60 messages about being a mother that declare the greatness of this genuine love

motherhood, even with all its challenges, is a gift. Being the safe haven of another human being and offering him pure and true love is almost inexplicable. To express how special this feeling is, check out these thrilling quotes on being a mother that reveals the extraordinary strength of the woman who generates love!

Quotes on being a mother full of affection that talk about maternity delivery

The beauty of being a mother is in the heart that can be infinitely divided and shelter the greatest love in the world.

To be a mother is to shape the future with love.

To be a mother is to learn to give lap and heal grated knee and broken heart with a kiss and a lot of love.

To be a mother is to let the cry for later, the pain for later … Everything to take care of someone who needs you now!

To be a mother is to face the biggest challenge of human existence carrying a love that supports everything!

To be a mother is to receive the mission of being the angel of God’s most precious jewelry!

To be a mother is to be willing to dedicate yourself to another life, even if it makes you put some dreams in the background.

Mother, in your grace, is eternity.

Being a mother is never being afraid to dive headlong for a child’s happiness!

To be a mother is to learn to be shelter and protection even though, inside you, there is chaos.

Being a mother is transformative, changes everything around us, fears, perspectives, desires and dreams.

A mother’s love is patient and forgives when everyone leaves, does not fail or falter, even when the heart is broken.

To be a mother is to evolve personally and emotionally now seeing life through other eyes, the eyes of your children to discover the world.

To be a mother is to feel the heart beat faster to see every smile. It is to be proud of every discovery of your children and being by your side always!

It is the height of femininity to be a mother, generate, giving birth, breastfeeding.

By my son, I face any challenge, I face any obstacle, I fight any battle. Being a mother is it!

I have a lot to find out about what it means to be a mother, but in the walk, I already realized that it is much more about love than pain.

To be a mother is to sleep, get tired, not be able to take a bath in peace, and yet unaware of a bigger moment of joy but these.

There is a multitude of challenges and bad bits in motherhood, but nothing surpasses the joy of being a mother!

The strength of a mother is larger than the laws of nature.

To be a mother is to donate completely to take care and love a new life that will develop to the world.

To be a mother is to allow yourself to belong entirely to someone else.

Biology is the slightest thing that makes someone a mother

Son, from the moment I knew of its existence, I discovered the magic of what it is to be a mother!

To be a mother is to fight for someone’s sake, even though you know that society will not collaborate with it!

Mother is a verb. It’s something you do, not something you are.

To be a mother is to carry your own world in your arms

To be a mother is to receive the privilege of generating love and holding a gift from God in your arms.

About motherhood: You will never love someone as much as you love your child and never feel as happy as when you see you happy!

Being a mother is not always glamorous and that no one tells you, but be quiet, on the journey of maternity, everything is worth it!

To see my children smile, I’m a lioness, I’m strong, I’m unbeatable … I do anything for them!

Mother is love, strength, resilience, insight and welcome … Mother is world and, without her, no one lives!

Every woman is like a rose, queen of all flowers. But the woman who is also a mother is queen among queens.

Being a mother may not be perfect all the time, but it has plenty of love and love, my dear, overcomes everything!

To be a mother is to choose to be strong for your child, even when there is no strength for anything.

To be a mother is to generate love, not only in the belly, but also in the heart!

To be a mother is to enjoy every second, even the most difficult, knowing that they are unique and that one day they will miss it!

Do not think that by becoming a mother a woman leaves all the women who were once.

To be a mother is to face thousands of challenges every day just to do the best for your young.

The magic of being a mother is not in love, caring and educating … Motherhood is beyond that!

While we try to teach our children all about life, they teach us what life is.

Being a mother does not concern perfection, but about loving and surrendering for another life to the point of forgetting yourself.

Being a mother is not easy, but the smile of your most precious good is what strengthens you daily!

To be a mother is to live an eternal discovery. After all, son does not come with instruction manual!

A mother always thinks twice, one for herself and one for her child.

To be a mother is to give up some desires and wishes for the sake of the children.

When you become a mother, you find that everything you felt before has never been love.

To be a mother is to experience the good, the definitive and the eternal!

To be a mother is to ask time to slow down so you can have more time with the love of your life!

To be a mother is to have the heart vibrating in another body!

I believe the feelings of donation and love was a mother who invented!

To be a mother is to feel joy to see a child realize a dream, even though he knows that he can push you away from you.

Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. Everything is reduced to the essentials.

To be a mother is to do your best and yet, from time to time, find every demonstration of insufficient love.

To be a mother is knowing how to listen without judging, advice without hiding, protecting without choking … is to seek balance through love!

A mother’s arms are more comforting than those of anyone else.

To be a mother is to go through a whirlwind of emotions during the same day. It is going with sadness and despair to extreme joy in a second!

To be a mother is to find out capable every day and have the honor of assisting in the development of another human being.

motherhood changes women. Our gaze is renewed. Today, I feel much more responsible for my habits and conduct.

To be a mother is to have every day illuminated by a child’s smile!

Mothers are true angels of God, don’t you think? By the way, how about honoring them with these charming citations of exciting mothers who will melt their hearts?

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