50 comforting messages for grief to comfort loved ones

Each person faces mourning in a different way. There is no revenue or a certain time. All we can do is respect the process of each being, express our condolences, be empathic and offer some words of comfort. Therefore, we have selected the most careful consolation quotes to mourning so you will share with those who are suffering. Check it out!

Consolation quotes to mourning to be next to those who need support so much

At this moment of great pain, I ask God to comfort the hearts of mourning. May the family find peace and acceptance.

mourning is a process. Embrace your pain and take care of your heart. You know you can count on me. All my affection.

Remember all the sweet memories that stayed. Dear people only depart when we stop thinking about them. May your soul find comfort.

There is no revenue to face mourning. Welcome your pain, think of your loved one with love and make sure he found the rest.

I know that words are insufficient to calm your heart at this moment of great pain, but know that I’m here for what you need. May the mourning pass and your soul find peace.

Today the sky gets a new star; You, a new intercessor with God and the earth is a little sadder. I send a solidarity hug to cherish your pain.

Sadness is so big and mourning hurts so much, but know that I am with you. Over time, the good memories will prevail and the longing will be affectionate.

Death can separate two bodies, but never two hearts. Embrace the good memories and thank you for living with such a beautiful human being.

Loss leaves a void in life. Respect your mourning process and resignify your memories. May your loved one always be a source of pride and inspiration for you. He lives in you and has this conviction: Today a soul has found God!

You are in my prayers. May the grief turn into a beautiful garden of good memories. May your heart find peace.

I know losing someone is difficult and I would like to cure for their pain. I don’t have. However, I am by your side and I will always have a friendly shoulder to be your comfort.

I ask God to receive your loved one with open arms. May the angels be by your side at this moment of sadness. A hug to your whole family.

Stay with your heart rested, you had the pleasure of sharing life with an inspiring person. Death is just a physical separation.

In the love of God, one day you and your loved one will be united again. At this point, honor the memory of those you love and take care of the memories that stayed.

The pain of mourning is our soul expressing the longing for someone who has gone through our lives and changed our existence. Cry, let it hurt, respect your process.

My condolences. I’m sorry for your loss. May good memories involve your heart and calm your soul.

I know that grief hurts, however, I wish the feeling of gratitude to prevail in your heart. You shared life with an amazing person.

Your loved one, surely, would like to see you well, following your life and conquering your dreams. Rest assured that there from the sky, a blessed little star takes care of you.

There is nothing I can do to heal your pain, but you can rest your sadness in my hug. I will be by your side at this moment of mourning.

Today the sky is happy, for the most whole and humble being human, with whom I had the pleasure of living, was recruited to be part of the Lord’s Angels Battalion. My condolences.

You will find the presence of the loved one in the little beauties of life, because love never dies, only transforms and is a reminder of eternity.

My condolences. Gratitude is the most beautiful way to honor a person who broke, but remains alive in the heart.

I’m thinking of you right now and send a lot of welcoming energy to comfort your heart. My condolences.

May love be your greatest strength to go through mourning. May your soul find acceptance and your heart be involved in the sweetness of the memories that have stayed.

We are never prepared to lose someone. Death hurts who is. May God console your family. A loving hug.

I’m sorry for your loss. May time relieve pain, that longing is filled with memories and may your heart find peace.

My sincere feelings. I would like to be by your side at this moment of mourning. As I can’t, I want you to know that you are in my thoughts. Even from afar, receive my hug.

Life is fragile and ephemeral. We will never get used to goodbye, but it is inevitable. Welcome your pain and go through the mourning process.

I know it is difficult to be the one who remains when someone we love left. However, you are not alone, you have the memories that stayed and all the people who love you.

Your family needs you a lot at this time of great pain. May the mourning be lived in union, may the pain be shared and that the memories that have been celebrated.

All I can say right now is that I’m by your side. You don’t have to go through the mourning alone. My hug is your home.

My condolences! I know the pain is intense and that life looks gray. However, live one day at a time, the sun will shine again and the good memories will make you smile again.

There is nothing that can bring your loved one back, but the affection, love and memories will keep it always present in your life.

People depart when they have already fulfilled their mission on Earth. From heaven, your loved one will continue to take care of you.

Denial is enemy of mourning. Don’t be afraid of pain, don’t be ashamed to cry. Live everything without saving. It is necessary to vent to find acceptance. If we suffered this pain it was because there was love.

People who depart leave themselves a lot in us. Make sure that loved one left the most beautiful example. May He remain alive in your heart.

My condolences. I want you to know that I’m here for you. You will never be a nuisance. Don’t be afraid to ask my help.

Your life was marked by someone very special. Mourning hurts, longing is immense, but you will always have the gift of having lived with such a beautiful soul.

The grief leaves the heart shattered, but the memories, little in a little, rebuild the joy. Be kind and understanding with you.

In this moment of pain, open your heart and let God be your comfort. That mourning brings acceptance and peace to your life.

I send hope and love so that you can go through this moment of pain. May your family be united and in tune. My condolences.

Your life will never be the same, because whoever passes us leaves marks that change us forever. You had a great example and are an inspiring person.

If you need to cry, cry. If you need silence, silence. If you need a hug, I’m here. My condolences.

Death is just a brief separation, it is love in transmutation. One day there will be the reunion of souls. Calm your heart.

Make good memories your greatest motivation to continue living. Your loved one will always be present in your heart.

longing eternalizes the presence of those who have already departed. May time calm down your heart and that genuine love brings the acceptance your soul needs.

There is no reason in death, it happens because it is the natural of life. Value the memories that were and make sure you had a blessing of person by your side.

The passage of your loved one to the earth was beautiful. We lost a great person, but we have a huge example. My condolences!

Remember that love is the creative force of the universe that transcends time, space and matter. In thought, the loved one will always remain alive. My condolences.

I share with you my heart. That in this moment of mourning, you feel supported and welcomed. Always count on my support.

It is so difficult to find the right words to comfort a heart of mourning. Let the person know that you care and feel a lot. Also check out the death quotes that bring beautiful host messages.

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