46 character messages that will inspire you to be a good person

Do you know what character is? It is all we do and how we react in various situations. That is, our actions say who we are! Nowadays, with all corruption and evil in the world, it is difficult to say that we know more good people than the contrary, unfortunately.

Therefore, being a good person who acts without harming the others is very charming and valued. In both relationships, work and family, humility is the basis of good coexistence and trust. It’s much better to be like that, don’t you think? Although many people choose not to be, you can!

Therefore, we have selected a list of character quotes that will inspire you to reflect a little more on the subject. Read and share with the people around you!

character and personality quotes

character is directly linked to personality. Each one builds himself by the gestures, even if small, from everyday life. The way of acting with others around and also their choices are determining, so we can say a lot about someone only by their way of being! Have you noticed it? See below a list of character and personality quotes:

Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open.

money and status buy easy girls. Character and personality conquer authentic girls.

Personality is much more than clothes, accessories, music and slang. Personality is character, attitude, and it is what is missing in many people.

Personality Everyone has. Identity Most can create. But character, few can develop.

Personality and character are human definitions represented in everyday life, and only the time of these experiences will define who really is the person.

virtues as character and kindness are inexhaustible, they regenerate their personality and humanity regenerate!

Being faithful is not just a matter of choice, but of personality, character.

We have unique attitudes, which determine our personality and our character. Choose having the right attitudes.

You need to recognize and correct small mistakes, form a good personality adorned by a beautiful character.

character is the “face” of personality.

Our character and personality are often shaped and reflect on what we feed our hearts.

The uniqueness of your personality and character is that it makes you totally different from other people.


“Is such a person good or bad?”, Surely you already got to think about it while reflecting on her actions. It is safe to say that humility is part of the bonzinhos team, as it is a feature that prevents a lot of evil from being done. Do you know many people like that? See this selection of quotes of character and humility and reflect:

A good character always has the main element of humility.

The character of the humble is something to be admired.

When you can choose, always choose to be humble. Your character thanks.

With each good action and with each gesture of humility, its character is increasingly strengthened.

Beautiful woman doesn’t need makeup, needs character and humility!

Never forget your roots and experiences. If you are where you are today, it is because other people helped you get there, then be humble and have character.

With character and humility, you can come far!

skill, intelligence and effort will take you up. Humility and character will not drop you.

Never save efforts when it comes to being humble, for it is the one who builds his character.

Invest in humility and see your character becomes better every day.

A great character is full of humility, love and positive energies.

Being humble does not hurt, makes us grow and still does a damn good for character.


Who never had to deal with someone dishonest in life? These people are out there and we face them in various situations, even unnoticed gestures, such as throwing trash on the floor, not returning the right change, sabotaging a co -worker. These citations of lack of character can help you make who is around you to think about it, how about sharing them?

Mal-Casser is the most dishonorable poverty.

Without character, the spirit is worth nothing.

They taught me that talking with full mouth is a lack of education, but I learned alone that talking about an empty heart is lack of character.

Who has no gratitude has no character.

Do not blame money or power for your lack of character.

Who is bad character, will always find an excuse to make your actions legitimate.

There is no remedy that cure lack of character. Only life can take care of it.

A bad character does not care what you think about it. A bad character just cares about how much they earned you.

Mal-Carraater is the one who, sneakily, helps you in the recovery of a situation he himself created.

The lack of character, besides harming those around, harms yourself.

character quotes for status

If you consider yourself a good person, this is a big thing! Although there are many people who are not, it’s never too late to try to change them. You can try to reach them in many ways and make them reflect on it, how about? Choose any of these character quotes for status and post on your social networks!

character is the mirror that returns to consciousness the image of what you are.

Consciousness is what every human being should have best, because it is from there that their character will inspire the formation of other virtues.

The character of a man is formed by the people he chose to live with.

The heart is what makes character.

The past reveals who you went and what has become, but it is your character now that it will determine your future.

You may have acquired many things in life, but nothing is more valuable than having a great character.

man’s main function is to cut his own character.

The value of a man is not measured by his clothes or the goods he has, the true value of man is his character, his ideas and the nobility of his ideals.

A man of character in an unjust, alienated and hypocritical society will always be seen as a villain.

The small acts of each day do or undo character.

Appearances deceive, character not.

Sometimes it is only possible to discover a person’s real character when his relationship with him goes wrong.

As you have seen, a good character is filled with good deeds, love and honesty. It is possible to become a better person practicing better gestures, as well as encouraging others to do the same! How about putting it all into practice? This list of citations of kindness will help you in this mission, check and share!

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