40 messages of anguish for when your heart is heavy

When we go through difficult and sad times, our heart is distressed. That feeling of “tightness in the chest” spreads for several days and often we even think that this bad feeling will not pass. So that you don’t feel alone at these times, we made a selection of anguish quotes. Sneeze and don’t let this feeling suffocate you!

Best Citations of Anguish

Sometimes, it is difficult to express in words all the suffering we are feeling in our hearts. So we made this selection with the best anguish quotes: so you can vent and put everything out the right way!

It is through mourning that we make sure that we are able to support so much anguish and sadness.

Life is a piano. White keys represent happiness and black anguish. Over time, you realize that black keys also make music.

Follow your anguish, it is the way towards thyself.

Sometimes the smile you see on my face hides the sadness of my heart …

God only knows the anguish that each heart suffers.

a thousand times the disappointment of an error, than the anguish of regret for not trying.

My smile is the facade of my anguish.

Anguish is the possibility of freedom. It is the fear of this possibility. Anguish is the pure feeling of the possible.

I cry for the Lord in my anguish and he answers me.

Anguishes for the future prevent us from enjoying the victories of the present.

Quotes of anguish and disappointment

When we are disappointed with something or someone, it is difficult to disguise the sadness that dominates our hearts. If this happens, it is expressed through these citations of anguish and disappointment.

When someone we love disappoints us, our hearts becomes a place of sadness and anguish.

Few things are as painful as the anguish that the heart feels after being disappointed with someone who loves.

Disappointment hurts deep in the soul.

How sad it is to realize that we are alone even in the middle of so many people.

The people we like most are the ones that disappoint us, because we think they are perfect and forget that they are human.

When we go through a series of disappointments, we become bitter and close to the world.

Believing in the next is the most effective way to cultivate bitterness provided by disappointment.

Disappointment only brings anguish, pain and suffering.

Do not let life disappointments disturb you. Forget what happened and move on.

It’s sad when a lie destroys a thousand truths and a feeling …

Deep anguish citations

When everything seems to be left and pain dominates your life, don’t suffer alone! Ask someone to trust and untie your sorrows. Deep anguish quotes below can help you open your heart. Check it out!

I keep in my heart an anguish that hurts me and makes me want to give up.

Anguish is our heart overflowing sadness.

I’m drowning in a sea of ​​pain and anguish.

Sometimes anguish is so great and pain so deep that there is no room for words, just for tears.

I no longer have reason to smile. I live each day wrapped in this endless anguish.

How many times have I not wanted death to hit my door? How many times have I not suffered anguish that martyred my whole being? I am a damn man and my curse is to live.

Does all this anguish in my chest ever end?

In the silence of tears, anguish is undisguised.

Sometimes life starts from us all smiles and only leaves anguish in our hearts.

I cry, scream and try to take this anguish out of my heart, but it seems to be impossible.

Anguish citations for status

How about helping other people who are experiencing difficult times with a message of hope? Anguish quotes for the following status are perfect to show everyone that not everything is lost. Share!

Lord, calm my heart. I no longer know how to continue in the face of such anguish!

Do not let anguish take the color of your days and the joy of living.

In anguish, pain and sadness, God is my greatest safe haven.

Don’t be hostage to your anguish.

Anguish is the symptom to indicate that the heart that speaks, but there is no language capable of translating it.

That all anguish turns into smiles!

Remember that life is not sad, even if there are times when it is only possible to cry.

This anguish is destroying me, but as long as I leave faith, I will fight to overcome this difficult moment.

In the midst of anguish and problems, Jesus does not let him fight alone. Through faith, you can hear your voice saying, “No theme, I’m with you!”

The anguish of having lost does not overcome the joy of having a new day to try again.

All anguish has its end. Believe it and live one day at a time. To help you with such a difficult walk, we have separated beautiful citations of hope that are true fuels from positivity. Be sure to check it out!

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