50 messages of kindness to spread this act around the world

Gentile people attract smiles, friends and especially reciprocity. Therefore, we must spread kindly around the world with attitudes that are within our reach and thus inspire others to act the same way.

Be offering help to someone you need, a “good morning” when you meet your neighbor, or a hug to the people who live with you daily. It is these little things that make a difference and transform our world into a better place.

Thinking about it, we chose several quotes of kindness for you to put into practice in your life whenever possible and delight everyone. Choose your favorite!

Kindness quotes to put into practice every day

That life has more colors, more flowers, more dreams and much kindness.

Being kind makes smiles flourish where before there was only place for contained tears. Be kind, always!

Kindness is like a basic black black. There is no way to make mistakes.

Always be kind, we never know what the other is going through.

Kindness is an act of love. Practice, teach, return, promote, spread around!

Never save: kindness, smiles and good humor.

A gentle word can transform someone’s entire day.

kindness generates kindness.

A great heart is made of small kindness.

When you have to choose between being right and kind, choose to be kind.

Be kind whenever possible. And it is always possible.

Scream kindness with all the heart that the world returns you with all gratitude.

Kindness is the most beautiful way of being sun on someone’s cloudy day.

Put more smiles in this world full of contained tears, be kind without measurement!

Gentile words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.

The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest of all intentions.

Kindness is the same coffee, wakes up your spirit and improves your day.

Kindness is for the soul the same as the perfume is for the flowers.

A act of kindness is the best way to start the day.

I believe in kindness, kindness and gratitude.

Kindness can be its greatest fortress.

One of the biggest victories you can achieve is to defeat an enemy for kindness.

Gentile people are happier.

Be known for your kindness.

Kindness is the most beautiful way to brighten one’s day.

Being kind is easy, simple and can mean a lot for those who receive kindness.

Your kindness can flower someone’s day.

Kindness is a soft way to harvest friends.

Being kind to people is a great legacy to leave.

In this individualistic wave, being kind is to swim against the current.

Always be kind. No one heals getting hurt the other.

Despite everything they have done with you, try to always be kind, polite, true and honest. You can take you everything but your character!

In a world where you can be whatever you want, be kind.

The kindness rejoices who receives it and who offers it. Remember that, be kind today!

Unexpected kindness is the most powerful weapon to change the world.

Spread kindness around as if it were confetti.

Always be kinder than necessary.

Be kind! Thank you, praise, smile, respect, listen more.

You will never regret being kind.

Less judgment, more kindly!

Kindness makes the roughness of the world less rude.

Being kind is not an obligation, but it is a very special possibility.

To be kind is to be able to do for others what you do for yourself.

Being kind is a sign of superiority!

You may forget the kind words you said today, but the person who received them will remember for a lifetime.

Being kind is doing well on anyone!

You can notice: Gentile people transform the world.

If you work hard and are kind, amazing things will happen.

A hot smile is the universal language of kindness.

Just like kindness, other simple acts are also charming. So we selected a list of simplicity quotes for you to value the little things of your day!

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