build stronger people.

Sometimes bad things happen in our lives to put us toward the best things we could live.

The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.

If the walk is difficult, it is because you are on the right track.

Learn to laugh at your stumbles.

Life will always give you endless possibilities to start over.

we are stronger than we seem and harder than we think.

give up? Only when I cease to exist.

You never know the strength you have until your only alternative is to be strong.


No force is greater than that that comes from God.

God did not promise days without pain, laughs without suffering and sun without rain. But promised strength for the day, comfort for tears and light to the way.

Our weaknesses teach us to support us in the strength of God.

God animates this girl! When her strength is lost, she teaches that yours is infinite.

Only with the strength of God will you have the courage necessary to overcome any challenge.

There is a force that moves me, a hand that sustains me, a love that feeds me and a grace that protects me. This is not luck, it is blessing, it is to have God in my life.

Ask God to endure what you cannot change.

Strengthen yourself in the Lord and in the strength of your power.

Be strong and brave!

God is the strength of my heart.

I love you, O Lord, my strength.

Although my mind and body weaken, God is my strength, He is all I need.

To the tired, he gives new strengths.

If God has filled your life with obstacles, it is because He believes in your ability to go through each one.

The solution does not fall from heaven, but my strength comes from there.

Trust your life to the Lord and move on. Everything has a reason. CORRIW AND STRENGTH!

God transforms crying into laughter, pain in strength, weakness in faith and dream into reality.

God, if one day I’m about to lose hope, help me remember that your plans are greater than my dreams …

My strength comes from a miracle god.

Strength Citations for Friend (O)

Believe in you!

If you are reading this, I hope you find the strength you need to overcome your obstacles.

Look into you and discover your inner strength, for it is to come the solution to overcome your fears.

If life is not easier, try to get stronger.

Make your thoughts the strength you need. Forget bad things and clean your mind by cultivating only good vibrations.

I hope you lead a life from which you are proud. Or have the strength to start all over again.

Don’t be dragged by your problems, be guided by your dreams.

The days are battles where victory will depend on your focus, your strength and your faith!

Believe in the strength of your dreams, God is righteous and would not put in your heart an impossible desire to be fulfilled.

If you have willpower in the same intensity you dream, you can win the world.

A problem is an opportunity for you to try and grow! Where your strength ends, there begins the work of God!

Believe me, you have the strength to get wherever you want. Just wanting.

You are stronger than you think and will be happier than you think.

Facit your fears every day, dream loudly, and go after what you want with all your strength!

When you feel that you have lost your strength, think that you have gotten here. It was a long way and you know that if you want, you can go even further.

Keep focus on the goal, centralize the strength to fight and use faith to win.

Some storms arrive only to test the strength of our roots.

Do not give up without trying again; Find your strength and win all the challenges of life!

Just as the sun returns with its shine after the storm, you will find light after darkness.

Never stop fighting for fear of making mistakes or getting hurt. Wounds over time heal, but opportunities don’t come back.

Don’t be discouraged, a lot of good things will happen.

It is wonderful to find a phrase that fits exactly the moment you are living, so be sure to check out our reflection quotes to think about life.

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