65 messages of confidence for those who know that it is still possible to believe

Confidence is a fundamental piece for human experience and we know how difficult it is to build it. It is difficult to open as soon as we know someone for fear of hurting ourselves. But it is important, even gradually to learn to trust others and yourself. Thus, life becomes lighter and we are less afraid of taking risks.

Knowing this, we have selected the best confidence quotes to motivate you to start believing more and trusting the right way. After all, even with our luggage of disappointments, life always presents new reasons to move on.

The best confidence quotes for those who need to remember why trust

In this category you will find quotes that will teach you more about the power of trust and remind you of why it is so important to our relationships and even to follow our own life.

trust is the basis of everything!

Believe in yourself and will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe you.

I don’t trust easily. So if I say I trust you, don’t make me regret it.

There are many reasons to doubt and one to believe.

Don’t give up! It is usually the last key in the keychain that opens the door.

Believe in your choices.

The confidence we have in ourselves, it is largely reflected in the confidence we have in others.

Confidence is an act of faith, and this dismissal reasoning.

trust to try, faith to strengthen.

Optimism is to wait for the best. Confidence is knowing how to deal with the worst.

Trust yourself, have attitude and go looking for your dreams.

Think about which people you will trust.

One who has no confidence in others, cannot gain confidence.

trust is to take the first step. Confidence is to continue.

An act of trust gives peace and serenity.

Confidence in itself is the first secret of success.

Confidence is a precious good. While you have the confidence of others, you have to tell you.

Better days are coming. Trust!

Lost trust quotes for those who have been injured once

Confidence takes time to build, needs a lot of effort and dedication, but to lose it, just a slight slip. In this category, you will find citations about the difficulty of having the confidence lost.

Things in life that should not be broken: trust, promise and a heart.

Confidence is an ungrateful woman who kisses you, hugs you, steals you and kills you.

It is prudent the one who no longer trusts who deluded him once; But it will be unfair not to trust anyone else because it was deluded by others.

Confidence: Years to win, seconds to lose.

Confidence is contagious. The lack of it too.

Accesses accepted, denied confidence.

Learn: Trust has no seven lives!

A friend who disappoints me will never deserve my confidence again.

When a relationship is not reciprocal, little by little confidence is gone.

Trust is as a role: once wrinkled, it is never perfect again as before.

When you break a promise, it also destroys all the confidence you have placed on you.

Lost confidence is difficult to recover. It does not grow like nails.

distrust is the lighthouse that guides the prudent.

Falsehood destroys confidence.

Friendship without confidence is a flower without perfume.

Quotes of trust in love for those who have never believed

What the world needs most is love. Trusting in love is essential to be able to live. In this category, you will find quotes on how good it is to trust love and how life gets better when you choose to believe in your strength.

The greatest proof of love is confidence.

In life, we just depend on someone who trusts us, who doesn’t give up on us. An anchor, a support, a bolt, a lap.

Where there is love for trust and respect imperate.

trust is what loves love to be.

Just like plants, confidence also needs to be watered. Otherwise, she dies!

Give reasons to the person by your side to trust you.

The greatest need for this world is of trust and love.

Confidence must be the basis of every healthy relationship.

Don’t leave: Act of love and trust.

Love, to last, must also be confidence, also estimates. That is, you must acquire some of the properties of friendship.

When there is confidence, no proof is necessary.

Who loves does not give up, does not betray, does not lie. Who loves is patient, trusts, understands. Loving is virtue that few have.

trust your heart if the seas get fire. And live for love, even if the stars walk in the opposite direction.

Amability in words generates confidence; In thinking generates depth, in giving generates love.

Love always protects, always trusts, always has hope, always preserves.

One of the best sensations of life is to make sure you can trust someone.

Constant confidence, most of the time, gains reciprocal confidence.

Quotations of trust in God because He never disappoints us

Believing in the love and power of God is paramount to live a life of faith. Trust that he will always be ahead of your life. In this category, you will find quotes that will encourage you to deposit your trust in Him.

Despite the storm, I know I can trust God!

Do not be afraid to give your life to God. Trust and he will do it!

May our angels remain with us even when we doubt them and ourselves.

Revive your confidence in God every moment and even more at the time of trials.

God just want us to trust and nothing more.

God is whispering: “Do you know this pain? I’m bigger than her, trust me. ”

Believe me, have faith, trust. God does not disappoint!

Father, I trust you. Operate a miracle in my life!

If you believe in a God who controls great things, you have to believe a God who controls little things.

I prefer to trust only in the love of God, because what money does not give me, he has already given me.

We do not know what can happen suddenly, but we can trust in the God that makes everything happen.

Thus: pray, deliver, rest and trust God! Ever! This is the secret of our victory!

We must always trust in the power and love of God, even at the darkest time of our suffering.

And even if the world is collapsing, keep believing that God is powerful to give you the best of this earth. Sometimes our best is not the best of God.

We must trust God as the ipês, which drop all their leaves in the certainty that He will cover them with flowers!

Even if situations are contrary to, we need to learn to give a vote of confidence to life, this is a sign of courage. For you to continue walking this path, how about giving a check in our selection of courage quotes?

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