50 food messages for those who carry the title of foodie with pride

Just thinking about food is you already hungry? And just talking at lunch you already remember the dessert? If you only go to places if you have something to eat, then this list of food quotes is for you! Separate your favorite Rango, a few minutes and have fun with the following selection.

Quotes about food to say how much you love to eat

Life is like a sandwich, you need to stuff it with the best ingredients.

Love can expect, the hunger I feel, no.

Cook with love feeds the soul.

If you ever feel a void, eat hungry!

On Sundays, calories do not count.

I go anywhere, as long as there is food.

people who are always eating is the best kind of people.

If life is not sweet, it sweets eating something.

Fight? Only if it’s a brigadeiro!

Do not let the chocolate you can eat tomorrow today.

It is not possible to buy happiness, but it is possible to buy food, which is almost the same.

One candy a day is the secret of eternal joy.

If we are what we eat, I’m a delight!

Happiness, Friday and Brigadeiro have 10 letters, it can’t be coincidence!

chocolate may even be half-lamb, but life never.

For days with more joy, good company and good food.

I’m not a glutton, I’m food explorer.

that is sweet. The day, life and the soul.

full belly, happy heart.

sweetness is never too much.

Happiness is to eat a sweetie every day.

Life is too good for us to deprive to eat what brings joy!

eat well to live better.

If you eat well today, your body will thank you tomorrow.

Beauty is nothing, what matters is if the person cooks well.

People who are company to eat are the best people.

I was going to diet, but I made a brigadeiro.

I had a sweet side, but I ate.

If ugly face is hungry, then beautiful guy can only mean that the person ate a beautiful chocolate bar.

The best memories are made of good friends and good food!

Do you think you can blackmail me with food? Because you know that I love pizza!

Life is too short not to eat dessert.

I only came for food.

I like eating so much that my favorite superhero is the supermarket.

Delight is to eat our favorite food alongside those we love.

I wanted to think of beautiful quotes, but I can only think of food.

moon in snacks, ascending in hunger.

There is no more sincere love than mine for food.

Good food, good conversation and good company always yield good times!

Happiness lives on a piece of cake. And I ate.

Money well spent is money spent on Japanese food.

cooking is doing poetry to be tasted.

The best food is that prepared with the heart and seasoned with love.

Letting food left on the plate is not ugly. It is a great social injustice and with the planet.

It is better for a drumstick in hand than two frying.

Rich food is caviar, poor food is what comes.

Good food feeds the body and rejoices the soul.

I would not exchange a flake ice cream for you.

Spending on food is not spent, it is investment.

Great food is romantic. Go straight to the heart.

Just reading this selection of citations must have beaten that hunger, right? Then also check out wine quotes to accompany your meal.

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