60 messages from famous writers for those who love literature

Writers are those people who know how to put in words the most varied existential questions. Whether to talk about love, life, death, friendships or passions. No matter the theme, for sure, these reflections are carved on the page of some book. And to dive headlong into the world of literature, we separate these quotes from amazing famous writers. Check it out!

Best Quotes of Famous Writers

If you are in love with literature, then this selection with the best citations of famous writers is for you! Check it out and share with all your contacts.

Happiness in smart people is the rarest thing I know.

What do I write? Yeah, I know? I do not know. Yes, it is true, sometimes I think I am not me, I seem to belong to a distant galaxy so strange that I am of me. It is me? I am amazed by my meeting.

Words are our inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of hurting and healing.

Not everyone who wanders are lost.

You only see well with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eyes.

I know I am nothing and that may never have everything. Aside from this, I have all the dreams of the world in me.

Living is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.

Living is very dangerous business.

really beautiful is this thing of life: one day, when least expected, we go out. And comes closer to who – actually – we are.

When I open the window of my room each morning, it is like opening the same book on a new page.

All happy families look like; Each unfortunate family is unhappy in its own way.

Our existence is no more than a short circuit of light between two eternities of darkness.

Famous Writers Citations about Life

Who does not catch themselves, around and then thinking about life? For this reflection has also been made for years by the most famous poets, artists and writers! Read these quotes from famous writers about life and take the opportunity to delve into the subject.

Those who dream awake are aware of a thousand things that escape those who only dream dormant.

It seems easy to live without hatred, something I never felt, but living without love I find impossible.

Just like everyone who witnesses dark times like this, but it is not for them to decide, what is up to us to decide what to do with the time we are given.

Life is much greater than the sum of its moments.

Courage means a strong desire to live in the form of willingness to die.

There are two times in life, childhood and old age, where happiness is in a box of chocolates.

We are of the same material as dreams are weaved, our little life is surrounded by dreams.

Who has something to live is able to support anything.

Life is the desire to continue living and alive is that thing that will die. Life serves is to die from it.

Life is like a dream; is the wake up that kills us.

My soul is tired of my life.

My God, life is loneliness, despite all the opioids, despite the false shine of the happy “parties” without any purpose, despite the false smiling countenance we all sport.

Famous Writers Reflection Quotes

There are so many themes that lead us to reflections, right? Life, love, death, feelings … No matter what your inquiry of the day is, surely you will find something similar in these reflection quotes from famous writers!

The beauty of things must be that they have an end.

We must judge a man more for his questions than for the answers.

Life is a story told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, meaningless.

Solitude is the mother of wisdom.

In times of universal lies, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

The beauty of the world, which is too early to perish, has two extremes, one of joy, one of anguish, cracking the heart.

Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing.

I’m silence recorded on a wall, and the oldest butterfly flutters and face me: the same as usual.

politicians and diapers must be exchanged from time to time for the same reason.

It occurred to him that a man’s whole life was to play a role, and that he thought he was dangerous, for a moment his false personality.

should not, by a person, change the meaning of principle and integrity, nor try to convince me or themselves that selfishness is prudence and insensitivity to risk security for happiness.

It is better, much better, to be content with reality; If it is not as bright as dreams, it has at least the advantage of existing.

Famous Writers Overcoming Citations

Leaving something behind and starting a new chapter in life can be a very difficult task. And to help you, we separate these great quotes from overcoming famous writers. Read and enjoy!

Give me, Lord, the perseverance of the waves of the sea, which make each retreat, a starting point for a new advance.

The same rock that blocks the path can function as a step.

Perseverance is the mother of good luck.

I do not promise to win, but fight, I will work with soul.

If your projects do not saturate your emotion, you will not have perseverance to execute them.

more hope in my steps than sadness on my shoulders.

Time does not heal everything. In fact, time does not cure anything, time only takes the incurable from the center of attention.

Forgetting is a necessity. Life is a blackboard, in which fate, to write a new case, needs to delete the written case.

No matter what they did to me, what matters is what I do with what they did to me.

slowly dies who does not change mark, does not risk wearing a new color or does not talk to those who do not know.

Don’t worry about the problems. They who worry about us. Look in the eyes and step firmly. Raise your head.

Lord, make me accept my poverty as it has always been. I do not feel what I have not. Do not sorry what you could have and got lost in the wrong ways and never returned.

Famous writers optimism quotes

For days everything seems cloudy. We are discouraged and without much desire to do these things, and for those moments, the tip is to read these quotes of optimism of famous writers who will raise their astral!

The only way to reach the impossible is to believe that it is possible.

Work in one thing at a time until it finishes it. Do not get nervous. Work calmly, happily and prudently about what is in hand. Plant a seed every day, instead of adding fertilizers.

Opportunities multiply as they are clinging.

All a dream needs to be realized is someone who believes it can be realized.

Nothing so good is not difficult.

Imagine a new story for your life and believe it.

Bet all your chips. Be a gambler!

Everything is worth it when the soul is not small.

Do whatever is necessary to be happy. But do not forget that happiness is a simple feeling, you can find it and let it leave because it does not realize its simplicity.

You must have chaos inside you to generate a dancing star.

Get out and do something. It is not your room that is a prison, it is you.

Miserables have no other remedy other than hope.

How about continuing to venture into the literary universe? So read these book quotes and discover new worlds!

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