55 Thank You Status Messages That Record Your Gratitude

Gratitude is the way we find to show that we are happy with everything we receive. We need to exercise it more often and feed our hearts with good feelings. Therefore, we have selected the best thank you for status that will infect your contacts with the sweetness of this gesture. Check it out and fill your timeline with inspiring messages!

Thanks citations for status that recognize what happens good in your life

Today, I am grateful for life, everyone who makes it an extremely special place.

Gratitude is the only treasure of the humble.

Gratitude trusts in the past and love in the present.

Everything God does in our lives is worthy of gratitude, because He does thinking about our best.

Thank you for the gift of living and collecting unforgettable memories that make me feel alive.

What would life be without friends? Anything! So, thank you for being surrounded by the best.

The colors of life fill me to thank you for being able to see them and understand your changes.

There are always more reasons to thank you than complaining. I’m grateful for everything I have, I am and will be.

I will always thank because there is no greater happiness than being happy with the life that is led.

Thank you, my God! For all the blessings shed and never abandon your child.

Clara morning, thanks! The essential is to live.

Your love makes me so well, fills me with joy and hope. Thank you for always taking care of me!

A grateful heart has no time to live unnecessary wars.

The most beautiful thing we can offer to someone is our gratitude.

Gratitude is the seed that gives the most beautiful and sweet fruits.

The important thing is to thank without waiting for recognition. Gratitude is also good for the heart of those who offer it.

Thank you for the gift of life and to be able to live it with so much love!

There is no more beautiful feeling than being grateful for the people next to us and support us in everything.

Today, I thank myself, because I was strong in all my struggles and never gave up on me.

Get up thanking you for another day and believing that it will be special.

The most beautiful reason to thank is because every day we have new opportunities to live our happiness.

I thank my family who taught me to love people without differentiating them.

My special thanks goes to everyone who accompanies me and cheering for me. Every day I am closer to my realization!

Gratitude to God who never fails and meets the requests of my heart.

I am grateful to God for giving me the strength to overcome the challenges and get closer and closer to Him!

The life that Jesus invited me to live is the best of all. I’m grateful to him for choosing me.

May thank you be constant, that it is a daily habit and to bring peace to our soul.

Why complain if I can thank you? Thank you, my God, for the life you gave me!

Be grateful for what I have is what will make room for God to make much more and surprise me.

I thank my parents for teaching which way to go and never let me get lost.

I will always be infinitely grateful to my parents for everything they sacrificed to give me what I have.

I don’t regret anything, just thank you for everything I have achieved!

I’m grateful the struggles I lived because they made me stronger and wiser.

By faith, I thank God even before things happen, because I know he will hear my cry.

Agreement thanking for the day that starts and lie down with the gratitude that it was a good day.

While tomorrow does not come, I thank you for everything I lived so far.

Thank you for the good I received and efforts to be good in the lives of other people.

The motivation of thanksgiving needs to be true so that it is really wonderful.

Thank you without thinking that you will soon receive something good because it has shown gratitude.

Thank you because you shared your light with me and filled my heart of life.

May gratitude move to me to a place where everything is peace, love and hope.

The greatest symbol that hope is alive is to be grateful for everything, even what is yet to come.

Express my thanks to my family that welcomes me, respects me and loves me as I am.

Thank you, Lord, for your wonderful love.

Anyway, I have grateful for being alive and walked where I walked and lived everything I lived and be exactly as I am.

When you realize that everything is as it should be, gratitude arises.

To thank the good we receive is to return some of the good that was done.

Gratitude is the virtue of the noble souls.

Gratitude is a feeling of love that elevates the Spirit and unites us to God.

Gratitude costs nothing and has a huge value!

For you it may have been so little, but for me it was all! I will always thank you and always! For all my life.

God, I thank you every day for being by my side. Without you I am not a complete person.

Thank you for freeing me and saving, for died in my place, thank you. Jesus, thank you!

Thanks for the conversations, for the attention, for the “infallible” advice, for the compliment that only comes from those who love and, especially, for caring with me.

Let’s be grateful to the people who make us happy. They are the charming gardeners who make our souls flourish.

To thank you become a habit in your life. For this, see our citations of ingratitude and understand how bad this action is to our heart!

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