60 messages of your own light to shine the most beautiful in you

Everyone has an internal light that reflects who we are real. It is our strength against difficulties, our guide in walking and what drives away the darkness from our lives. To feed yours and allow it to shine in its greatest intensity, we have selected the best quotes of our own light. Check it out and radiate what you are!

Self -light citations that feed your strength

There is in you, a contagious light, which gives strength and that should always shine stronger and stronger.

Discover your own light and stop living in the shadow of other people’s light.

Your light can lighten any darkness, just you want.

When we trust our internal light, darkness does not exist in our life.

Being light is not just shining, but knowing the right time to do that.

The more love we receive, the more our internal light shines.

Be you and your light will shine even more alive and stronger.

When you light your internal light, only you have the power to turn it out.

Who shines is not lost because you know that your heart can illuminate your ways.

Our light gets more intense when we put our hearts in what we are doing.

Darkness has time to end. She always goes away when you decide to shine.

Where you decide to shine, there is nothing to keep you from infecting the lives of all around you.

The people who let their lights shine, are the most beautiful and make us happier.

Your internal light needs to be fed with strength, love, joy and everything that makes you you.

Where the flame of love is installed, the internal lights come on to never go out again.

Your light must make you happy, not illuminate the lives of other people.

You are so strong that you do not need external energy to shine your light.

There are people who shine so much that makes the inner light of other people.

When our light finds reasons to shine it is because we are going in the right direction.

Use your own light to illuminate the ways of those you love and can’t do it alone.

With the tips of the fingers, we can convey our light by touching people directly in the heart.

Light your dreams with your internal light!

Sometimes we need to change the lamps of our internal light so that it shines again more intensely.

There is no light at the end of the tunnel, there is light inside you that illuminates the entire tunnel.

When the other lights go out, I don’t get in the dark because my light guides me.


Sunlight is his and no one can steal it. He even stops shining for a while, but always comes back the next day.

May your own light warm your heart with much love and peace.

Never hide your light. If the place you are not holding you, go shine elsewhere.

Be careful not to share your light with those who want to steal it.

Who has their own light bothers those who need to be artificial so as not to be in the dark.

If your light is weak, run to the place that will rekindle it!

Even a weak internal light is better than filling with a light that is not yours and you need to pretend to be who is not.

Get inspired by the sun that brings hot with your own light to all who ask for it.

Even in the worst days, your light can shine. Allow yourself to illuminate your own life!

Lighting your own light is what will give you the happiness you have always sought.

The light that shines in us is our greatest treasure against the sorrows of life.

You have the light that shines on your face and makes you look even more beautiful.

Learn to keep your light on and you will never live a day of darkness.

Feed your light with everything that makes your heart beat faster.

If someone makes your light diminish, don’t be afraid to get you out of your life.

You are stronger than darkness because your light shines inside your heart.

No one can turn off your light if you don’t allow it.

To be yourself is to allow people to know your true light.

Your work is the workshop you can forge your own light.

people who shine always stand out in the crowd.

What shines with its own light, nothing can turn out.

Nothing can decrease the light that shines from within us.

The light that makes people more beautiful is the one that comes from within our hearts.

Find your inner light and let it illuminate the world.

carioca of its own light, light, only mine.

When our own light shines, nothing can deviate from our way.

Discover your own light, or will spend the rest of your life being a pale reflection of the light of others.

and in pain, I pass a chalk, archery of loneliness. In the lesson that the sun translates to me, to live from the light itself.

Be sun in your own life and illuminate and warm your way with the light that comes from your heart.

Let your light radiate, like the midday sun that shines strong.

Be the light itself at the end of the tunnel.

May my own light be more intense than the darkness they try to attack me.

Reborn from one’s own strength, light and faith itself.

Happiness lives in our internal light. The more it shines, the happier we are.

Beyond what is in our hearts, there are other lights that illuminate our lives. See our citations of light and allow them to be present in your life.

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