50 priority status messages that establish what really matters

In these rush times we live, there is no shortage of things to care! It is so much obligation and interest that if we do not establish priorities, everything becomes a mess. In this sense, to talk to followers about what matters most to you and, if applicable, send someone indirect, check out status priority quotes!

Priority citations for perfect status to send an indirect

It is important to always remember to make priority only who treats us as a priority.

We need to let our priorities know that they are our priorities, people deserve to feel this joy.

When learning to make you your priority, you will see how wonderful it is no longer disappointed.

It is an honor to be someone’s priority, but we always need to remember that we deserved it.

Government is to elect priorities, and when everything is, nothing is.

Being a priority of someone means that a little of your life is happier because of the person.

We need to spend more time taking care of our priorities and less time trying to make us the priority of someone.

It is so rush that establishing priorities is not an option, it is a need.

We put so many things as a priority in our lives, until we find that the true priority is to be happy and love unconditionally.

Making you my priority was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life.

I made my priority of joy; of hope, my certainty and, from the universe, my greatness.

Priority is something simple, we know very well when it is and when it is not.

Not all the words in the world replace the feeling of realizing that it is the priority of someone.

If you don’t know what priority is, think about what makes you happy. Happiness must always be a priority in your life.

The priority is to be honest with us. We can never have an impact on society if we do not change first.

Priority is when even with all the options in the world, you know you would choose that person.

I prioritize you because among all the things in the world you are the one that makes me happiest.

Wisdom must be a priority in your life.

You were a priority, nowadays it’s just a souvenir …

Then coffee cools, the priority changes, the charm is lost, the early is late, the longing passes. Then everything changes.

Life is too short for you to give priority to those who do not deserve it.

God makes each of us priorities, let us make the faith of ours.

What matters to you? What is a priority in your life? Be honest, do not be fooled.

Do not lose sight of your priorities. The rest, as important as it seems, will always be the rest.

Being a priority of someone makes us stronger, more confident; However, we can never depend on it.

Priority is what you see when you look in the mirror.

Among all the things in the world I care about, I choose you.

Being a priority in someone’s life can be a blessing or a curse.

prioritizing is making decisions and knowing how to use your resources according to your focus.

Know how to define the priorities in your life and do not let what is urgent to take place of what really is important to you.

Understanding who our priorities change our way of seeing life.

In life you need to establish priorities to find harmony.

Nothing you wear, think or say defines you as well as your priorities.

In the end, maturity teaches us that we need to be our own priority.

Set your priorities and stay firm to them. This is how you win.

I’m always so clear about what matters to me, it shocks me that they are not all like that.

If it is a real priority, the distance will not change the facts.

I like priority, option I have several.

Priority is what makes the person answer you in a matter of seconds or just the other day.

I do everything for who is my priority, that’s how it should be.

Remember to constantly reflect on your choices and priorities.

You are God’s main priority. Remember this.

self-esteem is the number 1 priority in my life!

Priority for those who prioritize us, and for the rest a big hug!

should be law: to be a priority only for those who take you as one.

Who is a priority, you protect.

Priority is what I never went to you.

The priority reveals maturity when distraction is no longer an option.

There is no shortage of time, priority is lacking.

My priority has always been and will be you, it will be forever like this.

It is always important to establish who is a priority for you and who you are a priority! Speaking of this, check out citations of reciprocity and reflect on your relationships!

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