60 messages for a secret friend that will surprise the person you took

The secret friend is a very common joke on commemorative dates, especially in the holidays. However, it always beats doubt than talking or how to approach the person right now. The medicine is to whim in friendship quotes with a touch of good humor. For this, check out the best citations for secret friend who will help you express yourself at the time of revelation!

Best citations for secret friend

My secret friend is a person I admire a lot and makes all the difference in my walk.

My secret friend is a very dear and special person… How happy I am to draw him!

What to say about this special person, partner, who has always been with me and took care of me at various times? Tip: This person is not my mother!

I waited for this moment so I could give you! But I want you to know that no gift is equal to my affection for you.

I chose the gift with love. I hope you enjoy it, because I loved taking you!

I don’t know what I did to deserve to take someone special like you in the secret friend! But, how lucky my.

When I took your name to my secret friend, I wondered what I could say to you. I thought, thought and came to the conclusion: You are essential to me! I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.

Do you know when you mentalize the person and everything happens the way you expect? Well, that’s what happened to me.

My secret friend is the person I wanted to take from the beginning. It was unique happiness when I took your name!

To my secret friend, I hope this gift brings a smile to your face, just as your friendship brings to mine.

I could tell so many things to my secret friend, but my words would sound insufficient. My joy in taking it says absolutely everything!


My secret friend is the person I have less contact. I hope this revelation approaches our ties!

Even without us knowing so much, I hope I got it right in the souvenir!

Since I read your name on the little paper, I thought: I don’t know, but if you’re in the draw, it’s because it must be special!

I don’t have much to say, everyone has said a little for me!

Nothing like a secret friend to make strangers become a little closer, right? My secret friend is…

Although I don’t know your tastes, I hope you enjoy the gift, because I bought it with great affection…

Although we don’t know each other so well, my secret friend is lucky for me to have taken him!

I don’t know much about my secret friend, but I hope he likes the gift and that we become great partners!

The secret friend became a secret gift, because I don’t know if I got it right in the person’s taste.

I can’t say anything about the present, because that’s what the person asked for.

Quotes for funny secret friend

A beautiful, amazing and intelligent person. This person is me, but my secret friend is …

This is the first time I take a secret friend that I wouldn’t trade for anything! If you were the previous one, sorry…

I look cool, but I changed paper to the secret friend.

the secret friend is not secret just because he knows he is!

I almost forgot who I took, but then he reminded me yesterday who it was!

I think I missed the gift, but you can change. Your friendship, it’s irreplaceable!

I would like to be revealing some things no one knows, but I will save my secret friend.

In this celebration, I want to reveal that my secret friend has very bad taste!

My secret friend is so secret that I don’t even remember.

I wouldn’t even need a gift because my I already got my secret friend.

Citations for Secret Friend at Work

This person makes the coffee of the firm a true stand-up comedy. My secret friend is…

Without this person, the company would not have existed and our salary would not fall into the account … boss, you are the cause of all this!

My secret friend always tells us to mark something after work, but never mark.

My secret friend is my great partner. It was very difficult to hide who I had taken all these days and I waited a lot for this revelation.

I hope my secret friend doesn’t give me a candy box, because I bought a present for whom I took!

The person who does not create fanfics, tells stories. It is the one who shares the most memes in this company. My secret friend is…

As soon as I speak the tip, you will know. The printer cannot see my secret friend, who crashes.

Every company has that lively person who makes Happy Hour ahead of time. My secret friend is…

My secret friend is the person who solves the most B.O. In this venue…

It was hard to hide who I took this year. After all, this person does not leave my glue, is always by my side, bench partner.

Quotes for Children’s Secret Friend

You are my secret friend and I hope you are a friend for a lifetime!

To my secret friend, know that you are amazing and that I am very proud of you!

The truth is that when I grow up, I want to be like this secret friend of mine!

I know very well what my secret friend wants to win! Rest assured, I will not disappoint you.

Being a child is being happy with very little… but I think my secret friend is expecting a present!

my secret friend sometimes gets sick… but deep down, it’s a little sweetheart!

My secret friend knew very well what she wanted to earn. So, I went there and bought something else!

I still don’t know something or cute person than this secret friend of mine…

My secret friend is the typical case “girl is calmer”, but it looks like a hurricane!

my friend, hidden has nothing … he is very expressive!

Citations for Secret Friend Shorts

Nothing happens by chance. That’s why my secret friend is …

It’s so good when we take who we would like…

My secret friend is someone I really can call a friend.

my secret friend is also … my great love!

My secret friend is… partner at all times!

My secret friend is the person who has everything from me!

What about this secret friend who is present in all hours?

I took who I would like to give!

My secret friend is the most beautiful person of the party!

The sensitivity of my secret friend is admirable.

Better than a little gift, it is to be careful in honor and choose well -so -called recognition words at the time of the secret friend’s revelation. Certainly, the person will notice your affection and, perhaps, can make your relationship even closer.

The greatest gift you receive in life is to be surrounded by good company with whom you share important moments and you can call friends.

Now that you know what to say in the celebrations of secret friend, how about checking out friend’s day quotes to celebrate friendships? Nothing better than being remembered on dates like that. Surprise those who are your journey partners!

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