50 contemptuous messages to disdain those who deserve it

Not everyone is worth our affection and attention. Some people force the bar so much and test the patience of others so much that they are worthy of a deep disdain. Therefore, we have selected quotes of contempt that are ideal to send that indirect (or even direct). Check it out below, share and show that some people deserve only indifference!

Quotations of contempt in love

Love is beautiful, until someone you like hesitates and makes you suffer. Check out the quotes below that show how contempt is sometimes a great solution for dealing with disappointment.

Here is all intense, from love to contempt.

His coldness and indifference killed the love I felt. Only contested.

There is no greater pain than being despised by those we love.

The worst thing in the world is when someone makes you feel special and then leaves you aside.

The ills of the heart only heal with coldness and contempt.

If it’s love, there is always a way. But if there is indifference, only contempt remains.

The time we spent together was very good, but I can’t stand being despised by anyone. For me it’s over.

thought I would cry for you, was wrong. I’m already in another much better!

is you finding my contempt bad? I learned from you.

Sometimes we despise those who love us to love those who despise us.

Quotations of Contense of Friends

To friends who are not there when you need or do not fulfill the least of what is expected in a friendship, only contempt remains. Check out the quotes we selected and bid that indirect for the fake!

Pay in the same coin? No, I prefer to despise.

It is horrible to feel contempt for someone who has already had appreciation.

more false than three reais.

Who plants indifference reaps contempt.

It took me, but I learned: Not everyone says it is.

There is no fake friend, there are fakes who pretend to be friends.

Good thing time shows who is who!

I have no energy for false friends, forced interactions or unnecessary conversations.

Who is alone, is well accompanied!

Undoing a friendship that has never been really by your side makes no difference.

Quotations of contempt for men

They make games, manipulate, betray confidence and still expect affection as retribution? Because they will receive contempt! Check out the quotes below to express yourself about your disappointment with men.

contempt is a very powerful weapon to end a man’s pride.

If you despised you, it’s because you don’t deserve to be close to you.

Men are not all the same. Each one has their own special way of faltering with you.

Ignore, don’t call, don’t answer. Silence destroys anyone.

Donkey is the man who misses the right woman.

My mother didn’t make me this amazing woman for me to suffer for a male who doesn’t know what she wants in life.

For every man who is smart there is a woman who pretends to be a sucker.

I ran after, you ignored me. Now who despises you is me!

speaks beautiful, but I know you talk to everyone.

I didn’t find my mouth in the trash to kiss a scumbag like you.

Quotations of contempt for ex-boyfriend

The end of a relationship can hurt, but always passes. After overcoming comes the contempt! If you have only disdain for what is gone, check out our contempt quotes to ex-boyfriend.

There are things in life that we don’t lose, we get rid!

Do not despise yourself. Self -care heals many evils.

If ex good, God would not have the neighbor love.

Do you miss me? Back to the past, that’s where I wanted you.

You have lost and now life will show you how loneliness hurts.

What I want most today is to stay well away from you.

move on and forget me, it’s not my fault if I already got over you.

Ex good is ex alive, for us to see the decay closely.

told me that I would never find someone like him again, looked to heaven and thank God!

You were my biggest loss. My greatest waste of time!

Contempt Quotations for Status

contempt can be directed to someone or some situation, it can be for everything or everyone. If within you there is a deep disdain, express yourself by updating your status with one of the quotes below!

I despise your ignorance and ignore your contempt.

I live my life alone and I can’t even cry. Disappointments clog my eyes with contempt.

I got tired of treating with priority those who treat me as an option.

Silence is the most perfect expression of contempt.

Indifference is the most polished way to despise someone.

Today you despise, tomorrow will be despised.

Idiot people deserve their silence.

I already felt so much, today I feel nothing but contempt.

We ordinarily treat those people from whom we do not expect goods or fear ills.

treated me with coldness and contempt? So get ready, because I will do snow!

Now you have a complete list to release indirect for those who deserve your contempt! We think you may also like our selection of indifference citations. Check it out!

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