50 impactful love messages to show the reality of this feeling

Love is a beautiful feeling, but it often ends up being idealized instead of being seen realistically, which can end up generating a lot of disappointment and suffering.

Therefore, we have selected several impactful love quotes that will help you face reality and deal with this feeling in the best way possible. Check it out and share!

Impactful quotes of love that will shock you

Do not insist. Love does not beg.

You don’t need someone who completes you. You just need someone who completely accepts you.

When two people really like each other, they will always work out. No matter how difficult it is.

Love is the saddest thing when it falls.

Love is forgiveness, kindness, complicity and, above all, truth.

Only those who love are willing to go beyond the surface.

The first love leaves marks for a lifetime.

Some loves were made to exist, not to happen.

One day someone will enter your life and make you understand why it never worked with someone else.

All love is beautiful. Ugly is not to love.

Love is the only thing that grows as you share.

Love does not decrease, does not fall apart and do not lose. Love that is love, despite the struggles, remains firm.

When we love, the defect becomes perfection.

Love is not to arrest or have mastery over someone, but it consists in making free to those who love and want well, all love that does not promote freedom, it does not.

In the arithmetic of love, one more is equal to everything and two less one equals nothing.

Solitude does not heal with the love of others. Healing with self -love.

jealousy, one of the most sincere and involuntary ways to demonstrate your love.

The best relationships are those who, besides love, have confidence, friendship and respect.

The people we love most are the most complicated to keep close. Not because they are difficult, but because they are rare.

I love freedom, so I leave the things I love free. If they return, it’s because I conquered them. If they don’t come back, it’s because you never have them.

If it is to love, let it be true, be reciprocal, to be completely. Of means love the world is full.

Love is not a path that brings you back home, love is the house.

I got tired of carrying love alone, love is to be light and good, not heavy and painful.

Love is to give shelter when the storm comes.

reciprocity makes any love work.

If you don’t say what you feel, no one will know. Including who you want the most to know.

Love is really crazy … It comes when we are distracted and comes when we least need it to show us how happier we are together with someone.

First love is eternal, although it belongs to a distant past.

Love is not disposable, many wanting and others throwing away.

Hate is an easy and futile thing. Love requires an effort that everyone knows, but to which not everyone is willing.

For love we stay, but for love we go away too.

and deep down, the love you give, is the love you want to receive.

love maybe that’s it … Find out what the other says even when he doesn’t say.

Because loving is art and not everyone is an artist.

The perfect couple is not one who never has problems, but the one who despite the obstacles always remains together.

When one really loves someone, age, weight, distance and height are simply numbers.

Mature Relations are composed of reciprocity, not by needs.

You find out that just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want you to love it doesn’t mean that someone doesn’t love you with everything you can.

A good relationship is when someone accepts his past, supports his gift and motivates his future.

You have the key to my heart, but if you leave, I change the lock.

Love doesn’t take you anywhere, it just makes you want to stay.

True love has no happy ending, because true love has no end.

One day someone will hug you so tight that all your broken pieces will join again.

Never say you have forgotten a great love, just say you can talk about it without crying, because love is unforgettable.

We start to better understand life when you find true love.

Learn to value those who love you.

Do not waste your time loving who does not love you. Learn to love yourself first.

Just move on. First, because no love must be begged. Second, because all love must be reciprocal.

Love has no cure, but it is the only remedy for all diseases.

Share your smile with those who deserve it, your love with whom you value you, your tears with whom you accompany you and your life with those who love you.

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