55 funny and intelligent messages to laugh with your hand on your conscience

It is not an easy task to be funny intelligently. You need to think fast, have a baggage of information and use the words to your advantage. To help you rock the jokes, we have selected the best smart and funny quotes. Check it out and rock when it comes to making a right shot with someone who is deserving!

Funny and intelligent quotes to laugh with wisdom

The important thing is not to be someone who knows everyone, but to be friends with someone who knows. I activated energy saving mode to maintain relationships.

Maybe the emptiness you feel is not lack of love, it is lack of food.

Intelligent people never be wrong with others, they only comment on scientific misconceptions.

Smart knows that walking slowly is better because it also comes somewhere and arrives without being tired.

Better laugh than crying because we look more beautiful smiling and not dehydrates.

Since I can’t change the world, I will save my sleeping energy.

The drink does not make me less intelligent, in fact, it makes me braver to show how smart I am.

The only magic formula for making money is to wake up and go to work.

We don’t drink every day to be an alcoholic. So, we drink yes and day no.

It’s not lazy, it turns out that I’ve analyzed all the probabilities and none will work.

Analyzing the odds of getting out of bed in the cold and gave 0% of chances.

There are a woman who still believes in fairy tale, he is kissing frog behind the frog to find the prince enchanted.

As an inert body saves energy, it tends to stand, I chose to lie down today.

The more energy I save, the more energy I have to spend resting.

I chose to wait … the card turn.

The best of being smart is to listen to bullshit from others and know that they are lying to impress you.

What funny has you to be smart and keep believing that it is the work that makes us rich?

The person does everything the same every day and asks for life to surprise him.

I miss someone to heat up, but I’m making the smart and less complicated option: buying a heater.

I’m not lazy, I’m strategist and direct my energy to what matters.

too tired to spend energy that I will take hours to produce again.

Everything will pass, it can be on top of you, unlike what you want, but it will pass.

Life is a runaway truck without brake, and you just hope not to beat and survive.

Trust your self of the future, he is able to do what his past self has not achieved and what his gift self is not in the mood.

I don’t cry anymore because I just want to have expression wrinkles to smile.

My qualities are so amazing that only extraordinary people can recognize them.

Can you choose: Do you have a dishwashing dishes or a lot to Carpir? You are taking care of my life too much.

Man can’t even find where he put control of the TV and wants to find the clitoris.

I don’t need a prince enchanted, I need money.

I’m an independent woman, but … if you want to pay my bills, I accept.

Forgetting what to say is a blessing that prevents you from regretting by speaking idiocy.

This is the truth: smart people have dumb attitudes when they are in love.

What’s the point of being a genius if you can’t even talk to who you are interested in?

Don’t be discouraged if life is difficult because it can always get even worse.

If anyone can explain to me, I case without thinking twice.

Currently, the young house to share the accounts. Love is a thing of the past.

I don’t believe in man because I’m too smart to believe in fantasy.

running is for the donkeys, the smart ones go by car.

Thief at least steals to help at home, and the politician?

The weight of being intelligent is having no memory for anything. You even forget who you are. I just know that I remember nothing.

I drink to escape my head, but funny, she insists on accompanying me where I go.

I don’t need to know everything, I just need to know someone who can explain everything to me.

Intelligent are not afraid, they analyze the risks and decide whether to do good or not.

Money doesn’t fall from the sky, but if I fell, you wouldn’t be able to get it because you’re always looking at your phone.

My worst enemy is me who thinks I will always realize when the deadline tightens.

It’s rare to find beautiful, interesting, intelligent and humble people … We are few!

My life represented in Roman numerals: Vixi.

The cool thing about sarcasm is that the intelligent understand and the idiots are offended.

I am from time when ridiculous was to be avoided, not a goal to be achieved.

Did you know? The smartest people in the world live in the world.

There are two types of people in the world: the smart and those who come back with eg

Who has a limit card, baby.

Cell phones are getting thinner and more intelligent, unlike people.

Sometimes it is better to be quiet and let you think you are an idiot than to open your mouth and leave no doubt!

Who invented seriousness could only be kidding.

You will rock when you tell your new jokes to the crowd. Also check out our smart quotes and be inspired to seek more knowledge.

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